The song he sings is called "Van Amburghs Menagerie", a popular song in the late 19th century about a menagerie (traveling zoo.)
Here are the lyrics that Walter sings, as he goes to confront the monster in the sewer:
Van Amburgh is the man, who goes to all the shows
He goes into the lion's cage, and tells you all he knows;
He sticks his head in the lion's mouth,and keeps it there a-while,
And when he pulls it out again, he greets you with a smile.
That Hyena in the next cage, most terrible to relate,
Got awful hungry the other day, and ate up his female mate;
He’s a very ferocious beast, don't go near him little boys,
For when he's angry he shakes his tail, and makes this awful noise.
Click here to read the full lyrics
Van Amburgh is the man, who goes to all the shows
He goes into the lion's cage, and tells you all he knows;
He sticks his head in the lion's mouth,and keeps it there a-while,
And when he pulls it out again, he greets you with a smile.
The elephant goes around, The band begins to play,
The boys around the monkey's cage had better get out of the way.
First comes the African Polar Bear, oft called the Iceberg's Daughter,
She eats three cakes of ice per day then calls for soda water;
She wades in the water up to her knees, not fearing any harm,
You may growl and grumble as much as you please, and she don't give a "darn."
That Hyena in the next cage, most terrible to relate,
Got awful hungry the other day, and ate up his female mate;
He’s a very ferocious beast, don't go near him little boys,
For when he's angry he shakes his tail, and makes this awful noise.
(imitate growling)
Next comes the Anaconda Boa Constrictor, oft called Anaconda for brevity,
He's known throughout the whole wide world for his age and great longevity;
He can swallow himself, crawl into himself, and crawl out again with facility,
He can tie himself into a double-bow-knot with his tail, and smile with the greatest facility.
The peacock is a pretty bird, his tail is wondrous fine,
The Jay bird and the jackdaw are mad to see it shine,
The Kangaroos are jumping, and rattling the cage door,
Look out ye little boys, for the lion's going to roar.
The monkey in the next cage, is cuffing his little brother,
He's not to blame for doing that, for he learned it of his mother;
The skin of his face is drawn so tight, and coverv'd o're with kinks,
And when he winks, he's sure to gape, and when he gapes he winks.
Next comes the Great Vulture, awful bird, from highest mountain's top,
He's been known to eat up little girls, and then to lick his chops;
The performance can't go on, there's too much noise and confusion,
Ladies don't feed those monkeys cakes, you'll ruin their constitutions.
The last is the eagle, from the highest mountain tops,
He's been known to eat up little birds, and here his history stops;
The performance can't go on, there's too much noise and confusion,
If the ladies give them monkeys fruit, it will injure their constitution.
BTW, Menagerie is also this week's Star Trek reference - the name of the only two-part episode from the original series.
You are seriously amazing. I am a fan, but this is ridiculous! In a good way.
Curious minds want to know!
There's so much to know. It is interesting that a refernce to Kelvin Gentics turned up in this show. We haven't heard about that in sometime.
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