We recently learned the titles of episodes 321 and 322, and they have created quite the buzz.
Episode 321 is titled "The Last Sam Weiss," and episode 322 is titled "The Day We Died."
So this week's discussion question is:
What do you think is going to happen in the last two episodes of Season 3, based on the just-released episode titles?
I would LOVE to hear everyone's take on this, so please comment below. Feel free to post any wild theories or educated guesses you might have, but NO ACTUAL SPOILERS.
Please remember that everyone has a right to their opinion no matter how far 'out there' it is (remember we're talking about Fringe here!).
And since this is a very open-ended question, this week's poll will be on the upcoming episode "Bloodline". Who is your favorite character from "Over There"? I have purposely left out Peter, although technically he is "The Man From The Other Side", and I also left out Colonel Broyles since he was killed in "Entrada".
I am the first vote. For Fauxlivia.
Your comment above lead me to think. What if its the First People? Believing in reincarnation, I think wherever 322 "The Day We Died" will still be variations of our heroes. Either way, it will be fun.
Or maybe the Observers. The "we" could be from a lot of perspectives...
I think (hope!) we're finally getting to learn more about the first people. So my guess is "The Day We Died" refers to the end of the first people.
Wow - tough to choose between Scarlie and Lincoln Lee - I love them both;-)
Re the last episode - I wonder if the First People were first versions of the people in our world today - especially considering ep 21 is called 'The Last Sam Weiss' - that implies that there was also a first Sam Weiss at the very least....and maybe that would shed light on why there is an 18 year old Ella and a young Walter - other universes on different time lines perhaps?
Anyway, whatever it is, I'm expecting to be surprised!!:-D
These titles are making me so nervous! I really hope it's talking about the First People dying, not Peter/Olivia/Walter/Astrid.
I think Sam Weiss is possibly one of the last "First people" and "the day we died" may be about what happened to his people.
As for the observers I think they are going to be fringes final hand and will be the last mystery the powers that be will build up to reveal in the series finale.
I was a huge lost fan and have followed fringe since day 1 and it has just gotten better and better everyone was looking for the next lost with flash forward etc... but they did not realise a show was already here that was just as good if not BETTER!
May fringe keep going strong for years and give us awesome mysteries to ponder and keep our creative juices flowing =)
I voted for Faulivia, to get that out of the way.
Wow, that is a tough question to ask, SZ I agree we will most likely be surprised.
Is it a look in the future, the past or maybe overlapping? Was Sam like Tyler in "Of Human Action", a clone? Is the "We" pertaining to our characters, will it only be one of the possibilities of how it could be, is one universe going to be destroyed?
For sure worth tuning in. Fringe rules!
We're too close to the end of the season for the apocalypse to be upon us quite yet, so that may well have to wait for the fourth season. I hope that Bell will be revealed as the ruthless schemer that he clearly is. I suspect that we will learn that Peter is somehow connected with the First People. Otherwise, why would the machine respond to him?
That was the TOUGHEST poll we've had here to date! I so, so wanted to put BOTH Lincoln AND Scarlie as my favorite Over There characters, but sadly I had to choose Lincoln. (Sorry Scarlie.)
I can't decide which one to choose, I like a lot of them, but in different ways. I love the dynamic between Altlive, Scarlie and Linc and how much different Altstrid is to ours, but I guess my favorite is Altlizbeth.
About the finale, I won't think about it much, I want to be surprised.
That was a tough poll. I decided to go with Scarlie. I feel guilty about not picking Fauxliv with her pending doom this Friday but if I was honest with myself, she wasn't my favorite until I saw this promo so I just decided to go with my Scarlie, because we just don't get to see him very much...I don't know why I felt the need to explain my decision LOL. Anyway, I think that the finale will include from time jumping. Mainly because there is a 14 year old Walter and an 18 year old Ella. Also, from the set pics,
However, it is Fringe so it could be anything and I sure no matter what happens it will be jaw dropping.
Please don't post spoilers in this thread.
I voted for Fauxlivia because I like her more than Olivia. For some reason she's hotter too...
As for the season finale; I'm hoping that it is a frustratingly huge cliffhanger. I remember "There's more than one of Everything" it was a jaw-dropper so I'm hoping that Season 3 will be able to compete.
"For some reason she's hotter too..."
It's the red hair :)
My guess on season 3's end : Walternate uses the machine and the blue universe is DESTROYED. Olivia can bring a few people with a cortexiphan-jump to the red side, but basically, the blue universe ceases to exist ... and in season 4 the survivors have to find a way to bring it back, using the Vacuum. I've had that idea before, but "The day we died" seems to go in that direction ... we'll see the day the blue universe dies !
Fringeviewer here: I sympathize with Fauxlivia in the red universe, and with Olivia in the blue one. Hence, my vote went to her counterpart, as she's also a fighter.
Now, as for the end... I prefer to keep an open mind. The end of season one was something to remember; the end of season 2 was quite intense, and I'm not expecting anything less from the end of season 3. I know it'll be a major cliffhanger... but at least we'll have the entire summer to digest it before season 4 begins.
sam wiss yes we as fan,s desrve anwers at least on him/first pepole or obsver,s whatever your point of view is i think all 3 but they said we would learn about the roge obervers and understand what a roge obesver is and we might see more of them soon is what they said
Scarlie is my fav character from Over There. I miss him being on OUR Fringe team! As for what i think will happen in the final 2 eps....well i think we might see stories from Sams persepctive....and perhaps the Observers. By that i mean that Sam may tell how the First People died out...how he came to be here etc.. Perhaps the last story could be a foretelling by an Observer....what he /they have seen ....what may come to pass if we make particular choices...what our destiny will be. Destiny seems to be the focus of season 3...so im sticking with my theories.
Sam Weiss will be revealed as the exception to the "there is more than one of everything" much like Peter but to a more extreme extent. Sam Weiss is the last of the first people AND the last Sam Weiss because he has been destroying all the other universes with him in it. Like Wulaw in "The One" starring Jet Li.
I'm curious as to Nina's involvement with Sam Weiss. She seems aware of his powers, but doesn't share her knowledge with anyone from the Fringe team, except for prescribing Sam as a pain relief med for Olivia after her rough landing through the windshield.
As far as the Reds goes, I liked the cabbie that Olivia befriended, plus - She Knows Where He Lives! He was a complete innocent who was sucked up in all the intrigue, and he's completely under the radar as far as Walternate and friends are concerned. Olivia could call on him for help again perhaps, Over Here, There or somwhere else?
P.S. If They at FOX don't renew the show, I'll bleeping scream! It's the only one hour program I watch, and that alone says alot.
Voted for L.L. Like both versions. Don't remember seeing Seth Gabel in any thing before. Seem cool in both universes.
Don't know what's going to happen. Not speculating. I'm sure it will be a surprise.
'18 year old Ella and a young Walter', where do you get this from?
Anon said... [Henry's] completely under the radar as far as Walternate and friends are concerned. Olivia could call on him for help again perhaps, Over Here, There or somwhere else?
I don't see that happening, but I think he might just accidentally run into Fauxlivia, and assume that she is Olivia.
@Matthew the Curmudgeon:
Sorry, I probably shouldn't have said that - I forgot that not everyone knows about it as it's a spoiler....but here are the links if you're interested:
My favorites are Peter's mom and AltBroyles, but they are not there, so I voted for Altsrid. I find Fauxlivia too boring and a waste of my time. I don't like Lincoln. Scarlie is a nice character, but he hasn't been given much to do. Walternate is the most compelling out of those choices, but I don't like him. John Noble is a genius actor and I enjoy him as the villain this season, though.
I didn't put Alt-Elizabeth (Peter's "real" mom) on the list, because we have hardly seen her - we have mostly seen Peter's mom from this side.
AltBroyles was a bad-ass, but sadly, no longer with us.
It's not just her wearing red hair down that I like about Fauxlivia. If we are given to believe this side of Olivia Dunham exists, it just added fabulous layers to the original character.
I really liked Henry, too. I do wonder what would happen if, as said above, he ran into Fauxlivia.
I hope we see him again.
"Dennis said...
I didn't put Alt-Elizabeth (Peter's "real" mom) on the list, because we have hardly seen her - we have mostly seen Peter's mom from this side."
Well, have we? We have seen Altliz in "Peter", "Over There I" and "Subject 13". Our Liz was only in Peter and Subject 13. I have to admit, that we have seen more of her than Altliz in Subject 13, but in "Peter" I think we have seen more of Altliz.
Anyway, I love Altliz attitude in Subject 13, she is a strong and wise woman and yet gentle and loving. Though I could be mistaken... But I get your point, we have mostly seen the Fringe Division over there, if you put in Altliz, you had to put in Olive's mom, Frank and of course our very all time favorite taxi driver... But that's what the voting possibility "Other" is for, isn't it? :D
Tough question Dennis.
The Last Sam Weiss - hmm. Still feel he is connected to the First People. Could this be a handing over of the Torch episode? Could Peter and/or Olivia become the successor to whatever role Sam was fulfilling?
The Day We Died - this reinforces my belief that Peter and Olivia will be going into the Machine together. The question is what is the titular 'We' referring to? Is it restricted to Peter and Olivia or is it an all universal encompassing one?
I voted for Scarlie. I was torn between Lincoln and Scarlie but hey, Scarlie is the ONLY version of Charlie we get to see.... I miss Charlie.
The Last Sam Weiss- We finally get to know everything about Sam Weiss and his connection to the First People
The Day We Died- I am just HOPING it won't be about our heroes dying. If it is there had better be a helluva lot of going back in time to prevent it from happening. (I've been watching Misfits too much.)
I'm so sorry! I didn't realize those were spoilers but know I realize duh of course! So sorry!
I know this is random but I would love to see a alt Dr.boone but i hope he is good like he was in are,s if not and he,s evil just shoot him.
i would allso love to see grason you kown the guy who in seson 1 sad this [i am the son of saric then peter said wich make,s you spock. yes grason reply,s then peter say,s well mr.spock wil let you return to the brige now haha that was funney
I voted for Lincoln Lee. I thinkhe's refreshing as a character since (until last week) we'd never seen him on this side.
The Last Sam Wiess - Maybe it means "previous" Sam Weiss, as in before the one we've been seeing. Ya know.. since there is more than one of everything. Maybe it's like a changing of the guard.
The Day We Died - I think the key word is "died", but as a metaphor. This season we've seen Walter and Walternate both reach their limits. No matter how evil Walternate is, he refuses to hurt children. For how much Walter loves Peter, he still let him run after the Observer, believing it would some how cause his death.
b61dc926-55c8-11e0-8efb-000bcdca4d7a - Good points!
The Last Sam Weiss - Maybe the actual Sam Weiss would be the last one, and he is about to die and tell everyone about the future role of everyone and he will die on the next episode The Day We Died - That could be him telling the story of the first people plotting a plan to fate everyone's destiny into play. The observers are there just to make sure the plan is going as expected, and Sam Weiss would tell everyone on this side about their future.
@Dennis - Serialized? Really? I voted for Lincoln Lee as now he is the new Altbroyles! And I also would love to see some overwhelmingly creative use of actual science scatology, like Dark Matter and Dark Energy to be used by Walter and Belly to create not a stargate (just kidding:), but a worm hole to cross between universes, that would be killer!!! Or the use of memristors technology or spintronics to speed up the advancing pace of technological singularity!!! Cheers from Brasil!
I'm thinking ' The Day We Died ' will extensively be about the first people.... taking the clue from the title that it points to a time in the past, and that someone, probably a last of their kind, is saying it.
I also think Sam Weiss is the last of the first people and he's got a much bigger role in all of this.
Here's a thought that hit me yesterday.
Remember how Peter seems to be fluent in alot of languages? We learned that in Season 1 and Season 2. In Season 3 we've learned that Sam Weiss has translated "The First People" book into several different languages(there could be more out there in even more languages that we don't know about).
So is it significant that both Sam Weiss and Peter Bishop appear to be fluent in multiple languages?
I don't think that The Day We Died will be a storytelling of the First People...I mean, it's the series finale, you know? I just don't think that they would just tell the background of the First People in the series finale.
Previous Anon - "The Day We Died" could be a flashback only in parts told by Sam Weiss. Not sure about how this will factor into the cliffhanger though. Maybe our Fringe characters are First People and don't know it yet. The machine may activate their memories and Sam could be their leader. All we can do is speculate at this point. I hope we're completely caught off guard and our jaws hit the floor as another season comes to an end.
Me too @Anon above :D
anybody thinking they're gonna get someone big as Bell's replacement body? Zachary Quinto maybe? :P
It's interesting we get the news of Season 4 on the first day of shooting the season 3 finale.
Hmm. Wonder if that's why Joel Wyman's in editing right now at almost 8PM West Coast time?
I think i figured it out. Sam is Peters son and the machine is a time machine peter created in the future. i think sam used the time machine to travel back in time and by doing this he caused a butterfly effect (this explains why he knows so much about the past)... If you think about it this explains the shapeshifters("robot like creatures from the future") and the observors (law enforcement from the wayyyy future)... sooo any way sam is here trying to change the past...like trunks in dbz and the terminator series. "the first people" refers to us...not people in the past. "the lat sam weiss" is reffering to how Sam wont have to travel back in time anymore in alternative universes, perhaps because he dies when he is a baby or wont have to travel back in time anymore. finally the day we died will be sam explaining why he came from the future (something happened there so he had to come and changeit)...well see
First credits must go to Andrew Kramer as well the man who did the intro titles of fringe. you can find him at videocopilot.net
sam weiss i'm quite sure he is one of the last first people. That sounded weird.:) also the day we died must refer to sam weiss. He said that whoever olivia peter chooses that world will survive. He doesn't know about the baby yet so i doubt he will learn it in the final 2 episodes so the we must refer to the first people.
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