Fringe Movie-Style Trailer For Entrada
By Dennis Email Post 11/30/2010 03:37:00 PM Categories: Fringe, Preview, Spoiler, Video
Entertainment Weekly has an exclusive movie-style trailer for the upcoming Fringe episode "Entrada".
FYI, according to EW commentator Mark Justice, there is backwards audio in the clip that says "Only one way to find out."
What's Your Favorite Fringe Episode So Far?
By Dennis Email Post 11/30/2010 11:04:00 AM Categories: Fringe, Polls
SpoilerTV has compiled a list of every Fringe episode poll they have conducted, ranking the episodes by popularity. The top five episodes, based on average poll rating:
At the bottom of the list, their least popular episodes were:
Again, the bottom of our barrel is very similar, with the addition of "The Bishop Revival (#213)" and "Johari Window (#211)".
Of course these polls are completely unscientific, and based on an incomplete result set (SpoilerTV didn't poll for the first 3 Fringe episodes, and we didn't start polling until season 2). However, since their results match ours so closely, there must be some truth in these numbers.
You can see our poll results after the jump, or check out the Fringe Episodes section to see individual polls.
Tell us what your favorite (an least favorite) Fringe episodes are in the comments.
- The Abducted (#307)
- Jacksonville (#201)
- Grey Matters (#210)
- Peter (#215)
- Over There, Part 1 (#221)
At the bottom of the list, their least popular episodes were:
43. Night Of Desirable Objects (#202)
44. Power Hungry (#105)
45. Earthling (#206)
46. Unearthed (#121)
47. Brown Betty (#219)
Again, the bottom of our barrel is very similar, with the addition of "The Bishop Revival (#213)" and "Johari Window (#211)".
Of course these polls are completely unscientific, and based on an incomplete result set (SpoilerTV didn't poll for the first 3 Fringe episodes, and we didn't start polling until season 2). However, since their results match ours so closely, there must be some truth in these numbers.
You can see our poll results after the jump, or check out the Fringe Episodes section to see individual polls.
Tell us what your favorite (an least favorite) Fringe episodes are in the comments.
What is your favorite Fringe episode so far?
Fringe Scenemaker 308: Entrada
By Dennis Email Post 11/30/2010 09:16:00 AM Categories: Behind The Scenes, Fringe, Scenemaker, Spoiler, Video
Here's a sneak peek and behind-the-scenes looks at the Fringe episode "Entrada", which airs Thursday, December 2nd on FOX.
New Sneak Peek 308 "Entrada"
By JuliDG Email Post 11/30/2010 08:30:00 AM Categories: Sneak Peek, Video
Here's a new sneak peek thanks to Sky1
Fringe 308 Commercials: Entrada
By Dennis Email Post 11/28/2010 08:32:00 PM Categories: Commercial, Fringe, Preview, Spoiler, Video
Here are two new commercials from the Fringe episode "Entrada":
"It's that good" Commercial:
Fringe and Bones:
"It's that good" Commercial:
Fringe and Bones:
Fringe 308 "Entrada" Canadian Promo
By JuliDG Email Post 11/26/2010 08:08:00 PM Categories: Video
Thanks to CityTv, here's a new promo for the next episode of Fringe.
Fringe Graphic Novel: Chapter 2 & 3
By JuliDG Email Post 11/25/2010 02:50:00 PM Categories: Comic, Fringe, Observer, Video, Web Graphic Novel
Here are the last 2 web comics of Fringe, hope you like it.
Tales From The Fringe Comic #6 - Olivia
By Dennis Email Post 11/24/2010 01:45:00 PM Categories: Comic, Fringe, Tales From The Fringe
Here is the cover art and six pages from the sixth and final issue of the Tales From The Fringe comic, which was released today at a comic book store near you.
In the first tale, War Games, we get a inside look at Olivia's past. In the second story, Sacrifice, a couple of tourists go on a secret excursion, and get more than they bargained for.
Fringe Photo Gallery: The Abducted, 6955 kHz, and Amber 31422
By Dennis Email Post 11/24/2010 01:25:00 AM Categories: Fringe,, Photos, Promotional Photos, Screencaps
HD screenshots of Fringe episodes The Abducted, 6955 kHz, and Amber 31422 are now available at
These screen caps have all been randomly selected, so if there's something that might be missing, you can request a specific Fringe screenshot in the Fringe Easter Eggs section.
Promotional photos are also available at
Fringe Review: The Abducted
By Josie Kafka Email Post 11/20/2010 05:01:00 PM Categories: Fringe, Review, Season 3, The Abducted

“I won’t forget what you did here.”
So now Olivia knows that Broyles knows what she knows. Walternate knows that Olivia knows what he worried she knew. And Peter knows what he didn’t know (despite my theory that he did know): he knows that what he thought he knew is wrong. The question is: when will Fauxlivia know what Peter now knows, and what will she do with that knowledge?
Fringe to move to Friday night in January
By Kim Email Post 11/19/2010 11:32:00 PM Categories: Announcement, Fox, Schedule, Season 3
Fox has released it's mid season schedule shake up, and Fringe finds itself being bumped to Friday night 9PM starting on 28th January. Known as the 'death' night in the US TV stakes, fans are understandably upset and disappointed by the move. That being said, there are also some positives that can come from the move. No longer will it be competing with the Thursday night powerhouses, but I believe it can make an ever bigger name for itself here.
Fans need to step up to the plate here and keep watching!! Fringe fans are loyal, so let's get together and make sure that we follow it wherever it goes, and spread to the word far and wide - Fringe is an awesome show that many, many more people SHOULD be watching!
Below is the press release from FOX Network President Kevin Reilly on Fringe's move and we can definitely take some positives from it:
"As for the decision to bump Fringe to Fridays, “Fringe has a very particular, loyal audience,” Reilly said. With the show picking up almost half of its viewrship via DVR, he doesn’t expect the sci-fi series to take a big ratings hit in moving to Fridays where it will be paired with solid reality performer Kitchen Nightmares. “If (Fringe) could stay near the current levels, we’ll get a big trade-up on Friday and will solve our problem there.” - Kevin Reilly (FOX Network President)
What are your thoughts Fringe fans?!
Fans need to step up to the plate here and keep watching!! Fringe fans are loyal, so let's get together and make sure that we follow it wherever it goes, and spread to the word far and wide - Fringe is an awesome show that many, many more people SHOULD be watching!
Below is the press release from FOX Network President Kevin Reilly on Fringe's move and we can definitely take some positives from it:
"As for the decision to bump Fringe to Fridays, “Fringe has a very particular, loyal audience,” Reilly said. With the show picking up almost half of its viewrship via DVR, he doesn’t expect the sci-fi series to take a big ratings hit in moving to Fridays where it will be paired with solid reality performer Kitchen Nightmares. “If (Fringe) could stay near the current levels, we’ll get a big trade-up on Friday and will solve our problem there.” - Kevin Reilly (FOX Network President)
What are your thoughts Fringe fans?!
Fringe Sneak Peek 308 "Entrada"
By JuliDG Email Post 11/19/2010 03:35:00 PM Categories: Sneak Peek
Here's a sneak peek of the first Fringe episode with a Spanish title :) ... Enjoy.
Fringe Now: Typewritten Messages 5
By Dennis Email Post 11/19/2010 12:27:00 AM Categories: Fringe, Fringe Now, Typewritten Messages, Video
On the "Typewritten Messages" section of the Sprint Fringe Now website, a new message has been unlocked.
After entering the glyph code CROSS, a video is shown titled "Fibonacci Sequence - Do they understand?".
The 'Typewritten Message' this week is:
Fringe 308 Preview: Entrada
By Dennis Email Post 11/18/2010 11:23:00 PM Categories: Preview, Season 3, Spoiler, Video
Preview for the Fringe episode "Entrada" (Spanish for "Entry"), which airs two-weeks from tonight on December 2nd on FOX.
Head over to the FringeTelevision YouTube channel (and click the "pop out" button) to watch it in full-sized HD.
Screenshots of the video are available at
Fringe Easter Eggs: Observer in The Abducted
By Dennis Email Post 11/18/2010 10:20:00 PM Categories: Easter Eggs, Fringe, Observer, Season 3
The Observer can be spotted in the Fringe episode The Abducted, standing outside of the restaurant (next to the mustard bottle!) where Olivia talks to Henry Higgins about her plan to go home.
You can see all of The Observer's other appearances here.
Fringe Easter Eggs: Glyphs in The Abducted
By Dennis Email Post 11/18/2010 10:01:00 PM Categories: Easter Eggs, Fringe, Glyphs
The Glyphs code in the Fringe episode The Abducted spelled out ESCAPE.
For more information on the Fringe Glyphs, check out Fringepedia's Glyph / Symbols page, which has all the previous glyphs and codes.
Tonight On Fringe: The Abducted
By Dennis Email Post 11/18/2010 07:07:00 PM Categories: Episodes, Fringe, Live Chat

Tonight is the seventh episode of Fringe Season 3 - "The Abducted".
As always, we'll have a LIVE Fringe chat from 9:00 PM to 12:00 PM ET, if you want to talk with other Fringe fans, during or after the show. We usually play "spot the observer", and "What's the glyph code?", plus discuss the action on the show. To join the chat, visit the Fringe chat room, enter your name or a nickname, and join the fun! (please don't use the default mib_xxxxx nickname!)
After the show, get more information on The Abducted at:
- The Abducted episode page on Fringepedia
- The Abducted screenshot gallery at FringeFiles
- The Abducted promotional photos at FringeFiles
To discuss The Abducted or any other episode, head over the the Fringe episode section.
How do you rate "The Abducted"?
Fringe Episode 307: The Abducted
By Dennis Email Post 11/18/2010 07:02:00 PM Categories: Fringe, Season 3
When a serial kidnapper “over there” strikes again, the emotional and familiar case hits home for Colonel Broyles, sending a determined Olivia to uncover additional details about the abductions. In the meantime, Olivia fights on and reunites with Henry (guest star Royo) to enlist his services on an intense and covert mission to return home
Discuss the episode here in the comments.
Fringe Review: 6955 KHz
By Josie Kafka Email Post 11/14/2010 06:10:00 AM Categories: Fringe, Review, Season 3

“If you end up breaking the universe, this time it’s on your head.”
The First People existed long before dinosaurs. They conceived of time differently than we did, using a complex system of variable-length months to give order to their universe. They also discovered the vacuum cleaner. No, wait: The Vacuum, a device that has the power to create and destroy at the level of the Big Bang. No wonder they didn’t last long.
Fringe Graphic Novel: Chapter 1 - The Observer confirms the future.
By Dennis Email Post 11/12/2010 01:20:00 PM Categories: Comic, Fringe, Observer, Video, Web Graphic Novel
The Sprint Now section of the website has opened the Tales From The Fringe section, featuring exclusive new web comics.
The first chapter, titled "The Observer confirms the future", is about a boy named Bobby who is watched over by an Observer.
You can view screenshots of the video at
Fringe 307 Preview: The Abducted
By Dennis Email Post 11/12/2010 07:38:00 AM Categories: Preview, Season 3, Spoiler, Video
Preview for the Fringe episode "The Abducted", which airs November 18th on FOX.
Fringe Now: Typewritten Messages 4
By Dennis Email Post 11/11/2010 11:32:00 PM Categories: Fringe, Fringe Now, Typewritten Messages, Video
On the "Typewritten Messages" section of the Sprint Fringe Now website, a new message has been unlocked.
After entering ESCAPE, which based on last week, appears to be next week glyph code for "The Abducted", a video is shown titled "Temperate Zones - North and South poles still exist".
The 'Typewritten Message' this week is:
Fringe Easter Eggs: Observer in 6955 kHz
By Dennis Email Post 11/11/2010 11:21:00 PM Categories: Easter Eggs, Fringe, Observer, Season 3
The Observer can be spotted in the Fringe episode 6955 kHz, standing outside of the building where Bad Olivia pushed the shapeshifter out of the buiilding.
You can see all of The Observer's other appearances here.
Fringe Easter Eggs: Glyphs in 6955 kHz
By Dennis Email Post 11/11/2010 11:12:00 PM Categories: Easter Eggs, Fringe, Glyphs
The Glyphs code in the Fringe episode 6955 kHz spelled out DECAY.
For more information on the Fringe Glyphs, check out Fringepedia's Glyph / Symbols page, which has all the previous glyphs and codes.
Fringe Easter Eggs: Observer in Amber 31422
By Dennis Email Post 11/11/2010 10:44:00 PM Categories: Easter Eggs, Fringe, Observer, Season 3
The Observer can be spotted in the Fringe episode Amber 31422, standing outside of the bank where Olivia almost get trapped in amber.
You can see all of The Observer's other appearances here.
Fringe Easter Eggs: Glyphs in 6955 kHz
By samspade Email Post 11/11/2010 10:37:00 PM Categories: Easter Eggs, Fringe, Glyphs
The Glyphs code in the Fringe episode 6955 kHz spelled out DECAY.
For more information on the Fringe Glyphs, check out Fringepedia's Glyph / Symbols page, which has all the previous glyphs and codes.
For more information on the Fringe Glyphs, check out Fringepedia's Glyph / Symbols page, which has all the previous glyphs and codes.
Tonight On Fringe: 6955 kHz
By Dennis Email Post 11/11/2010 06:00:00 PM Categories: Episodes, Fringe, Live Chat

Tonight is the sixth episode of Fringe Season 3 - "6955 kHz".
As always, we'll have a LIVE Fringe chat from 9:00 PM to 12:00 PM ET, if you want to talk with other Fringe fans, during or after the show. We usually play "spot the observer", and "What's the glyph code?", plus discuss the action on the show. To join the chat, visit the Fringe chat room, enter your name or a nickname, and join the fun! (please don't use the default mib_xxxxx nickname!)
After the show, get more information on 6955 kHz at:
- 6955 kHz episode page on Fringepedia
- 6955 kHz screenshot gallery at FringeFiles
- 6955 kHz promotional photos at FringeFiles
To discuss 6955 kHz or any other episode, head over the the Fringe episode section.
How do you rate the Fringe episode "6955 kHz"?
Fringe Episode 306: 6955 kHz
By Dennis Email Post 11/11/2010 04:17:00 PM Categories: Fringe, Season 3
Back “over here,” the Fringe Division investigates a bizarre phenomenon when 15 people up and down the Eastern Seaboard, all suffer retrograde amnesia from listening to their shortwave radios on the same frequency. Much to Walter’s dismay, Peter presses on with piecing together the mass destruction device. Just as alternate Olivia and Peter’s chemistry deepens, the anticipation of Olivia’s return escalates
Discuss the episode here in the comments.
Canadian Promo For 3.06, "6955 kHz"
By fringeobsessed Email Post 11/10/2010 07:33:00 PM Categories: Preview, Season 3, Video
ZonaFringe posted this Canadian Promo for 3.06, which airs tomorrow night. Enjoy!
Fringe Website:
By Dennis Email Post 11/08/2010 09:54:00 AM Categories: ARG, Art, Fringe, Jasika Nicole
A Fringe alternate universe website,, has been created to help the families and loved ones "Remember The Ambered".
On the "Amber Relief Fund Memorial Site", there are currently four pages of memorial posts dedicated to people who were trapped in amber in the alternate universe. Among the messages are a couple of interesting tidbits, including this call to action:
"But I'm not writing to tell you about my pain. What's at stake is much bigger than that. I'm writing to raise awareness about the dangers we're turning away from. I'm writing as a call to action. Nobody likes to think their family could be effected, but it's inevitable if we don't change our methods of containment. Today, on the anniversary of Marco's death, I hope you'll join me in supporting the dedicated scientists, researchers, and engineers who are searching for answers. Our children, and their children, deserve more than this. Please support the Amber Relief Fund to help us find a better way"
There is also mention of a rogue group:
"The perpetrators of the event are believed to be members of the Base Brigade, and a Fringe Division investigation is ongoing."
The site also has non-working links to donate, and a non-working form to submit your own amber memorial story.
On the "Amber Relief Fund Memorial Site", there are currently four pages of memorial posts dedicated to people who were trapped in amber in the alternate universe. Among the messages are a couple of interesting tidbits, including this call to action:
"But I'm not writing to tell you about my pain. What's at stake is much bigger than that. I'm writing to raise awareness about the dangers we're turning away from. I'm writing as a call to action. Nobody likes to think their family could be effected, but it's inevitable if we don't change our methods of containment. Today, on the anniversary of Marco's death, I hope you'll join me in supporting the dedicated scientists, researchers, and engineers who are searching for answers. Our children, and their children, deserve more than this. Please support the Amber Relief Fund to help us find a better way"
There is also mention of a rogue group:
"The perpetrators of the event are believed to be members of the Base Brigade, and a Fringe Division investigation is ongoing."
The site also has non-working links to donate, and a non-working form to submit your own amber memorial story.
Fringe Review: Amber 31422
By Josie Kafka Email Post 11/07/2010 12:43:00 AM Categories: Art, Fringe, Jasika Nicole, Review, Season 3
“Nature doesn’t recognize good and evil. Nature only recognizes balance and imbalance. I intend to restore balance.”
On my home site (instead of Over Here), a commenter discussing Supernatural recently mentioned that The Vampire Diaries, which I also review, had spoiled him on plot development. On VD, the changes come fast and furious, and missing one episode would probably be like missing about ten Fringe episodes. So even though this episode seems stuck in neutral, I think that we should be okay with that. We have our characters, our worlds (two for the price of one!), and some fairly interesting plots. Fringe isn’t running at a break-neck speed, and I’m okay with that. It’s still way, way better than FlashForward.
On my home site (instead of Over Here), a commenter discussing Supernatural recently mentioned that The Vampire Diaries, which I also review, had spoiled him on plot development. On VD, the changes come fast and furious, and missing one episode would probably be like missing about ten Fringe episodes. So even though this episode seems stuck in neutral, I think that we should be okay with that. We have our characters, our worlds (two for the price of one!), and some fairly interesting plots. Fringe isn’t running at a break-neck speed, and I’m okay with that. It’s still way, way better than FlashForward.
Fringe Sneak Peek 306 "6955 kHZ"
By JuliDG Email Post 11/05/2010 06:57:00 PM Categories: Season 3, Sneak Peek, Spoiler
Fox has released the first sneak peek for next week episode... Enjoy!
Fringe Now: Typewritten Messages 3
By JuliDG Email Post 11/04/2010 11:12:00 PM Categories: Fringe, Fringe Now, Typewritten Messages, Video
On the "Typewritten Messages" section of the Sprint Fringe Now website, a new message has been unlocked.
After entering DECAY (NOT the glyph code from Amber 31422), a video show titled Mutate - Polar Bears do exist.
The 'Typewritten Message' this week is:
Fringe Preview 306: "6955 kHZ"
By JuliDG Email Post 11/04/2010 11:04:00 PM Categories: Preview, Season 3, Spoiler, Video
Preview for the Fringe episode "6955 kHZ", which airs November 11th on FOX.
Fringe Easter Eggs: Glyphs in Amber 31422
By Dennis Email Post 11/04/2010 10:07:00 PM Categories: Easter Eggs, Fringe, Glyphs
The Glyphs code in the Fringe episode Amber 31422 spelled out EVENT.
For more information on the Fringe Glyphs, check out Fringepedia's Glyph / Symbols page, which has all the previous glyphs and codes.
Tonight On Fringe: Amber 31422
By Dennis Email Post 11/04/2010 06:05:00 PM Categories: Episodes, Fringe, Live Chat
![]() |
Tonight is the fifth episode of Fringe Season 3 - "Amber 31422".
As always, we'll have a LIVE Fringe chat from 9:00 PM to 12:00 PM ET, if you want to talk with other Fringe fans, during or after the show. We usually play "spot the observer", and "What's the glyph code?", plus discuss the action on the show. To join the chat, visit the Fringe chat room, enter your name or a nickname, and join the fun! (please don't use the default mib_xxxxx nickname!)
After the show, get more information on Amber 31422 at:
- Amber 31422 episode page on Fringepedia
- Amber 31422 screenshot gallery at FringeFiles
- Amber 31422 promotional photos at FringeFiles
To discuss Amber 31422 or any other episode, head over the the Fringe episode section.
How would you rate "Amber 31422"?
Fringe Episode 305: Amber 31422
By Dennis Email Post 11/04/2010 05:52:00 PM Categories: Fringe, Season 3
The alternate universe Fringe Division investigates a shocking breach of security when a twin frees his brother (guest stars Shawn and Aaron Ashmore) from a quarantined Amber area. As the team sets out to crack this sophisticated case, Walternate experiments over there more with Olivia as she reenters the tank. Meanwhile, visions of Peter continue to haunt Olivia about returning to the “other side”.
Discuss the episode here in the comments.
Fringe Scenemaker 305: "Amber 31422"
By JuliDG Email Post 11/03/2010 10:57:00 PM Categories: Scenemaker, Video
Here is the behind scene video for the episode of tomorrow.
New Wallpapers of the Cast
By JuliDG Email Post 11/03/2010 08:14:00 PM Categories: Images, Promotional Photos, Season 3
Fox's Fringe page has a new design and there are new wallpapers to download:
Click here for more ...
4 New Sneak Peeks: 305 "Amber 31422"
By JuliDG Email Post 11/03/2010 02:08:00 PM Categories: Season 3, Sneak Peek
New sneak peeks for the episode of tomorrow... Enjoy.
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