October 1, 2011 by Marisa Roffman
So, um, that happened on FRINGE.
Now that both coasts have seen “One Night in October,” there is much to discuss — including, but not limited to, how we’re going to survive the next few days until we get our next episode.
Seriously, though, given the last scene of the hour, I had many burning questions about what the heck we just saw/heard. And thankfully, FRINGE executive producers Jeff Pinkner and J.H. Wyman were willing to answer a few of them…
You can read the rest of the article at GiveMeMyRemote.com
I'm confused as to what the Observer's intervention was: distracting Walternate in the lab or saving Peter and Walter from drowning in Reiden Lake?
FO can you email me? I can be reached olddarth at yahoo dot ca.
Loved the episode, great performance by Anna Torv, but I miss Peter to much! He has to come back and quickly!
I really loved the episode!
But something intrigues me, when Peter comes back (which i hope it's soon), will things go back to way they were before? Will Alt Broyles be dead? Will baby Henry exist? Won't Fauxolivia be with Frank anymore?
So I'm wondering if Olivia met Walter as a child and if she was part of his cortexiphan trials in this new timeline? Does she still have her powers?
LC_07 you're onto something there...will things go back to the way they were before Peter blipped out of existence?? In someways I think that would be okay. But I think it would be more interesting to see how Peter affects everyone now at this given point in their lives, when he returns to this new timeline, knowing all that he knows about how things use to be.
Wait so if the Observer never interfered doesn't that mean Walternate cured Peter???
quote: "Anonymous said...
Wait so if the Observer never interfered doesn't that mean Walternate cured Peter???
I'm confused too, I thought the observer said that Peter never existed. I inferred that meant that Walter never got married or he and his wife never had a son. Now we know he and over here Peter both just died as a kid?
Yuk, that does raise a lot more questions than my previous "*poof*, Peter has been removed from existence theory."
Either way the Peter shaped hole that is left in the two worlds is an interesting one and difficult to define exactly. Peter is the catalyst for everything happening in the show, yet somehow when he winks out of existence almost everything that happened still happened as it did. Just without him.
I can only assume, now that it appears that the observers may have engineered the whole thing, that what is happening between the two universes may have been happening even before Walter crossed universes to save Peter. Maybe it has more to do with the first people and why they built that machine.
Yeah, that's a good question, Kit.
But both Walters did get married and had children. The Observer says "they can never know the boy lived to become a man". I think that means that both Peters died due to their disease.
Riley, I also think it would be more interesting to see how will Peter's role playout in this new timeline, and if the characters will remember him. Because if it all goes back to the way it was at the end of season 3, what was the point of changing everything for only a few episodes? I can't wait to see how the writers are gonna continue this, Fringe is always surprising. =)
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