Tomorrow afternoon, we'll once again get the chance to chat with Fringe executive producers Jeff Pinkner & J.H. Wyman. It is a conference call interview, so we may only get to ask one or two questions (if any!), but we still want to know - What would you ask Pinkner & Wyman?
Submit your questions in the comments by noon tomorrow, and we'll try to include as many as we can!
When Walter asked William Bell to remove the three parts of his brain, he did it because he was "afraid of what he was becoming". Will we ever learn what it was that Walter was afraid he might transform into?
In Over There, Lincoln Lee recognized Nick Lane. Will we ever learn about the connection between them?
how much brown betty did you guys smoke when writing 3x19?
Whatever happened to the strange cylinder which appeared in season 1 "The Arrival" and again in season two "Brown Betty"? Does the cylinder have a purpose, or is it merely another mysterious object attached to the Observers?
During the time when Peter, as a child in the red universe, was dying, Walternate was testing for a cure in his lab, only to be interrupted at the crucial moment the right compound was showing up -- interrupted by the entrance of the Observer, September. Will we ever learn the purpose of this fatal distraction?
As some fans have theorized, the Observers might be trying to "heal" the fractured universes -- however, if that were true, preventing Walternate from discovering the cure for Peter only enabled Walter from the Blue Universe to cross over, thereby allegedly setting in motion the ultimate collision of worlds.....
Why do the cortexiphan adults like the twin girls, Nick, and Olivia all have closets with only black and gray clothes?
Will we meet Sam Weiss from the alternate universe, if there is one?
I feel horrible asking this question but I'm too much of a realist not to. :-(
Will you create season 4 with a possible series finale in mind at the end of it in case ratings dip past the point of no return or will you craft it 100% assuming a season 5?
(And yes I'm watching live and telling my friends, even though I don't technically 'count' with Nielsen.)
Will we be seeing the return of Jared Harris as David Robert Jones anytime soon? He was such a terrific character and there's a lot we still don't know about him.
Awesome Dennis! Congrats on the interview and thanks for giving us fans a chance to ask Jeff and Joel a question.
With the focus on the last 2 seasons on the conflict between the Red and Blue universes it seems that fans have accepted that this is a fixed direction for the show to continue to follow.
With things coming to a climax between the two universes, will you take this opportunity to move the show in a totally new direction ie will the show explore other aspects of the Pattern going forward into Season 4?
In Season 1,2 and 3 all episodes have a common matching theme. Season 1.13, 2.13 and 3.13 all deal with parasites of some kind for example. When you write, do you look back and attempt to correlate or is it by complete randomness that it happens?
I am rewatching season 1. There's clearly many themes that were picked up again in Season 3 (accelerated birth, amber, etc.), but there are also things that seem to have been abandoned (Pattern, ZFT, Asylum-Walter).
The question is: Have ideas or concepts or beginning story arcs been abandoned over the time?
Please do not discuss spoilers here...
Anonymous said... "Why do the cortexiphan adults like the twin girls, Nick, and Olivia all have closets with only black and gray clothes?"
This has already been explained in the series. The cortexiphan kids were trained to be inconspicuous, to blend in.
During the time when Peter, as a child in the red universe, was dying, Walternate was testing for a cure in his lab, only to be interrupted at the crucial moment the right compound was showing up -- interrupted by the entrance of the Observer, September. Will we ever learn the purpose of this fatal distraction?
I can take a stab at this one. What September did was a mistake. Although his mistake did end up having a greater purpose, I do not think that was his original intention. I have seen the episode Peter many times, which is where I am getting my information from. September wanted to watch Walternate make the cure for Red Peter because it was an important moment, he made a noise and Walternate saw him, which stopped him from finding the cure. Walter was watching through the window to the other world, saw what the cure was, even though Walternate had missed it because he had been interrupted by September. September talks to the other Observers about his mistake (when they are outside the Back To The Future movie on the other side), and they tell him he has to fix it. He fixes it later on in the episode by saving Walter and Peter when they fall in the lake. Peter has to live because the Observers say that he is important, and since he screwed up Walternate finding the cure, September makes sure that Peter lives by saving him and Walter when they fall in the lake.
I would like to know if we will be learning anything else about the mysterious Robert Bishop, and if he had anything to do with the red and blue universes splitting? Some people have theorized in Fringe-Forum that the red and blue universes used to be one universe and that they split at some point during the early 20th Century, and that Robert Bishop might have had something to do with this. I would be interested in knowing if there is any truth in that, and if not, then I would still like to know more about Robert Bishop.
We caught a brief glimpse of Olivia's stepdad in the flashback episode but are they planning on bringing him back for any future episodes?
Should we trust Sam Weiss, or is the "A Demon's Twist Rusts" thing true?
Is Peter the only "over here" character that actually originates "over there" or are there others we've met but don't know the whole story yet?
Exciting to learn Ms. Brown may be directing an episode, would Mr. Noble also plan to do that later?
Will there be more in-depth stories about Astrid?
One of the reasons I love this show is the compelling dynamic between Walter and Peter, which is the best relationship I have seen on any show in years, so first of all let me congratulate you on this. Kudos to Josh Jackson and John Noble for the obvious care and the talent they pour into their work, as well. My question is, will S4 regain some focus on this relationship, which seems to have been forgotten this season?
More questions: Will the show explain if Peter was, in fact, weaponized and if hunting shapeshifters had a purpose beyond "Reciprocity"? Will S4 have an Astrid centric episode?
1) How was Walter born in 1946 when Robert died in 1944?
2) Will we find out more about the Massive Dynamic clones storyline?
3) Will we see Amy Jessup or Rachel Dunham any time soon?
4) Will the Beacon be returning?
5) How does Lincoln know Nick Lane?
6) Where is Dr Penrose?
7) Will we see Big Eddie?
8) What are in the glass disks from season 1?
9) Will the ZFT storyline be returning?
10) Newton's head: Who cut it off? How was it transported here? How did WIlliam Bell know where it was kept?
Have they finally learnt from past experiences that killing off the main characters and central relationships has also killed the ratings?? Can they avoid doing the same with Fringe.
Do the producers make Fringe for viewers of for themselves ? Are they concerned about the ratings lowering all along season 3, do they think they made a mistake by chosing the classical love triangle (like in Lost), instead of developping a real plotline ?
Are the Observers Angels? (Please say no! We have more than enough scifi shows that turn out to really be about religious.)
Will we ever scene another olivia vs altlivia scene???
will we ever SEE* another olivia vs altlivia scene?
Why are you always wearing the same clothes in the video interviews? Are you like the observers, ever-present and just observing time?
Peter seemed to have a shady backgroun with enormous troubles , and returning to Boston was , As I understood , a mistake .And we've learned in a s1 ep that indeed he wasn't supposed to come back, but are we ever going to figure out why ? and who ? and will we ever see Big Eddie and explore a little bit of Peter's past ?
I hoooooooooope this will get to be answered because we've been waiting for sooo long to get some answers for those burning questions , and I especially asked this because the've already said that other methology Questions will soon be answered but these ones seem to be ignored or Delayed.
This season is quite disappointing and depressing. Too much Fauxlivia and I miss Walter, Peter and Olivia and their relationships. I wish I have illusion for season four but it's not the case. It's the old Fringe gone for good? Please say no and give me hope.
Are we going to see a confrontation between Walter and Walternate or Peter and Walternate?
With Fauxlivia, everyone is thinking she loves Peter but, what if she hates/resents him? She started with "if I don't continue the relationship, including sex, he'll know I'm not her" and could have ended with telling herself she loved him just to get thru it. Like Stockholm syndrome? Now that she's back she lost her boyfriend because of it. Like a rape victim in a backward country. So the question is-does she love or hate him?
will we ever learn who Olivia's uncle is and his connection to green, green, green, red?
My family and I will be vacationing in Vancouver the first week of August. Where will you be filming around that time? I apologize if this question is inappropriate.
Peter was my concern this season , he did change in so many ways , Will he ever be honest with Olivia and Walter ? dose he know what he want from life ?
Peter: “He (Walternate) didn’t bring me over here to fix the Universes; he brought me over here to destroy yours.” Why does he say that? “Yours” (In the episode "Over There Part Two")
In "The Road Not Taken", why is Olivia able to crossover without feeling a combination of fear and love? Why are alt-Broyles and alt-Charlie talking to her when she looks different from Faulivia?
Will any of the characters face consequences for crossing worlds, like what happened to William Bell?
To the Anon who posted they will be in Vancouver the first week of August-It is quite possible they will be back and filming Season 4 by that time. Last year they resumed filming in the middle of July, before the San Diego Comic Con.
You got any room in your vehicle for one more?!
Let's face it, Fringe's ratings have dropped from season to season. Beyond producing quality television, why does FOX feel that the show is still a good investment?
That's an easy question. Fringe's ratings have dropped from season to season, because it has moved to increasingly more difficult time slots each season (Thursdays in S2, and Fridays in S3). However, Fringe has consistently returned better ratings that what it has replaced.
Any chance of seeing more make-out scenes between Peter and Olivia? We love to see the love!
I would like to know if we ever find out what did "colonel" mean in the end of the 2.03 - Fracture? Is it true that the Observers are here to exterminate us or is he (colonel) really crazy?
I would ask, when are we going to be treated to a nice character arc for Peter instead of being Olivia's boyfriend? He is MORE than that.
Can we please see more of the alternate OT3 - I love Scarlie, Altincoln, and Faux together :)
Would also love to learn more about Peter's shady past and why he was 'on the run' a bit.
Also, does the choice Peter have with the 'blue' and 'red' universes have anything to do with the 'blue' and 'red' pills that Neo had a choice to take in the original Matrix movie?
("This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes." -Morpheus)
... will the person who dies in the finale stay dead? =P
Will Olivia's non-universe related powers (fire, etc.) be used again?
Will we see more of Olivia and Peter's childhoods?
Will we be seeing Henry Higgins again?
Will Walternate and Walter ever talk out there problems instead of trying to blow up their universes?
Will Astrid ever get developed?
Are we going to find out who wrote "A Demon's Twist Rusts"?
Are we going to meet Redverse Nina? It seems she is the only character whose alternate we haven't heard anything about. I'm starting to think she may be revealed in a big way.
"Can I be on the show?" I visited VC, BC last year for a week. While I almost got run over by a while pickup truck, I'd happily come visit again.
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