World Series Could Preeemt Fringe This Friday ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

World Series Could Preeemt Fringe This Friday

      Email Post       10/27/2011 11:39:00 AM      

Yesterday's Game 6 of the World Series was officially postponed due to rain, and will be played tonight. This means that if the Saint Louis Cardinals win tonight, game 7 would be on Friday, which would preempt the return of Fringe this week.

What will happen if Fringe gets preempeted? According to the @MaskedScheduler, this week's episode will air next week. Unfortunately, that could push the Fringe "Fall Finale" out of November Sweeps.

Historically speaking, there is only about a 35% chance of the World Series going to seven games, but the Cardinals are playing at home so it could go either way. It might not be a bad idea to start rooting for the Texas Rangers (or for rain on Friday!)

The good news about the World Series airing on Friday would be that it could be a huge blow to the season premiere of NBC's Grimm (i.e. the competition). The World Series has been pulling in over 14 million viewers vs. the usual 3 million for Fringe.


Sean said...

St. Louis Cardinals. Arizona is a football team.

milostanfield said...

If the WS goes to Friday let's hope it is a pitching duel, with lots of quick fly outs and strikeouts, and is decided by a solo home run by the 1st batter in the bottom of the 9th. If it stays under 3 hours, maybe Fringe will air after all.

Sheesh. I'm a lifelong NL fan & DH rule hater now rooting for an AL team tonight just so I can watch Fringe on Friday. Sacrifices must be made.

Dennis said...

"St. Louis Cardinals. Arizona is a football team."

Oops, thanks!

fringeobsessed said...

All I can say is...Go RANGERS!

Roberto said...

The showrunners have been struggling of late. This is another example. Last Friday was a scheduled travel day for the WS. FRINGE could have aired. Odds are slightly better than even it will go seven. I was rooting for the Texas team anyway to score the most points. I think they are known as the THUNDERING HERD.

Kreitsauce said...

St. Louisan here and avid Fringe observer. Talk about mixed emotions!

Captain Spork said...


I'm really unclear as to how Fringe possibly being preempted by baseball is related to its producers "struggling." Also the producers aren't in charge of how and when the episodes are aired. Fox determines when to air the episodes.

Blue said...

I don't think I can wait another week!!!

Xindilini said...

American baseball don't matter either way in Canada.

And Grimm pulled away from the simulcast too, so it's not in conflict with Fringe at all.

I get to see both.

cortexifan said...

I guess we're going to have to wait one more week.

As Peter said to Olivia in Jacksonville, sitting on the swing, after she said she has no memory of this: "Maybe that's a good thing."

kasper311 said...
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robert said...

The comment about Grimm losing traction due to baseball makes me wonder how out of touch I may be in thinking of the (ubiquitous... or not???) DVR. Are those of us who never miss what we want to see on television only part of some few who possess that simple tech, or are we just a geek fringe?
No need to pardon that pun.

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