Fringe: Where Will You Be, Part 3 ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Fringe: Where Will You Be, Part 3

      Email Post       4/08/2011 02:55:00 PM      

Fox has released part three of the "Where Will You Be" series, this one is sub-titled "There was no warning...".
UPDATE: There is some backwards audio in the clip...

When you play it in reverse says the familiar anagram "A Demon's Twist Rusts" (which unscrambles to spell "Don't Trust Sam Weiss".

UPDATE: Here is the audio reversed:


Dennis said...

Is that Sam Weiss in the romper room "magic mirror"?

Unknown said...

Oh crap...

Damian Garcia said...

I'm actually kind of scared to find out what happens to the universes!!

Anonymous said...

Yes Dennis , it's Sam .

If Peter did choose the blue , Olivia will not let him to do it , she promised AltBroyls to save both universes . and if Peter did choose the red , also Olivia will not let the blue to die .

But Peter at the moment ... he has no choice !


Jaydev Adhikari said...

The backward audio is "A Demon's Twist Rusts" and its Sam's voice

Anonymous said...

Sam Weiss is sure looking different in this promo. Grayer. Thinner. Meaner. At 0:04, he's staring intensely at three bowling balls. Could these balls be representative of the universes - red, blue and yellow? Excitement!

Anonymous said...

In addition to my above comment...the third ball is BLACK. No yellow here folks. We could be led into The Demon Universe.

Gus said...

its also interesting to note the order of the bowling balls: red, black then blue. if it does relate to our universes then what would the black ball represent?

wikiaddicted723 said...

the Vacuum, maybe? the Void, complete emptiness?

Anonymous said...

Why is the movie "Event Horizon" popping into my head over the Blackverse? Could be some kind of phantasmagorical place of mayhem and torture, could be the pre-Big Bang nothingness as the above poster mentioned. The First People fit in somewhere. Are they us? Are we them?

wikiaddicted723 said...

are we sure it's black, it sure looks like that with the lighting, but could it be a very dark green? just like the ball on its right? and then we could assume that there's another ball that got cut out of the snapshot and we'd have a very nice green, green, green, red scenario.....

Unknown said...

What is the time note that briefly flashes by? It's like 6:02 am or 8:02 - or something? It is tied to the "Where will you be when it happens?" text and it blips in for only a fraction of a second. I have no way of slowing the video and actually, it looks like the time "blipvert" may be able to change it's moment to flash in the video - or the video has alternating, subtle variations.

Unknown said...

UPDATE: 6:02AM is, perhaps, when "...we all die..." or the Universes rip apart or meld or...Mass Fringe...whatever. Watch the letter "O" in the word "YOU" and listen for the overdub voice "We're all going to die" - 6:02 will flash underneath "YOU" and "AM" is on the next line of text and the letter "A" coincides with the "A" in "HAPPENS". You can actually, click your mouse on the slider and keep replaying the moment until you can see it clearly. There is an earlier but faster flash of the same 6:02 AM text - but it's so fast, I'm not sure if something else is mixed in)

ParisD said...

I haven't read this anywhere, but I'm starting to think there is going to be a Fringe event at that time, like something to do with the west coast (given that we see Cali in that frame surrounded by a yellow demarkation). I recall hearing the execs mention that we would start seeing consiquences on our side similar to those seen on the Red side. My theory is: California is about to start looking like theirs, and that'll kick off at 3:02 am local, 6:02 am eastern.

Lccf said...

These yellow circles spreading on the map at 0,05 ... could that be ... vortexes opening ?
Is the shot of Nina coming from a previous episode, or new ? If it's new, you know things are VERY bad when even Nina looks that frightened !
And Sam appearing through Walter's window ? Just creepy and exciting ! CAN'T WAIT !!!!!!!!!!!

Dennis said...

Sorry about the mix-up with the reversed audio... this version should work!

fringeobsessed said...

It works great, Dennis. TY. :)

Amy said...

I'm thinking mass vortexes all over the place, which prompts Peter to try to do something to prevent everyone from dying. In other words, he gets in the machine. That map looks like a weather map, though it might be detecting vortexes, or both. See this doppler explanation of "red shift" and "blue shift" because a weather map might pick up on the frequencies. And whoever said the middle ball was green, that's a good theory. If you were looking at an opaque color mixing wheel at red and blue, triangled between them is yellow, but if you were looking to find the middle between red and blue light, their balancing point on an equilateral triangle is green. I have no idea how this relates to the frequencies universes vibrate on, maybe I need to read more Brian Green books.

tvnut014 said...

I agree with the theory of the BLACK bowling ball. I also think it represents the Vaccum, void, nothingness, or the unknown. All of these spoilers are making my head spin!!! I can't and CAN wait for the season finale, cause you just know they're gonna drop a freaking bomb on us and leave us in the mess for about 3 months while we wait for them to clean it all up in September!


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