Fringe: Witness The Return (Of Peter!) ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Fringe: Witness The Return (Of Peter!)

      Email Post       10/20/2011 03:56:00 PM      

Here is the Ari Margolis produced trailer for the next Fringe episode "Novation", which airs NEXT Friday, October 28 at 9:00PM on FOX.

Check out for screenshots of this video - there are lots of interesting things at the end!


Old Darth said...

These next groups of episodes are going to be sooooo good!

Matthew M said...

Nothing new here, move along...........
8 days? Can I stand the it that long?
Just watched the pilot episode. Still outstanding! So many unanswered questions from that will we ever get answers?

Fringie6989 said...


Scully8 said...

Olivia is looking at Peter (after Walter runs out)like she looks at Altlivia -- totally disgust . . . this is going to be awesome!

fringeobsessed said...

Really Scully8? I thought our Liv was looking at Peter like as though he was dangerous yet fascinating at the same time.

cortexifan said...

so cannot wait!
Fringe Rocks!

even if you don't have a "black box"

PPL said...

It could be the suspicious guy that we see in the pilot, Peter?. Look screenshot 43 of this promo and 640, 641 of 401 NHNT.
(This because of some spoiler that I read, slightly related to this, but don't remember where or what about exactly :P)
Just a thought; I don't want to disturb anyone. ;)

aydee said...
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Anonymous said...

Olivia is looking at Peter (after Walter runs out)like she looks at Altlivia -- totally disgust . . .

Nothing new then. That's how she always looks at him.

PPL said...

SPOILERS are a No,No on these pages, someone please delete that comment!! :(

Now, with my previous comment, what I read was the press release for episode 6, I made the relation too soon and probably there's nothing there. -sorry-

Lafra08 said...

I don´t know I really miss the original timeline with the relatinoships I got invested in: this NewWalter is mad, very sad and strange, Newlivia is stronger, independent, less sad, easier with a smile but they are not Our Walter and OurLivia I learned to love and admire - are we ever going to get them back? I don´t know really.... this makes me a little bit sad, still there is the possibillity that Peter will try to go back to the OT because he realize that this new timeline is not his home and Newwalter and Newlivia are not his Walter and his Olivia and he wants people, who love them truly back or he will try somehow to merge the two timelines so we can at least have some kind OT-relationships back!!!!!!!!!!!! On the other hand I must admitt, that this is also cool to see the diffrences in Peter-less timeline and this is an interesting storyline with Peter returing and knowing all and everythig but noone remembering him...if I only knew that we get old relationships and the OT back later this season!!! what makes me also sad is the fact that i think our beloved Polivia has no chance to come together for now in this new timeline, maybe we will not see any P/O beutiful interactions this season at all and this relationship in the OT was so beautiful and thay are really destinied to be together - and it is really hard to see them be so close, and Olivia saying ILY and Peter sacryfaing himself for her in 3.22 and now all of the sudden having Newlivia and Peter looking so angry at eachother HEARTBREAKING!!!!!!!!!!!I hope I´m wrong and we will see Peter and Olivia reunited in love together later this season and I hope this will be the most beutiful pay off ever!!!!!!!!!!!and of course the same for Peter/Walter relationship!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes I hope they will restore what was good in the old timeline and I hope erase what was horrible, like baby Henry for example.

Anonymous said...

please don't bring back baby henry! I agree, I would like to see P/O back together, but I'm excited to see how they interact in this timeline; I do believe they will reunite and be stronger for it.

Anonymous said...

I think it'll be kinda fun to see the relationships develop again from scratch, perhaps with little nuances that weren't apparent in the original time. Peter may have a little competition for Olivia from Lincoln Lee though. Another triangle to be dealt with. And this is why we watch. <:-)

Aline said...

Peter is going to win Olivia for the 3rd time, he's the man!

LC_07 said...

Peter is going to win Olivia for the 3rd time, he's the man!

oh yeah! Can't wait!

Cazza said...

I agree with Fringeobsessed Olivia does not look at Peter in disgust. I think she might even be having flashbacks. Got to love John Nobles acting the simple act of Peter putting his hand on him his reaction was so Walter of old. I think Petes character will develop more this season what an interesting storyline evolving. Bring on Friday.

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