Jasika Nicole was cool enough to speak with me again yesterday morning, this time about the Season 1 finale, Astrid's superpower, and her plans for the (short) summer hiatus (among other things).
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Adam MorganDo you have any fun plans for the hiatus?Jasika NicoleWell, I'm going to be driving to Vancouver. That's my exciting road trip for the summer. I think we'll take like ten or eleven days and camp in some national parks. I'm not really a camper, so I'm excited to see how I...function. I've never done it before, and I can't say no if I haven't tried something at least once. I think it'll be cool to see the country, I just don't know what it'll be like to sleep in a tent.Adam MorganWhy is the finale your favorite episode?Jasika NicoleBecause, I think there have been a lot of super-creey factors in all of the episodes we've done, but with the finale...the idea that they propose in the finale is like the biggest, all-time creepy thing ever. We've touched on it in really, really tiny pieces throughout the season, but it comes to a head in the finale and explodes. I cannot wait to see what it looks like on TV. It's one thing to read it or have someone describe it, but to actually see it...I'm always impressed by what the special effects people have to do, and then every week it's like "Wow, can they really keep doing this, can they keep impressing me and the other viewers?" But I'm sure they're going to pull this one off, and it's gonna be...awesome.Adam MorganIf Astrid could have a superpower, what would you want it to be?Jasika NicoleOoo...I think I'd want Astrid to be able to fly. And that is not a superpower that I would personally like to have, because I'm terrified of heights. But see, that's the difference between me and Astrid. She's braver than I am with a lot of things, and she's smarter than I am. Flying would be way more important to her, but if I personally could have a superpower, it would be something like...being able to eat chocolate for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and not have it affect my figure!Adam MorganMaybe that'll be in your spin-off!Jasika NicoleI already have a title for it. It's called Fringe: The Farnsworth Chronicles.Adam MorganThat's perfect! Is there a particular memory you have from shooting season one that will always stand out?Jasika NicoleThe one I can think of off the top of my head is when we were filming the Pilot in Toronto. And we had a different Gene at that time. I wish I could remember her name...I'm such a bad castmate. We shot that scene where we're all sitting down in front of the TV and watching Spongebob, and we're all eating Chinese food, and the cow is right behind us. We were shooting the scene at like three or four o'clock in the morning. We were all exhausted, but also loopy and delirious and having a good time. So we have to film this scene, and all the actors are keeping it together and doing really good, but the cow kept on licking us, and rubbing its big wet nostrils in my hair while we were filming, and I was like, "I have to pretend like this doesn't bother me while I'm eating Chinese food!" As it's blowing snot on me! And I don't know if you've ever felt a cow's tongue, but it's got a lot of saliva on it, and she licked my hair...I mean, straightened the curls on the back of my head, so it was all sick and gross and matted. But the really funny thing is that none of the actors moved or anything, we just sat there and kept watching and eating our Chinese food!Adam MorganHave you heard the hip-hop remix of the Fringe theme song ["Beyond Imagination" by Dujeous]? They mention you specifically!Jasika NicoleNo! Oh my God, what do they say?Adam MorganSomething about experimenting with Astrid in the lab...Jasika NicoleI've gotta go look it up online. I promise I'm gonna do that today.Adam MorganWill we ever get to hear you sing on the show?Jasika NicoleI really hope so. I have a few ideas on how that could happen. Now here's my first one, and you can let J.J. [Abrams] know this if you want.Adam MorganOh yeah, he and I are really good friends...Jasika NicoleHaha yeah, you're probably closer to him than I am.Adam MorganI'm just kidding...Jasika NicoleOk, my first idea. Walter has a breakdown, and the camera is in the lab, looking around. You hear something, but you don't see anybody. They pan over, and you see Walter. He's just had a breakdown, and the only way Astrid can calm him down is to sing. Like, the greatest 70's hits. So he's got his head in her lap, and she's going...[Jasika sings!] Boogie Wonderla-and! And he's like "Thank you so much, Miss Farnsworth."Adam MorganWhat's it like to watch an episode once it's edited. Do you watch it by yourself, or with friends?Jasika NicoleI watch it with my partner, because she's generally scared of all the creepy stuff, so she's fun to watch it with!Adam MorganThat's right, I read she's not a big horror fan, right?Jasika NicoleNo, she does not like horror films or television shows or anything. [Fringe] is kind of right at the brink of what she can handle. But I love watching the episodes, I never miss it. Because it's such a different piece of art than what you get when you read the script. Sometimes it's hard to even connect the two, because the first script will be so different than the final script after it's had many, many revisions. So I end up learning way more things than you would just watching it, and I make more connections than I would just reading the script. And it's also really entertaining. It's the kind of show that I would watch even if I wasn't in the show, if my mother wasn't calling me after the episode to tell me her own conspiracy theories. And it never fails, even though I know all the jokes, all the dialogue, every time Walter says something, I start laughing.Adam MorganYeah, his timing is just perfect.Jasika NicoleYes, he has the best delivery ever. And I hope that I can get a pinky-nail's worth of information about how to do that in my life!
And just today, Jasika was nominated for an MTV LOGO NewNextNow Award, in the category Brink of Fame: Actor. Congrats, Jasika! Head over to the NewNextNow site to vote!
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