Fringe Episode 117: Bad Dreams
By Dennis Email Post 4/21/2009 09:00:00 PM Categories: Fringe, Season 1
As a suicide incident occurs at New York's iconic Grand Central station, Agent Dunham simultaneously witnesses the event while asleep and dreaming in Boston. Rattled by the extraordinary and coincidental circumstances, Olivia, Peter and Walter investigate further,...
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What song was playing at the strip club?
And was john legend the husband of the first victim?
Been a while since I posted a comment on this site, but I felt I needed to share this idea and get other's feedback. When Olivia and Peter went to Walter's hotel room to ask about the drug that was administered to "Olive," Walter begins eating a nutter butter bar while explaining how Nick Lane was influencing others with his emotions. If you watch closely, you'll see that once Walter starts eating his snack, the camera shifts to Olivia with Peter who is out of focus in the foreground and seemingly CHEWING SOMETHING! However, he did not pick up something to eat, but was mimicing his father's actions. Likewise, at the end of that scene, Walter delicately touches Oliiva's face the same way Peter had done so earlier in the hospital!
That's interesting... He seems to keep doing it in the scene... maybe he's just chewing gum?
Has anyone notice the spruce tree or douglas fir tattoed on Nick Lane's right shoulder. Could be a clue to forthcoming episodes.
There are a lot of possibilities in this episode... I'll try to get some screencaps up tonight...
Song at the strip club was Starstuck by Lady Gaga.
Did anyone else notice the glyph flashes after the previews?? After it says "Fringe All New", a hand, leaf, large apple, and smaller apple, flash very quickly. I can't see any of the yellow dots with them on my recording though, so I don't know if they are supposed to be letters or not. ???
Remember, Walter's lab assistant died in an "accidental fire" at he and Bell's lab.
The same seemingly "olive-born" fire as in the VHS tape at the end?
i want to know what song is playing in the car right before boone's wife kills her second victim?
All the music played in the show can be found at the Fringepedia music page:
I don't know about the eating thing. Peter clearly has a small roll or package of some kind of white candy at the beginning of the scene. Perhas he was eating throughout, although it was interesting how they went with the same camera shot twice in a row with him barely visible on the right side of the screen, once chewing and once not.
Also, it was interesting how Walter started the scene with "Where's the fire?!!!" Given the nature of 'The Road Not Taken' and the topic of that scene, that was no coincidence. I wonder if there are any other clues like that?
I don't want to see twitter on my TV screen. It is way too distracting. I have to change the channel.
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