Unlike previous seasons where you could view Fringe (and other Fox shows) on Fox.com or Hulu the next day after it aired, this season has introduced an 8-day delay (unless you are a Dish Network customer.)
In addition, Fringe season 4 is NOT available at all on iTunes or Amazon.
I contacted Fox for an explanation, and received this reply:
“Unfortunately, FRINGE is unavailable to subscription services like iTunes, Amazon and Hulu. We are working with Warner Bros. Television, the studio that produces FRINGE and owns the rights to the show, to make the show available to fans through other channels. We hope to have this matter resolved soon but in the meantime, please watch or DVR FRINGE on Fridays at 9/8c on FOX.”
I don't believe the only reason for the change is to drive people people to watch Fringe live, since other shows are affected as well.
My guess is that it might have something to do with the recent Fox/Amazon deal, but that's wouldn't explain why Fringe is not on Amazon either. I'm sure whatever the real reason is, it comes down to money. Hopefully this will be resolved soon, and we will let you know if we hear any news.
Out of curiosity, how did you watch Fringe last season (see poll), and how has this season's changes affected your viewing?
No Hulu, Fox, iTunes or Fox.com in Russia. I pretty much have no choice but to watch the new episodes illegally...
I always used to watch live, but I am at university this year and my res has no tv and I am not willing to pay for cable so I am now downloading of the internet illegally as well.
Live, CityTV online and Rogers On Demand to compensate for tiny the SD broadcast.
No option for "Watched Fringe LIVE AND DVR and watch within 7 days"? Darn....
I try to always watch Fringe live, but last season if I wasn't able to, I would buy the episode from the PlayStation network (which is another option that I don't think is available right now). I've also really enjoyed being able to rewatch episodes on Hulu to pick up on details that I miss the first time around.
It's a show that I never want to miss an episode, so I'm really disappointed that there isn't a legal way to watch missed episodes! I wouldn't mind paying for a subscription if it's a money issue. Hopefully it will be resolved soon.
I want to watch live on FOX but they have this shitty 4:3 feed where everyone's face is half cut off...
Nevertheless, I get it any way I can also.
I was so disappointed to discover Fox's new policy the day after the season premiere. It is difficult for me to be home on a Friday night and we don't have cable so I have always watched Fringe the day after online.
The worst part about this new policy is that it is 8 days before it is unlocked. So even if I happen to be home on a Friday evening, I won't watch Fringe live now because I am waiting to watch the episode from the week prior. I don't understand why, at the very least, they can't unlock the episode from the week before on the 7th day. It seems like that would only benefit them.
I am overseas and having Fringe on iTunes (which I have for the past 3 seasons) allows me to watch them via my Apple TV connection or I can upload the episode(s) to my iPhone or iPad and watch them any where.
Besides I would like to have them available in iTunes so I can watch them when I wish. Like All the Seasons of Lost, etc.
i download fringe because here in australia we dont show these shows while they are current....i dont feel bad for it even though it isnt technically legal, however i do also buy the box set when it comes out, which im sure not many other downloaders do
I work Friday nights and I don't own a DVR. I sent Fox.com an email telling them this decision was disastrous for ratings and trying to draw new viewers in for any of their shows. I also mentioned in the email I'd be willing to pay to watch on Itunes or Amazon, but those options aren't available either.
I DVR and then watch the same night or the next day. I also bought the first 3 seasons on Amazon so I can watch whenever I want without commercials. Let's face it, most of us don't like commercials and fast-forward through them on DVR or TIVO or VCR if people still use those.
This really sucks. I'm thinking 'money' all the way. Right now I just hit 'keep' on the DVR so I'll have them and they won't drop off. We will see what scam they come up with for the fans. I know they have to make a buck at our expense or there would be nothing to watch but I thought things were going great with Amazon but now............?
Oh and that deal between FOX and Amazon was for a bunch of old TV shows and movies made available for viewing anytime as part of Amazon's digital library.
Same as Ezhik here in Brazil. I wished there was a sort of Support/Donate page for Fringe.
U forgot the $.99 per gallon/litre gasoline. I want to go there!
I always watch Fringe live if humanly possible but I work nights so I DVR. But I always had the season pass on itunes so I could rewatch episodes on a plane/car/work/lecture hall/beach/.... I WANT MY SEASON PASS!!! I'm used to being a spoiled & having Fringe at my finger tips at all times.
I ALWAYS watch Fringe LIVE its the only show I WONT miss for ANYTHING! I only go to Hulu just to watch it over and over again,lol, One Night In October was the lowest in the shows history which means allot of SO CALLED FRINGE FANS weren't watching at all, and was most likely watching Supernatural instead, how can anyone call themselves a fan of Fringe and watch something else knowing it needs all the help it can get, and then complain themselves that it may get canceled when its THEIR fault, I think we can bet this being Fringes last year, and you can blame all the Supernatural fans for it because allot of them even watch Fringe but always watch Supernatural live even though it isn't the one that needs help, I mean its been on 7 years already, let it go and help the underdog Fringe, this is best show ever and your busy watching a show just because theres a couple of cute guys on it, the story on Supernatural has been long drown out for too long it needs to end before it gets any more stupid, it lost me after the third season when they got into angels and the devil and god stuff, been there done that its nothing special never liked movies about the fight between god and the devil so why would spend 7 years watching a show about it,can you say BORING, WATCH FRINGE LIVE OR LOSE IT FOREVER!
I gave up tv in 2009 so I used to watch Hulu and d/l from Amazon. I bought the DVD set now two years running.
I am very disappointed there isn't a good option for me to watch the episodes sooner but I am not going to start paying for cable again.
Lux Lea,
Fox is a broadcast channel, so you should be able to pick it up for free with an over-the-air antenna. See antennaweb.org
Also, the problem with the "buy it on DVD" strategy, is there won't be anything to buy if the show gets cancelled because of low ratings. (not you specifically, but in general)
Well, since Fringe season 4 is not available on iTunes this year, I cannot watch it, as I do not have a DVR and no longer have a VCR.
I always go on the hunt online 'cause i don't have access to it otherwise. And then I've always bought the dvd as soon as they come out so i don't count my watching online illegal 'cause i end up buying the product when I can- a bit like grapes at the store. I try and I buy.
No choice but to watch it illegilly, still no idea if or when it will air here (Australia). Normally I watch online, then record/ watch on tv and then buy on Dvd as well, but still waiting for season three to come out on DVD here.
ITunes Australia doesn't release until it shows on air, so you could wait until doomsday for that.
Hasn't it always been about money? I mean if they are trying to get new viewers, why do the already loyal ones have to suffer? Have they forgotten the red licorice campaign? And from where I live, I have to watch from unauthorized sources.
Is there a contact that we can all contact to complain about this?
You should be able to catch up in a couple of weeks, since there is a re-run coming up during the world series.
Complaining isn't going to do much at this point. Everyone is aware of the situation. From what I have been told "off the record", they are working really hard on getting this resolved.
Warner Bros wants to sell you episodes just as much as Apple/iTunes, so it is in everyone's best interest to come to an agreement soon.
I pay for cable in my dorm. I watch Fringe live no matter what. If i'm hanging out with friends I take an hour break and then go back to hanging out.
I catch FRINGE live as often as possible, and usually pick up the DVDs during the off-season. Here's hoping FOX and their partners get their issues resolved, and FRINGE is saved from a premature death!
They should get more merchandise out there if they need more revenue to keep Fringe afloat, from what I can see most fans would be happy to support (and show their support on their backs and anywhere else they'd like to put their logo) by buying whatever they lay their hands on.
I download illegally only because Fringe isn't shown here in Australia. If it is, it's at some whacked time on one of the channels that have re-runs all the time. Besides, even if they do show it, there's no guarantee it'll stay in that timeslot. If it's not one of the popular shows, they can take it off air with no explanation- you won't even know where to begin looking for it. I always buy the dvds when they come out though. That's how I try to make up for it.
Yeah. I wasn't able to watch the premiere live and now have been a week behind as a result. I prefer to watch it live, but this new deal with DishNetwork has really prevented that for me. I'm not able to catch up and support the show by watching it live. I'm worried their poor ratings has been a result of this new situation.
You can watch it on DroidTV Primetime if you download the app. It is an awesome app. but unfortunately nothing like it on iPhone.
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