Finally! 'Fringe' Merchandise Available from WB ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Finally! 'Fringe' Merchandise Available from WB

      Email Post       3/04/2011 08:55:00 AM      

It's way overdue but very welcomed! Finally there's some Fringe merchandise that you can buy at the Warner Brothers(WB) online store!

Use the following links and get yourself a mousepad, T-shirt, mug (yea!), and the Fringe graphic novels.

And you may want to thank the WB people for the arrival of this stuff. Maybe they'll make more, like the Fringe calendar I've been dreaming of?

Link to Fringe merchandise at Warner Brothers' Store:,default,sc.html?src=wfrfans (and look at the webaddress, doesn't it look like 'wbishop'?)

Fringe comic series, 2009, paperback, 144 pages:

Tales From The Fringe comic series, 2011, 144 pages:


Matthew M said...

These should have been in red, blue and yellow - not black!

Anonymous said...

I don't care what color they are :), Fringe merch will be coming to my house. It's about time.
I know there is no new episode tonite, watch the re-run tomorrow and keep spreading the word. Fringe rules! Chris

Anonymous said...

YAY. I want scripts!!!

Just bought the vsc album on itunes.

Its weird that they're allowed to say that its from 1971 when its not.

Matthew M said...

How do you know it isn't? Did you travel back and look?

wholesale clothing said...

Great shirt design! Having your name stamped on your tees gives your brand a distinct reputation as your supporters sport them.

promotional umbrellas said...

TV shows usually have merchandise items available. It's a good opportunity to own one of these items.

John said...

How about a nice Fringe Division hat? Not like the crap you get from Cafe press.


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