Ratings: Fringe Pops Up from Demo Low
by Matt Webb Mitovich
Now this is interesting: Fox’s Fringe this Friday drew 3.11 million total viewers while scoring a 1.2 demo rating — that marks week-to-week gains of 8 and 33 percent, up from the all-time demo low the show has been nursing for too long.
View Matt's TVLine.com post here.
Ratings: Fringe Pops Up from Demo Low
By fringeobsessed Email Post 3/31/2012 12:11:00 PM Categories: Fringe, Ratings, Season 4
Fringe Review: Nothing As It Seems
By Josie Kafka Email Post 3/31/2012 03:42:00 AM Categories: Episode Review, Fringe. Season 4, Nothing Is As It Seems

“It is either a miracle, or an accident.”
The Fringe showrunners have said that this season is a love letter to the show, and this episode’s extended callback to Season One’s “The Transformation” didn’t just revamp an old story, but complicated it, and extended it. It also shows just how far this show has come in terms of both individual scenes and larger ideas: “The Transformation” was a weak episode of a show that was finding its footing. “Nothing As It Seems” is a strong episode that plays on many, if not all, of a mature show’s strengths, including a delightful willingness to mix humor and pathos.
Support Fringe: Ads From "Nothing As It Seems"
By Dennis Email Post 3/31/2012 01:42:00 AM Categories: Commercial, Fringe, Support Fringe, Video
This is a compilation of all the commercials (and glyphs) shown during the Fringe episode "Nothing As It Seems".
Please take a moment to thank the sponsors of Fringe on their Twitter and/or Facebook pages (and if possible, purchase their products!) Keep it simple, like this:
Hey @McDonalds, I just observed your 20-piece McNuggets commercial during #Fringe. Thanks for supporting the show. :)
Fringe Observer in "Nothing As It Seems"
By Dennis Email Post 3/31/2012 12:33:00 AM Categories: Easter Eggs, Fringe, Observer, Season 4
Observers make an appearance in every Fringe episode. In the Fringe episode "Nothing As It Seems", one can be spotted walking down the street as Peter and Lincoln (Pecoln) arrive at Daniel Hicks' house to find Olivia already there.
You can see all of the other hidden appearances of Observers here.
Fringe 417 Preview: "Everything In Its Right Place"
By Dennis Email Post 3/30/2012 10:48:00 PM Categories: Fringe, Preview, Season 4, Video
Here is the preview from the end of "Nothing As It Seems" for the Fringe episode "Everything In Its Right Place", which airs on FRIDAY, April 6th at 9:00PM on FOX.
Screenshots from this preview can be viewed at FringeFiles.com.
Fringe Glyph Code in "Nothing As It Seems"
By Dennis Email Post 3/30/2012 10:13:00 PM Categories: Easter Eggs, Fringe, Glyphs, Season 4
The Glyphs code in the Fringe episode "Nothing As It Seems" spelled out FUTURE.
For more information on the Fringe Glyphs, check out Fringepedia's Glyph / Symbols page, which has all the previous glyphs and codes.
Fringe Episode 416: "Nothing As It Seems"
By Dennis Email Post 3/30/2012 07:28:00 PM Categories: Episodes, Fringe, Season 4
The Fringe team faces a case that appears familiar to Peter. Strangely, it takes place in this world
During tonight's episode, you can chat LIVE in the Fringe Chat Room, and help promote Fringe by tweeting about the episode using this week's hashmark #ChangeYourWorld (don't use any other #hashtags!), plus please add the word Fringe (without a #) into your tweet, if possible.
Also, don't forget to check-in to Fringe at GetGlue to get this week's Fringe sticker.
After the episode airs, continue the discussion here in the comments, and get more Fringe information at the:
- Episode page on Fringepedia
- Transcript on Fringepedia
- Screenshot gallery at FringeFiles
- Promotional photos at FringeFiles
How do you rate the Fringe episode "Nothing As It Seems"?
Fringe 416 Sneak Peek #3 "Nothing As It Seems"
By fringeobsessed Email Post 3/30/2012 02:07:00 PM Categories: Fringe, Season 4, Sneak Peek, Video
Here is a new third "Sneak Peek" for episode 416, "Nothing As It Seems," which airs tonight on Fox.
FRINGE - Noble Intentions: "A Short Story About Love"
By fringeobsessed Email Post 3/30/2012 12:18:00 PM Categories: Fringe, John Noble, Noble Intentions, Video
Here's the latest video in Fox's "Noble Intentions" series. John Noble comments on Walter's thoughts in "A Short Story About Love."
Fringe Observiews 4.15 A Short Story About Love
By cortexifan Email Post 3/30/2012 12:15:00 AM Categories: Fringe, Observiews, Review, Season 4
Welcome to the Observiews for Season 4 of Fringe. I call them Observiews because they are more visual observations than deep thinking reviews, if that makes sense.
Screen caps from this episode are taken from fringefiles.com. Dialog is from fringepedia.net/transcripts.
All observations are mine and therefore could be totally off the wall and/or wrong. I have not read or looked at any recaps or reviews. I could also have missed a few things, oh well…
4.15 A Short Story About Love
I want to start off with this because I think it was so cool that Fox allowed that.
Birdandbear and Fringenuity – you guys rock!
Fox fuels Twitter trail to 'Fringe'
By fringeobsessed Email Post 3/29/2012 10:41:00 PM Categories: Fox, Support Fringe, Twitter
Posted: Thu., Mar. 29, 2012, 4:15pm PT
Fox fuels Twitter trail to 'Fringe'
Net to continue on-air stunt aimed at social media users
By Andrew Wallenstein
Fox is bringing together Twitter and TV in an unusual bid to rally the "Fringe" faithful.
The network has decided to extend for the rest of the season an on-air stunt tried during last Friday's episode that sent the series trending on the popular social-media platform.
Fox planted the mysterious phrase "#whereyoubelong" as the Twitter hashtag that appears in the lower right of the screen throughout the episode instead of the title of the series. Perhaps only diehard "Fringe" fans recognized that the phrase -- an allusion to a plot point -- was the latest attempt to get attention for the series on Twitter by the series' cult following, collectively known as Fringenuity.
Now Fox is going to pick a new Fringenuity-inspired phrase to use as a hashtag each week for the remaining seven episodes. That way "Fringe" fans can drive a clearly identifiable spike in social media traffic beginning precisely one hour before the series airs on the East Coast. The March 23 stunt was good enough to get #whereyoubelong trending both in the U.S. and worldwide, not to mention finishing fourth among TV series-related social messages for the week behind only "American Idol," "Dancing With the Stars" and "The Voice," according to Bluefin Labs.
Read Andrew Wallenstein's complete Variety post here.
(fo note:Fringedom, it looks like you've already started to "change your world." Keep it coming!)
Fox fuels Twitter trail to 'Fringe'
Net to continue on-air stunt aimed at social media users
By Andrew Wallenstein
Fox is bringing together Twitter and TV in an unusual bid to rally the "Fringe" faithful.
The network has decided to extend for the rest of the season an on-air stunt tried during last Friday's episode that sent the series trending on the popular social-media platform.
Fox planted the mysterious phrase "#whereyoubelong" as the Twitter hashtag that appears in the lower right of the screen throughout the episode instead of the title of the series. Perhaps only diehard "Fringe" fans recognized that the phrase -- an allusion to a plot point -- was the latest attempt to get attention for the series on Twitter by the series' cult following, collectively known as Fringenuity.
Now Fox is going to pick a new Fringenuity-inspired phrase to use as a hashtag each week for the remaining seven episodes. That way "Fringe" fans can drive a clearly identifiable spike in social media traffic beginning precisely one hour before the series airs on the East Coast. The March 23 stunt was good enough to get #whereyoubelong trending both in the U.S. and worldwide, not to mention finishing fourth among TV series-related social messages for the week behind only "American Idol," "Dancing With the Stars" and "The Voice," according to Bluefin Labs.
Read Andrew Wallenstein's complete Variety post here.
(fo note:Fringedom, it looks like you've already started to "change your world." Keep it coming!)
Fringe Twitter and GetGlue Campaign For 416, "Nothing As It Seems"-#ChangeYourWorld
By fringeobsessed Email Post 3/29/2012 12:56:00 PM Categories: GetGlue, Support Fringe, Twitter
Fringe Twitter and GetGlue Campaign for 416, "Nothing As It Seems"-#ChangeYourWorld
The last Fringe Twitter and GetGlue campaign, sponsored by Fringenuity on March 23rd was quite successful.
Thanks to Fox Broadcasting's help, for the first time in the show's history the entire episode aired with the Fringenuity hash tag "WhereYouBelong on the screen instead of #Fringe!
There are lots of awesome statistics that emerged from this event, read more here.
Fringe Television is proud to support Fringenuity's efforts to promote "Fringe" in as many social media venues as possible, and asks for your help.
Tomorrow night we want to continue our social media domination, and the Fringedom wants to try to get the hash tag #ChangeYourWorld to trend on Twitter starting at 8PM Eastern.
Please note the start time to tweet is 1 hour LATER than previously, in an effort to increase our chances of trending. That's 1 hour before the new episode airs, and then again at 8PM Pacific time.
Why keep tweeting? Because we know that ratings isn't just about Nielsen boxes anymore. TV networks and their contractors pay attention to which TV shows are 'socially-active' and our show Fringe is very socially-active on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and other venues.
Why continue this effort? Last Friday's event catapaulted Fringe in multiple social media platforms, and we need to keep Fringe visible in these platforms in the weeks ahead, especially with the ongoing FOX/Warner Brothers negotiaions for a Season 5.
Please consider joining in tomorrow night at 8PM Eastern and 8PM Pacific to support your favorite show by signing into Twitter and using the #ChangeYourWorld hash tag.
If you are not familiar with Twitter, you can create an new account rather painlessly at http://www.twitter.com/.
For more information on this week's special Fringe Twitter event visit the Fringenuity website here.
You can also adopt a special icon from 4 lovely sets for this event by clicking here.
Please note this week there are also 2 banners you can use. Just click on the link in blue above.
Just a reminder: Please do not tweet with the #ChangeYourWorld hash tag until 8PM Eastern, to increase the likelihood of trending! And volume helps, so tweet slowly, and tweet often after the start time Friday night!
Let's dominate Twitter Friday night, and make our hash tag and our show trend worldwide!
***ButWait! There's more!***
Another social network platform that needs our attention on Friday nights is GetGlue.com.
If you are not familiar with getglue.com it is a very clever advertising site married to social networking.
GetGlue merges fans with their interests, and their interests' sponsors.
If you have a GetGlue account you can "check-in" to Fringe. The shows that get the most check-ins are highly visible to the networks and the show's sponsors. As a matter of fact Joshua Jackson and Fringe were ranking quite highly this week already!
It is recommended you start checking into GetGlue closer to the start time of Fringe to increase the chance of trending there.
You can also look up Fringe's sponsors on GetGlue, check-in to them, ie. Nissan Leaf, Sprint, etc., and thank them for supporting Fringe. Think it doesn't make a difference? Guess again.
For the last few weeks, due to our GetClue check-ins, the Nissan Leaf was one of the most checked-in sponsors on the site.
Let’s make it a combined effort to not only check-in to the show, but to also check-in to the show’s advertisers and comment, “Thank You for your support of Fringe! @FringeOnFox”
If you don’t have a Getglue account, make one at http://www.getglue.com/.
You can post your check-ins to Twitter and/or Facebook.
The more activity, the better, as this may also get other Fringies involved in the GetGlue check-ins.
GetGlue also has convenient mobile phone aps for iphone, Android, and Blackberry.
THE BOTTOM LINE: Please, enjoy the new episode tomorrow night, and support high visibility of your show by tweeting on Twitter with the special hash tag, and checking into Fringe at getglue.com and thanking at least 1 of Friday night's many sponsors. Your efforts will not go unrewarded, and may help increase our chances of getting a Season 5.
Fringedom, the time is now! If you want your Season 5, Watch "Nothing As It Seems" LIVE tomorrow night, and join in this Twitter/GetGlue event!
Make sure FOX Broadcasting and the Fringe sponsors know that you want another season of FRINGE!!
The last Fringe Twitter and GetGlue campaign, sponsored by Fringenuity on March 23rd was quite successful.
Thanks to Fox Broadcasting's help, for the first time in the show's history the entire episode aired with the Fringenuity hash tag "WhereYouBelong on the screen instead of #Fringe!
There are lots of awesome statistics that emerged from this event, read more here.
Fringe Television is proud to support Fringenuity's efforts to promote "Fringe" in as many social media venues as possible, and asks for your help.
Tomorrow night we want to continue our social media domination, and the Fringedom wants to try to get the hash tag #ChangeYourWorld to trend on Twitter starting at 8PM Eastern.
Please note the start time to tweet is 1 hour LATER than previously, in an effort to increase our chances of trending. That's 1 hour before the new episode airs, and then again at 8PM Pacific time.
Why keep tweeting? Because we know that ratings isn't just about Nielsen boxes anymore. TV networks and their contractors pay attention to which TV shows are 'socially-active' and our show Fringe is very socially-active on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and other venues.
Why continue this effort? Last Friday's event catapaulted Fringe in multiple social media platforms, and we need to keep Fringe visible in these platforms in the weeks ahead, especially with the ongoing FOX/Warner Brothers negotiaions for a Season 5.
Please consider joining in tomorrow night at 8PM Eastern and 8PM Pacific to support your favorite show by signing into Twitter and using the #ChangeYourWorld hash tag.
If you are not familiar with Twitter, you can create an new account rather painlessly at http://www.twitter.com/.
For more information on this week's special Fringe Twitter event visit the Fringenuity website here.
You can also adopt a special icon from 4 lovely sets for this event by clicking here.
Please note this week there are also 2 banners you can use. Just click on the link in blue above.
Just a reminder: Please do not tweet with the #ChangeYourWorld hash tag until 8PM Eastern, to increase the likelihood of trending! And volume helps, so tweet slowly, and tweet often after the start time Friday night!
Let's dominate Twitter Friday night, and make our hash tag and our show trend worldwide!
***ButWait! There's more!***
Another social network platform that needs our attention on Friday nights is GetGlue.com.
If you are not familiar with getglue.com it is a very clever advertising site married to social networking.
GetGlue merges fans with their interests, and their interests' sponsors.
If you have a GetGlue account you can "check-in" to Fringe. The shows that get the most check-ins are highly visible to the networks and the show's sponsors. As a matter of fact Joshua Jackson and Fringe were ranking quite highly this week already!
It is recommended you start checking into GetGlue closer to the start time of Fringe to increase the chance of trending there.
You can also look up Fringe's sponsors on GetGlue, check-in to them, ie. Nissan Leaf, Sprint, etc., and thank them for supporting Fringe. Think it doesn't make a difference? Guess again.
For the last few weeks, due to our GetClue check-ins, the Nissan Leaf was one of the most checked-in sponsors on the site.
Let’s make it a combined effort to not only check-in to the show, but to also check-in to the show’s advertisers and comment, “Thank You for your support of Fringe! @FringeOnFox”
If you don’t have a Getglue account, make one at http://www.getglue.com/.
You can post your check-ins to Twitter and/or Facebook.
The more activity, the better, as this may also get other Fringies involved in the GetGlue check-ins.
GetGlue also has convenient mobile phone aps for iphone, Android, and Blackberry.
THE BOTTOM LINE: Please, enjoy the new episode tomorrow night, and support high visibility of your show by tweeting on Twitter with the special hash tag, and checking into Fringe at getglue.com and thanking at least 1 of Friday night's many sponsors. Your efforts will not go unrewarded, and may help increase our chances of getting a Season 5.
Fringedom, the time is now! If you want your Season 5, Watch "Nothing As It Seems" LIVE tomorrow night, and join in this Twitter/GetGlue event!
Make sure FOX Broadcasting and the Fringe sponsors know that you want another season of FRINGE!!
Fringe 416 Sneak Peek #2:"Nothing As It Seems"
By fringeobsessed Email Post 3/28/2012 09:18:00 PM Categories: Fringe, Season 4, Sneak Peek, Video
Here's a second new preview video for upcoming episode 416, titled "Nothing As It Seems" which airs this Friday on FOX.
Fans Ask Fringe: Joshua Jackson on Pecoln
By Dennis Email Post 3/28/2012 06:02:00 PM Categories: Fans Ask, Fringe, Interview, Joshua Jackson, Video
Joshua Jackson answers a fan question in this latest Fans Ask Fringe interview:
"For those of us who ship Peter/Lincoln (Pecoln), any good news for us?" - Buffyundercover / Larissa
If you would like to get your own questions answered, send a tweet to @jonxproductions with the hashtag #FansAskFringe
Fringe FBI Podcast Season 4 Episode 15
By Old Darth Email Post 3/27/2012 09:28:00 PM
Frea, Jan, Lou, & Maximus get together after each Fringe episode in this temporarily constructed shared reality known as a podcast to discuss the Fourth Season of Fringe.
'A Short Story About Love'
Peter & Olivia Convergence Crippled By Creepy COTW
1) Intros
Peter & Olivia Convergence Crippled By Creepy COTW
1) Intros
2) Episode Easter Eggs
3) Quick Thoughts
4) RoundTable
5) Ep Rating - out of 10 Genes
Intro Music: Intro - 'Boy Inside The Man' - Tom Cochrane - Symphony Sessions
Exit Music: Chorus - 'Boy Inside The Man' - Tom Cochrane - Symphony Sessions
Leave us feedback here or on Twitter:
Frea - @Frea_O
Jan - @happydayz3
Lou - @olddarth
Maximus - @mxpw999
On the run all the time? A commuter? Listen to our portable versionvia iTunes - Alternate Reality Version.
Beyond The Fringe Comic #5: Chapter A
By Dennis Email Post 3/26/2012 01:44:00 PM Categories: Beyond The Fringe, Comic, Fringe
DC Comics has released the ninth comic in the "Beyond The Fringe" direct-to-digital series.
Beyond The Fringe #5: Chapter A was written by Jhonen Vasquez, is available now for $0.99 via Comixology.com.
Here is the official description:
Beyond The Fringe #5: Chapter A was written by Jhonen Vasquez, is available now for $0.99 via Comixology.com.
Here is the official description:
Ghost Writer - Part 1Order "Beyond The Fringe" here
"Ghost Writer" is a two-part story written by acclaimed animation and comic book creator Jhonen Vasquez and drawn by award-winning comic artist Becky Cloonan. When Nina Sharp's arm appears to be acting on its own, it may have a connection to experiments conducted by Walter Bishop and William Bell back in the 1970s. Continued in BEYOND THE FRINGE Chapter 6A.
Fringe Review: A Short Story About Love
By Josie Kafka Email Post 3/26/2012 05:42:00 AM Categories: A Short Story About Love, Episode Review, Season 4

“It’s every human being’s right to know love.”
Alan Carr locked his victims in what appeared to be an iron lung crossed with a ricer in order to distill their pheromones and experience the love of his victims’ partners for a few brief moments. While his deeds were despicable, it was impossible not to sympathize with him and his silent, conversation-less existence: he rarely spoke and was rarely spoken to. He was quietly, desperately, lonely.
Fringe 416 Preview: "Nothing As It Seems"
By Dennis Email Post 3/24/2012 06:14:00 PM Categories: Fringe, Preview, Season 4, Video
Here is the preview from the end of "A Short Story About Love" for the Fringe episode "Nothing As It Seems", which airs on FRIDAY, March 30th at 9:00PM on FOX.
Head over to the FringeTelevision YouTube channel (and click the "pop out" button) to watch it in full-sized HD.
Screenshots from this preview can be viewed at FringeFiles.com.
Fringe Glyph Code in "A Short Story About Love"
By Dennis Email Post 3/23/2012 11:23:00 PM Categories: Easter Eggs, Fringe, Glyphs, Season 4
The Glyphs code in the Fringe episode "The End Of All Things" spelled out QUILL.
For more information on the Fringe Glyphs, check out Fringepedia's Glyph / Symbols page, which has all the previous glyphs and codes.
Joshua Jackson and Executive Producer Joel Wyman Live Tweeting on Twitter After Tonight's Episode!
By fringeobsessed Email Post 3/23/2012 07:47:00 PM Categories: Announcement, Fringe, Joel Wyman, Joshua Jackson, Season 4, Twitter
As if you didn't have enough great reasons to participate in the Fringe Twitter/GetGlue campaign tonight, hosted by Fringenuity, I give you a few more!
Two days ago, executive producer Joel Wyman dropped by at Twitter(and we always love it) and answered many fan questions. One fan asked if he would be live tweeting after the airing of episode 415 tonight. Joel posted the following:
" I will. Barring any unforeseen circumstances. For sure."
At 10PM last night Joshua Jackson, who plays Peter Bishop on our favorite show, started tweeting on Twitter. That's right! Joshua Jackson has a Twitter account and has been quite actively tweeting since 10PM Eastern US time last night.
Of course many Fringe fans were skeptical that @VancityJax was the real Joshua Jackson, so executive producer Joel Wyman appeared and tweeted the following around 3AM Eastern:
Popping on to say @vancityjax is the great Josh Jackson. It's true. 'Night!
Now, in addition to joining Fringe fans on Twitter last night and today in between filming on the set in Vancouver, Josh tweeted the following reply when asked if he was going to live tweet during episode 415 tonight:
"as much as I can. I'll be at work, but I'm going to join @JWFRINGE in the fun."
So Fringe fans, I present you two more reasons to get onto Twitter tonight after episode 415 ends:
Joel Wyman and Joshua Jackson.
(And please be aware that Jasika Nicole sometimes joins us as well as long time fan Rebecca Mader, and past guest actress Michelle Krusiec.)
If you are not familiar with Twitter you can make an account here: http://www.twitter.com/.
Two days ago, executive producer Joel Wyman dropped by at Twitter(and we always love it) and answered many fan questions. One fan asked if he would be live tweeting after the airing of episode 415 tonight. Joel posted the following:
" I will. Barring any unforeseen circumstances. For sure."
At 10PM last night Joshua Jackson, who plays Peter Bishop on our favorite show, started tweeting on Twitter. That's right! Joshua Jackson has a Twitter account and has been quite actively tweeting since 10PM Eastern US time last night.
Of course many Fringe fans were skeptical that @VancityJax was the real Joshua Jackson, so executive producer Joel Wyman appeared and tweeted the following around 3AM Eastern:
Popping on to say @vancityjax is the great Josh Jackson. It's true. 'Night!
Now, in addition to joining Fringe fans on Twitter last night and today in between filming on the set in Vancouver, Josh tweeted the following reply when asked if he was going to live tweet during episode 415 tonight:
"as much as I can. I'll be at work, but I'm going to join @JWFRINGE in the fun."
So Fringe fans, I present you two more reasons to get onto Twitter tonight after episode 415 ends:
Joel Wyman and Joshua Jackson.
(And please be aware that Jasika Nicole sometimes joins us as well as long time fan Rebecca Mader, and past guest actress Michelle Krusiec.)
If you are not familiar with Twitter you can make an account here: http://www.twitter.com/.
Fringe Episode 415: "A Short Story About Love"
By Dennis Email Post 3/23/2012 07:00:00 PM Categories: Episodes, Fringe, Season 4
BREATHTAKING EVENTS UNFOLDHappy Fringe Friday! Fringe returns tonight with 8 new episodes in a row, leading up to the Fringe season 4 finale on May 11!
Following the recent shocking revelations and emotional events, Peter weighs his options as the Fringe team investigates a killer targeting love
During tonight's episode, you can chat LIVE in the Fringe Chat Room, and help promote Fringe by tweeting about the episode using this week's hashmark #WhereYouBelong (don't use any other #hashtags!), plus please add the word Fringe (without a #) into your tweet, if possible.
If you are lucky, you may even get a chance to tweet with Joshua Jackson, now that he has an official Twitter account: @vancityjax
Also, don't forget to check-in to Fringe at GetGlue to get this week's Fringe sticker.
After the episode airs, continue the discussion here in the comments, and get more Fringe information at the:
- Episode page on Fringepedia
- Transcript on Fringepedia
- Screenshot gallery at FringeFiles
- Promotional photos at FringeFiles
How do you rate the Fringe episode "A Short Story About Love"?
Fringe T-Shirt: Fringe Division
By Dennis Email Post 3/23/2012 03:17:00 PM Categories: Fringe, Merchandise
T-Shirt-of-the-week site OtherTees has a Fringe themed t-shirt available until Sunday.
The shirt titled "Fringe Division" features a Ramones-style logo, with the names of our Fringe team and some Fringe glyphs.
The t-shirt is $12 but our readers can save 5% by using the code "fringetelevision" at checkout.
Exclusive: Fox Helps Out Fringe Fans on Twitter!
By fringeobsessed Email Post 3/22/2012 08:09:00 PM Categories: GetGlue, Support Fringe, Twitter
Exclusive: Fox Helps Out Fringe Fans on Twitter!
Mar 22, 2012 05:14 PM ET
by Damian Holbrook
Thanks to a group of determined devotees, Fringe's spring return tomorrow night (9/8c, Fox) brings with it a new kind of social-media shout-out. Working under the name Fringenuity, these fans have been campaigning to get their show-inspired hashtags to trend domestically and internationally every Friday night on Twitter since the Bishop boys and company kicked off the second half of their season back in January.
So as a nod of appreciation for all their viral efforts, Fringe's producers and Fox will be placing this week's Fringenuity-selected hashtag (#WhereYouBelong) at the bottom of the screen during the episode in place of the usual #Fringe. The idea is for fans to use only this week's hashtag in all of their show-related tweets starting an hour before the East Coast airing (no earlier).
Read Damian's entire article here.
(fo note:Thank you Jeff Pinkner & Joel Wyman for this gift! This has you two written all over it.
Also, this is the perfect article to follow the Fringenuity Twitter/GetGlue post!
Also, Jeff & Joel followers, does this photo look familiar? Think about what's behind J&J during most of their video interviews.)
Fringe Twitter and GetGlue Campaign for 415, "A Short Story About Love"-Where You Belong
By fringeobsessed Email Post 3/22/2012 03:53:00 PM Categories: GetGlue, Support Fringe, Twitter
Fringe Twitter and GetGlue Campaign for 415, "A Short Story About Love"-Where You Belong
The last Fringe Twitter and GetGlue campaign, sponsored by Fringenuity on February 23rd was quite successful.
Fringe Television is proud to support Fringenuity's efforts to promote "Fringe" in as many social media venues as possible, and asks for your help.
Thanks to the wonderful Ari Margolis, who linked the February 23rd post to the official FRINGE Facebook page, there were more than 6000 views.
#TheEndOfAllThings hash tag stayed fixed in trending topics for most of the next DAY in Vancouver for thet second week in a row!
Tomorrow night we want to continue our social media domination, and the Fringedom wants to try to get the hash tag #WhereYouBelong to trend on Twitter starting at 8PM Eastern.
Please note the start time to tweet is 1 hour LATER than previously, in an effort to increase our chances of trending. That's 1 hour before the new episode airs, and then again at 8PM Pacific time.
Why keep tweeting? Because we know that ratings isn't just about Nielsen boxes anymore. TV networks and their contractors pay attention to which TV shows are 'socially-active' and our show Fringe is very socially-active on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and other venues.
Why continue this effort? Last Friday's event catapaulted Fringe in multiple social media platforms, and we need to keep Fringe visible in these platforms in the weeks ahead, especially with the ongoing FOX/Warner Brothers negotiaions for a Season 5.
Please consider joining in tomorrow night at 8PM Eastern and 8PM Pacific to support your favorite show by signing into Twitter and using the #WhereYouBelong hash tag.
If you are not familiar with Twitter, you can create an new account rather painlessly at http://www.twitter.com/.
For more information on this week's special Fringe Twitter event visit the Fringenuity website here
You can also adopt a variety of lovely, special icons for this event by clicking here.
Just a reminder: Please do not tweet with the #WhereYouBelong hash tag until 8PM Eastern, to increase the likelihood of trending! And volume helps, so tweet slowly, and tweet often after the start time Friday night!
Let's dominate Twitter Friday night, and make our hash tag and our show trend!
***ButWait! There's more!***
Another social network platform that needs our attention on Friday nights is GetGlue.com.
If you are not familiar with getglue.com it is a very clever advertising site married to social networking.
GetGlue merges fans with their interests, and their interests' sponsors.
If you have a GetGlue account you can "check-in" to Fringe. The shows that get the most check-ins are highly visible to the networks and the show's sponsors. As a matter of fact Joshua Jackson and Fringe were ranking quite highly this week already!
It is recommended you start checking into GetGlue closer to the start time of Fringe to increase the chance of trending there.
You can also look up Fringe's sponsors on GetGlue, check-in to them, ie. Nissan Leaf, Sprint, etc., and thank them for supporting Fringe. Think it doesn't make a difference? Guess again.
For the last few weeks, due to our GetClue check-ins, the Nissan Leaf was one of the most checked-in sponsors on the site.
Let’s make it a combined effort to not only check-in to the show, but to also check-in to the show’s advertisers and comment, “Thank You for your support of Fringe! @FringeOnFox”
If you don’t have a Getglue account, make one at http://www.getglue.com/.
You can post your check-ins to Twitter and/or Facebook.
The more activity, the better, as this may also get other Fringies involved in the GetGlue check-ins.
GetGlue also has convenient mobile phone aps for iphone, Android, and Blackberry.
THE BOTTOM LINE: Please, enjoy the new episode tomorrow night, and support high visibility of your show by tweeting on Twitter with the special hash tag, and checking into Fringe at getglue.com and thanking at least 1 of Friday night's many sponsors. Your efforts will not go unrewarded, and may help increase our chances of getting a Season 5.
Fandom, the time is now! If you want your Season 5, Watch "A Short Story About Love" LIVE tomorrow night, and join in this Twitter/GetGlue event!
Make sure FOX Broadcasting and the Fringe sponsors know that you want another season of FRINGE!!
FBI S4 Bonus Episode - Multicast Podcast
By Old Darth Email Post 3/22/2012 09:03:00 AM
The Fringe hiatus is almost over.
And we have one more treat for you - a collision of Fringe podcasts: The Fringe Multicast Podcast!!!
And we have one more treat for you - a collision of Fringe podcasts: The Fringe Multicast Podcast!!!
FRINGE - Eight Straight
By fringeobsessed Email Post 3/21/2012 10:55:00 PM Categories: Blair Brown, Fringe, Jeff Pinkner, Joel Wyman, Joshua Jackson, Promotional, Season 4, Seth Gabel, Video
Here's a new Ari Margolis promotional vid for upcoming episode 415 and the rest of the season.
If you weren't already excited for the rest of Season 4 you will be after you watch this!
And executive producer Jeff Pinkner ends it with "And chock full of answers." Ya gotta love that!
FRINGE - Preview #4 from "A Short Story About Love" airing FRI 3/23
By fringeobsessed Email Post 3/21/2012 03:04:00 PM Categories: Fringe, Promotional, Season 4, Video
Here's the fourth of four new promo vids for episode 415 by FOX that showed up on YouTube yesterday.
FRINGE - Preview #3 from "A Short Story About Love" airing FRI 3/23
By fringeobsessed Email Post 3/21/2012 02:57:00 PM Categories: Fringe, Promotional, Season 4, Video
Here's the third of four new promo vids for episode 415 by FOX that showed up on Youtube yesterday.
FRINGE - Preview #2 from "A Short Story About Love" airing FRI 3
By fringeobsessed Email Post 3/21/2012 02:55:00 PM Categories: Fringe, Promotional, Season 4, Video
Here's the second of four new promo vids for episode 415 by FOX that showed up on YouTube yesterday.
FRINGE - Preview #1 from "A Short Story About Love" airing FRI 3/23
By fringeobsessed Email Post 3/21/2012 02:52:00 PM Categories: Fringe, Promotional, Season 4, Video
Here's the first of four preview vids of episode 415 by FOX that showed up on YouTube yesterday.
Here's the first of four preview vids of episode 415 by FOX that showed up on YouTube yesterday.
FRINGE-Fans Ask:Spin-Off
By fringeobsessed Email Post 3/20/2012 11:33:00 PM Categories: Anna Torv, Blair Brown, Fans Ask, Fringe, Interview, Jasika Nicole, John Noble, Joshua Jackson, Seth Gabel
Here's the latest vid in Ari Margolis' excellent "Fans Ask" video series.
This time he asks the cast members about spin-offs their characters would be in. Enjoy!
Vote For Fringe in TV March Madness
By Dennis Email Post 3/16/2012 03:54:00 PM Categories: Fringe, Poll
TV news blog Zap2It is running their annual TV March Madness competition, pitting the best shows on TV against each other tournament-style.
Fringe is up against Game of Thrones it the first round. GoT may be a popular show, but does it have the loyal fan base that Fringe has?
Head over to Zap2It to cast your vote for Fringe!
(While you are at it, give Justified a little love!)
Fringe is up against Game of Thrones it the first round. GoT may be a popular show, but does it have the loyal fan base that Fringe has?
Head over to Zap2It to cast your vote for Fringe!
(While you are at it, give Justified a little love!)
FRINGE - Fans Ask: Take Away
By fringeobsessed Email Post 3/14/2012 08:54:00 PM Categories: Anna Torv, Blair Brown, Fans Ask, Fringe, Interview, Jasika Nicole, John Noble, Joshua Jackson, Seth Gabel
Here's the latest installment in Fringe media master, Ari Margolis' famous "Fans Ask" series. This time members of the cast are asked what they would take away from the set if they could. Enjoy!
Fringe Trailer: Love Hurts
By Dennis Email Post 3/13/2012 10:56:00 AM Categories: Fringe, Season 4, Video
Here is a trailer for the upcoming Fringe episode "A Short Story About Love", which airs in 10 days!
FBI Podcast S4 Bonus Episode - Alexis Raich Interview
By Old Darth Email Post 3/12/2012 10:39:00 PM

Well the FBI Podcast has a treat for you!
An interview... Wait! Dare I invoke that overused term? Why not! Because in this case it is absolutely true!!!!!
An EXCLUSIVE interview with actor Alexis Raich who played Emily Mallum in the Season 4 Episode - Forced Perspective.
Vote For Fringe in Hulu's Best In Show 2012
By fringeobsessed Email Post 3/09/2012 09:20:00 PM Categories: Announcement, Fringe, Hulu
They say this is the golden age of television. From offbeat comedies such as "30 Rock" to gripping dramas like "Game of Thrones," we can't argue with that.
But what's the most incredible, era-defining series on TV today? We asked HitFix's Alan Sepinwall for his take, but Hulu's third annual Best in Show is all about your vote. We've rounded up 32 TV shows for a bracket-style competition. Each week, the winning shows — based solely on the fans' votes — will advance, all the way until we reach No. 1. Cast your votes and find out who wins on April 12.
Week #1 March 8-March 14
Category:Agents Of Mass Destruction
Fringe In hindsight, I wonder if the "Fringe" producers might like a mulligan on the decision to spend this fourth season in two brand-new (or largely-rewritten) timelines where Peter died as a boy, which severed the emotional connection we had built with all the other characters over the three previous seasons. Yet even with that handicap, we've gotten a number of excellent episodes, and John Noble is outstanding no matter how many versions of Walter Bishop he's asked to play.
Fringe is up for a vote against the series "Homeland."
Please vote often for Fringe from now until March 14th by clicking here.
Fringe Fans Ask: Episode 419
By Dennis Email Post 3/09/2012 10:02:00 AM Categories: Anna Torv, Blair Brown, Fans Ask, Fringe, Interview, Jasika Nicole, John Noble, Joshua Jackson, Seth Gabel, Video
It the latest Fans Ask video, Anna Torv, Joshua Jackson, Blair Brown, John Noble, Jasika Nicole, and Seth Gabel are asked the question:
How would the cast feel about doing a live episode for episode 419?
TV Line Upgrades Fringe Season 5 to "Safe Bet"
By Dennis Email Post 3/07/2012 04:52:00 PM Categories: Fringe, Ratings
TV Line has upgraded Fringe in its "2012 Renewal Scorecard" from "Could go either way" to "A safe bet".
While no explanation was given, this comes right off the news that "Terra Nova" has been officially canceled.
Along with "House" ending this season, this will free up spots in the very limited 10-hours of FOX prime time schedule.
And there might even be more spots opening up soon, as both "Alcatraz" and "The Finder" have been doing poorly in the ratings.
While not a bad a sign as The Firm moving to Saturdays, the "The Finder" moving to Fridays is probably not good news for that show. Even though Fringe has been surviving on Friday nights, it was not in its rookie season when it made the move.
However, the move could help Fringe, by giving it a better lead-in than Kitchen Nightmares, which other than Walter liking to eat a lot, doesn't have much in common with Fringe. But then again, it may make little different, since Fringe has "FRINGE has the biggest percentage gain from time-shifted viewing of any series this season".
What do you think will happen?
While no explanation was given, this comes right off the news that "Terra Nova" has been officially canceled.
Along with "House" ending this season, this will free up spots in the very limited 10-hours of FOX prime time schedule.
And there might even be more spots opening up soon, as both "Alcatraz" and "The Finder" have been doing poorly in the ratings.
While not a bad a sign as The Firm moving to Saturdays, the "The Finder" moving to Fridays is probably not good news for that show. Even though Fringe has been surviving on Friday nights, it was not in its rookie season when it made the move.
However, the move could help Fringe, by giving it a better lead-in than Kitchen Nightmares, which other than Walter liking to eat a lot, doesn't have much in common with Fringe. But then again, it may make little different, since Fringe has "FRINGE has the biggest percentage gain from time-shifted viewing of any series this season".
What do you think will happen?
Vote For Fringe As Best Drama In The TV Guide 2012 Fan Favorites Awards
By fringeobsessed Email Post 3/05/2012 03:13:00 PM Categories: Awards, Fringe, TV Guide

It's that time again for TV Guide to host its Fan Favorites Awards.
Fringe is in the running for Best Drama.
Click on the link to the TV Guide Fan Favorites Awards Facebook page here, and "like" it to vote.
In the bar under "Vote For Your Favorite," click on the second, "Drama," and then bullet Fringe and click on "Vote" at the bottom right.
Voting ends on March 16th at noon ET. The winners will be announced in the April 16th issue of TV Guide Magazine. Vote as much as you want. go Fringe!
Fringe FBI Podcast Season 4 Episode 14
By Old Darth Email Post 3/04/2012 09:13:00 AM
Frea, Jan, Lou, & Maximus get together after each Fringe episode in this temporarily constructed shared reality known as a podcast to discuss the Fourth Season of Fringe.
'The End Of All Things'
Eye To Eye Used Once Too Often
1) Intros
Eye To Eye Used Once Too Often
1) Intros
2) Episode Easter Eggs
3) Quick Thoughts
4) RoundTable
5) Ep Rating - out of 10 Genes
Intro Music: 'Lunatic Fringe' - Tom Cochrane
Exit Music: 'Eyes of a Stranger' - The Payolas - For A Confused Peter
Leave us feedback here or on Twitter:
Frea - @Frea_O
Jan - @happydayz3
Lou - @olddarth
Maximus - @mxpw999
On the run all the time? A commuter? Listen to our portable versionvia iTunes - Alternate Reality Version.
Fringe Rewatch Suggestions, by Ari Marigolis
By Dennis Email Post 3/02/2012 01:13:00 PM Categories: Fringe
Master Fringe editor Ari Margolis (@jonxproductions) has given us some Fringe "homework" for the hiatus. These are the episodes that he suggests that we should re-watch to get ready for the return of Fringe on March 23.
Fringe 104: The Arrival (iTunes) - Where we first lean about the observers and the beacon.
We will definitely be seeing more of The Beacon soon...
Fringe 113: The Transformation (iTunes) - Olivia goes in the tank to access John Scott's memories
Fringe 301: Olivia (iTunes) - Olivia is brainwashed by Walternate to believe she is the Alt-olivia
These episodes focus on the palimpsest concept.
Fringe 114: Ability (iTunes) - Jones gets Olivia to turn off some lights
Fringe 213: The Bishop Revival (iTunes) - Fringe Nazis!
Fringe 306: 6955 kHz (iTunes) -Fringe team find pieces of The Machine
These three episodes are grouped together for a specific (but not specified) reason:
Fringe 209: Snakehead (iTunes) -Walter wanders around Chinatown in search of parasites
And this episode is recommended for another unspecified reason.
Of course all of these episodes are available on the Fringe DVDs and BluRays.
Need Fringe? The 2012 Mini Fringe Binge Begins Tonight!
By fringeobsessed Email Post 3/02/2012 10:38:00 AM Categories: Announcement, Fringe, Fringe Binge
Well, this is the first Friday in our new hiatus, but it does not have to be Fringe-less!
The famous Fringe Binge is back by popular demand, and begins at 9:00PM Eastern US time-the same time Fringe airs on the East Coast.
This month's Fringe Binge is a mini one. Back in December the famous Tumblr site asked fans to pick the episodes they most wanted to rewatch. Now the list is compiled and they are ready to roll!
So if you can, sit back and enjoy the 42 fan-picked episodes of your favorite sci-fi show from tonight, March 2nd through Sunday, March 4th.
Make sure to visit the official Fringe Binge tumblr page here.
You can also follow the Mini Binge progress via Twitter:@fringebinge2012 !
Fringe Observiews 4.14 The End Of All Things
By cortexifan Email Post 3/02/2012 10:17:00 AM Categories: Fringe, Observiews, Review, Season 4
Welcome to the Observiews for Season 4 of Fringe. I call them Observiews because they are more visual observations than deep thinking reviews, if that makes sense.
Screen caps from this episode are taken from fringefiles.com. Dialog is from fringepedia.net/transcripts.
All observations are mine and therefore could be totally off the wall and/or wrong. I have not read or looked at any recaps or reviews. I could also have missed a few things, oh well…
4.01 Neither Here Nor There
OLIVIA: “Well, sometimes answers lead to more questions.”
Uh, you can say that again.
Fringe Noble Intentions: The End Of All Things
By Dennis Email Post 3/01/2012 12:52:00 PM Categories: Fringe, Interview, John Noble, Noble Intentions, Video
John Noble discusses Olivia's abduction, and entering the mind of the observer in this latest episode of Noble Intentions, for the Fringe episode "The End Of All Things".
Low-Rated ‘Fringe’ Mostly Time-Shifted Among Fans
By fringeobsessed Email Post 3/01/2012 11:36:00 AM Categories: Fringe, Ratings, TiVo
Low-Rated ‘Fringe’ Mostly Time-Shifted Among Fans
Posted by: Editor in Entertainment
February 29th, 2012 1:23PM
Remember awhile back? When we took a look at a couple shows that continue to have life after their TV cancellations? (Stargate and Buffy) Well, this week we decided to take a look at a show that, while still on the air, also counts itself among the oft-marginalized sci-fi genre, but is still getting lots of love from the Twitter, GetGlue, and TiVo communities. We’re talking, of course, (and on Leap Day, of course) about Fringe. And you guessed it – if it weren’t for Joss Whedon, JJ Abrams would be our master. This show is awesome.
With a whopping 915,215 check-ins on Get Glue, and plenty of buzz in the Twitterverse, (@Dorcandave “Catching up with the last couple of weeks of Fringe via TiVo. Think my brain might explode! JJAbrams-you’re driving me mad with your stories.”) Fringe just may be the little sci-fi engine that could. But can it? Talking to the New York Daily News recently, executive producer J.H. Wyman talked about the reality that every season could be their last, so they’re fully prepared to wrap up this one as a series ender, if need be. We know it’s a complex issue that involves budgets and numbers and algorithms, but may we just boil it down to “Noooooo!!!!”
Read the entire blog.tivo.com article here.
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