Apr 25, 2011 10:12 AM ET
by Damian Holbrook
Lance Reddick Tick, tock. Tick, tock...
Now that Walternate's doomsday machine was activated last Friday night, the countdown is on and in two weeks, we'll be seeing whether our universe or the alt-world makes it out of Fringe's third season alive. Then again, who knows? Walter and company are pretty crafty, so maybe both will be OK. Or maybe the worlds will merge. One thing we do know for sure is that we should expect at least one fatality. 'Cause that's how finales roll, you know?
In a recent interview with TV Guide Magazine, producers Jeff Pinkner and Joel Wyman dropped an ominous tease that fans can expect "a character they love" to perish before the end of the season. And after the events of past episodes, especially Friday's kick-ass hour, the list of possible DOAs seems to be taking an unsettling shape. Fauxlivia is in federal custody for traitorously trying to cross over to our world; Peter is in a coma following his ill-fated attempt to enter the big-bang machine; and Astrid remains the only cast regular without some sort of a link to Nina Sharp. That can't be good. And let's not forget Sam Weiss, who might have to pay for being so shady; Lincoln Lee, whose love for Fauxlivia could compromise his judgment; and Scarlie, although killing off Kirk Acevedo twice would just be rude.
So, start placing your bets in the comments below and let us know who you think will bite it by the May 6th season finale. And if you say Gene, we will report you to PETA.
Can they kill Peter so I can stop watching?
Obviously peter. He has no purpose and his one storyline is given to Olivia because she is the lead and all. Peter is never useful.
No need to be negative anon wait til the next episode it may not be as it seems. Back to the question my feeling is Scharlie or Henry we love both those characters and there is only one of them (not sure about Henry yet) interesting that Charlie was not in the last episode. I think the writers want us to think Broyles will die after his comment in LSD. Fringe always keeps you guessing.
if they have Peter die, it will only be to resurrect him next season. Broyles would be an obvious choice, given that his alt is dead. Charlie would be a possibility, if the universes must balance, or alt-Olivia's mother. Liv's sister has vanished without fanfare on our side, so much for the balancing theory. Now that they've finally developed Astrid's character, they'll kill her because they've run out of variations of her name. Olivia, our Walter, and Peter are assured not to be permanently dead; everyone else is fair game.
i think walternate will die somehow.... and he will replaced by a more vicious Alt-Nina!!!
Cazza, presume you mean Henry the Cabbie not Henry the Baby...it was hard enough when we had two of everything but now we have two and a bit! I think Kirk (Alt-Charlie) is now in something else, maybe why we don't see him so much, making him too easy to target, so unlikely.
Anonymous, I think Walternate, falls into the 'love to hate', but I do like the idea of a vicious Alt-Nina as replacement, V-Nina maybe.
If we end up with only one universe being saved, we have a whole lot of somebodies perishing.
Broyles or Ella my bet
My bet is on our Olivia..... Although i'd probably die with her if that happens (i know, a little over dramatic but you'll get over it)
Olivia will die, but Fauxlivia will defect to the blue universe with Henry Bishop. So next season we'll have Peter, Fauxlivia, Walter and the rest on the blue side.
@Ron E. I was actually leaning this way too. I think that whoever, if anyone, actually bites it they will be one of a double. This way we can see someone die and not know who we saw die.
Well, my theory is based on spoilers for the last episode so I can't share it here in the news section.
Only so much, if it's one of the lead characters I don't think they'll be dead for good but there will be some twist at the beginning of next season which brings them back or something fringe-y like that.
I also find Anon's idea compelling that they might kill one of a double and we'll have to wait till next season to find out which one it is. That would rule out everyone without an alternate, namely Peter, Scarly, Broyles, Rachel, Ella, Baby Henry (though I'm confident he's safe either way) and possibly Henry the cab driver, Nina and Sam, basically leaving both versions of each Olivia, Walter, Astrid, Lincoln and Brandon (though I'm not sure if people care enough about him for him to qualify as "loved"). So to sum it up I'll go with either Olivia, Walter, Astrid or Lincoln, while I personally believe it's gonna be Olivia
...and console myself with the fact that in Fringe nothing's gotta be for good. Right?
Killing Kirk Acevedo off a second time round would definitely suck. But he's been cast into a pilot, and (I think) I read something about it having a good chance of being picked up, based on the plot that is.
I think just as long as it's not Lincoln (from either side), I'll be ok. =)
Other than that, I think it might be Fauxlivia. She's so damn gutsy, I can see her sacrificing herself for someone/a universe (like Peter). On that thought, I can see what Lincoln would do for Fauxlivia. =(
Hmmm...a "beloved" character. I can't think of one off the bat. I'll go with likeable. How 'bout that Lincoln feller. There's two of him, so it seems plausible to lose one. They could also do cab jockey Henry in too. That may bum me out for a few minutes. Sigh...
Is that pic of Broyles in any way leading? I hope not.
I guess that's Lincoln ... I guess he'll oppose Walternate for lying about Alt-Broyles and detaining Fauxlivia, and that can't end well for him ( Alt-Broyles was the last one to do that, remember ! ) I'm feeling Walternate will die too, but we don't "love" him, so he doesn't count here.
I am getting tired of the all Oliva show. One less Oliva would be a good thing.
I read a spoiler that they (producers/writers, Idon't know exactly who) said the death of this beloved character would be cool and fun, the only way I see that happening is if Gene dies.
But my bet is on Nina. No one suspects of her, that is the reason I do.
Big fan from Brazil
Well in my opinion the character would be sam weiss and that's because peter will step in his shoes being that much imporant and everything.....
I agree, my vote is for Jean to be the team member that either is killed or dies by accident.
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