DVR ratings: 'Fringe' increases its audience by 66%
October 17, 2011
Now, we really understand how crazy the dilemma must be for Fox when it comes to whether or not to keep "Fringe" -- the show does succeed in the ratings to an extent for a Friday show, but very few people actually bother to watch it live.
For the second week of the season, the drama (which airs in the TV dungeon that is Friday night) brought in a 2.0 rating in the 18-49 demographic -- up a whopping 66% from the 1.2 it registered during the live viewing. This increase of 66% is far and away the best percentage on TV -- and it's not even close. Another show airing in the same timeslot -- "Supernatural" -- is in second place with a 57% gain up to a 1.1 rating.
Will this be enough to actually save the show? That's where it gets difficult, since the people who DVR the show are not actually helping the advertisers in any way. It's really once again an issue of the timeslot, and Fox wanting to keep the show around to please sci-fi fans.
Do you watch "Fringe" live, or do you prefer to DVR it?
Check this article out here.
Thanks for posting this fo.
I wish more people would watch live if they can.
And I hope that FOX knows what treasure they have with Fringe.
Watch live, even the re-runs
Fringe Rocks!
I watch live, but because I don't have a Neilsen box, I also DVR so I get counted as a viewer. Even if I don't watch the episode a second time, I'll allow the episode to run again.
Also, I heard from a friend of mine who works in television that they don't always count DVR numbers if you're forwarding through the commercials. So again, when I let it run the second time, I let the commercials run, too.
DVR+3 numbers have some relevance but DVR+7 carry little weight on the business sides of things.
Not that it matters because I live in Canada but I watch it LIVE!!
that's good right? that these numbers are up? that means it's not likely to get canceled, right?
Any increase is good, but, tell everyone you know to watch it LIVE every week so we can get those LIVE numbers higher!
My understanding is the LIVE numbers are what captivate the network.
Both. Then I rewatch 2 or 3 times and yes I fast forward through the commercials. I stuck with then the first round but not again, heck no!
I skip out on social functions and dates to watch Fringe live. I don't have the option to DVR and since Fox is being a douche about streaming the episodes, my only choice is LIVE. It's worth every minute, though!!
Now that Peter is back I need to redo my deco on my car. Maybe I'll just add "Watch Live" on my "fringe mobile"
I would hope Fox understands that you can't have a show as complex as Fringe and not expect people to want to watch it on DVR. The ability to rewind, pause, etc. is essential if you want to get the many layers the show presents to us each week. DVR recording should also mean that viewers watch it more than once. I know I do.
yep, agree. I've seen 4.04 7 times already and I'm not done. Still glues me to the screen.
I don't understand - I do not have a Nielsen box, so does it matter if I watch it live?
I watch live every Friday... Even though I have DVR I don't use it... Remember to watch live on Friday's if you can... We can't let our show die! We have to keep it alive!
So wait...only the people who have a Nielsen box count watching it live but EVERYONE who has a DVR counts for DVR ratings??? Am I understanding that right?
I watch live if at all possible. If I can't be home I make my husband watch. Hehe. I wonder if on demand viewings count towards Fringe's ratings?
I'm a hulu watcher. So that means I'm watching episodes a week past due. I'm sad I can't do my part to watch it live, but I can't ever catch up with the 8-day lag now...
You should be able to catch up to live, since this week will be a repeat...
Can't dvr it, always watch it live anyway. But I also re-watch it online at Hulu through the week. We don't have a Neilson box, but I'm very dedicated to watching it every week.
I wish there was a better way to get ratings outside of the boxes, to be honest. There's got to be way more than 2 million people watching the show.
I watch live, but I don't have a nielson box so It means nothing for the ratings.
Only if you have a nielson box then it counts for the ratings. I have never in my life known anyone who has a box. Anyone else know anybody, relative, friend?
I think there are only 50,000 or so who have boxes. I could be wrong.
I watch live, but I'm Canadian, so there's nothing I can do besides motivate Americans to watch live. Then again, without a Nielsen Box, that doesn't help much, but if what an above commenter says is true and that Live+3 is still relevant, I guess more people should DVR and watch in the next 3 days after airing.
I use the same strategy as xfsista: watch live, then replay and re-watch before 3am via DVR so I'm counted as a viewer. No Nielsen box here.
I don't watch ANYTHING live! They gotta come up with a new system...because pretty soon...nobody will be watching live tv unless it's sports or whatever. There are many show I LOVE and can't wait to watch, but I NEVER watch live...I just don't and never will again probably.
I'm still living in the stone age and don't have a DVR. I watch it live and have also been meaning to watch it again on Hulu.
I don't have a box and I don't know anybody who their ratings don't mean SH!T to me!
We too watch NOTHING live (except sports on the internet) - we don't even have cable or a tv converter --- everything we watch is from the internet - and - by the way does have commercials - just shorter commercials - also - we are not young techiess - actually age 61 - its the wave of the future -
So....have I been an idiot leaving the tv on in my bedroom with the sound off (to "watch" it live) while I put my kids to bed, and watching later on the DVR for real? Does that even help??? No, I don't have a Nielson box either...who the heck does anyway?
This is something I've been wondering about myself....I don't have a Nielson box either, but I DVR the show and watch it live. And I usually watch it atleast 2 more times before the next episode, once right after the live version and then again sometime later in the week before Friday's episode. So am I helping or hurting??
I love love love Fringe and will be devastated when its over!!! Here's hoping to atleast a good 7-10 seasons! :)
I watch it live! The only show that I make sure not to miss. Love it.
This system sucks. I watch Fringe live but have no Nielson box, so apparently I'm not "counted". I don't have a DVR, but I do rewatch online occasionally, though because of the stupid 8-day wait a lot of times it is through unauthorized sources :P I hope these constant increases in DVR numbers bode well for the show! Pay attention, Fox! Fringe is one of the BEST shows out there and I will be so upset if they cancel it. Please, please watch live if you can, everyone.
I watch Fringe LIVE every week, but I don't have a Nielson Box or whatever. And it seems from the other comments left, a lot of people watching the show don't have them either. So obviously more people are watching Fringe than the ratings really show. Maybe they should find a new way of rating it.
I HAVE to think that these DVR numbers help them make money with advertising in show, like Nissan. We can't fast forward through that. Doesn't beat watching live though.
Never watch any live tv. Even with sporting events, I'll let the buffer fill up so I can skip commercials. But I do watch all my top shows the same night they air, so hopefully those dvr numbers count for something.
As for watching online, I really don't mind the one or two commercials they force us to watch. Better than 3+ minutes of interruption. But I refuse to wait 8 days to watch Fringe.
But alas, I also do not have a ratings box, so I don't matter.
Hey fellow fans, congrats for the increase. But as almost everyone knows, it's not enough. We need to watch Fringe live if we really wanna boost the ratings for our show. Of course, if need be, we will try the Red Licorice Campaign again and try to persuade Fox to keep it on air for another season, but we can't force them. It won't always work. They need ratings, and being the fans of the show, its our responsibility to give it to them. Let's spread the word "Watch It Live" and do everything we can to save our show. IMAGINE THE IMPOSSIBILITIES if it runs for another season.
I watch the show live, while I DVR it. That way, I can go back and find everything I miss. I watch the fan sites for all the easter eggs.
Maybe this will help:
does no one understand how this works? you need a BLACK BOX for your "watching live" to count towards anything. so tell them those people to watch LIVE instead of the multitudes that don't matter. keep pushing DVR! it's making waves in areas never before seen.
LONG LIVE our small but mighty Fringe!!
i am not at home on friday nights, the only way i can watch it is to dvr it. i used to watch it on thursday nights live but then fox moved it. i don't know what to say when they argue the point about the sponsors, but fox was the one that moved it, not me. the show deserves better but the rest of the week is idol, x factor, glee, and that stuff. it would be a shame to lose it. hell, abc gave up the late slot on wednesdays for lost, i did not watch that one at all.
the Nielson Box is a myth. my family was a Nielson family a couple years back, and they don't install anything on your box monitoring your viewing.They give you a journal to fill out (what you watched during the week and when). It's a very outdated system that needs to be replaced
I watch the show live, but record it on my DVR so that I can go back and watch it again!
Well, I watch it live while I DVR it and then I watch it on demand later too, plus I buy it off iTunes.
I watch it live. The networks have to figure this DVR thing out. Right now they are canceling shows that viewers have put a lot into. I see no sense in continuing to watch anything new if the networks insist on canceling on the basis of live viewing. They are totally behind the times and out of touch with the way the viewer manages his/her television time in 2011. I plan to stop watching cable television all together if they continue canceling things I get into. I' ll watch local off the air and cancel my cable and add DVDs when I want to watch, but only when I see the seasons have been completed.
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