Fringe is #2 in This Week's 'Matt's Picks' ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Fringe is #2 in This Week's 'Matt's Picks'

      Email Post       3/10/2011 01:51:00 PM      

Note:If you haven't seen this week's TV Guide Magazine, Fringe is #2 in 'Matt's Picks' in the front of the issue. 'Big Bang Theory' is #1, and Matt Roush makes a Fringe reference by saying he wishes BBT had an alternate universe so we'd have double the BBT to watch. Nice job, Matt!-fringeobsessed

Fringe: Episodes & News
Matt's Weekend Picks: March 11-13
Mar 10, 2011 07:00 AM ETby Matt Roush

Fringe (Friday, 9/8c, Fox)
Hard to imagine the show topping its most recent episode — the haunting "Subject 13" flashback into Olivia and Peter's childhood — but any story that puts Walter Bishop center stage is worth watching, and this week the mournful mad scientist is busy trying to delay the damage he's done to the wall between universes. Good luck with that. Meanwhile, the Fringe Team is on the case of thieves who defy gravity. Now let's see Fringe defy the gravity of those Friday night ratings.


Cazza said...

Can't wait for this episode! Just a random thought as I saw an old clip where Peter says happy birthday to Olivia as he with Ninas help somehow stopped her stepfather sending her birthday cards she asks what he had to do in return? Seperate mission to go after the shapeshifters?Maybe nothing look forward to the outcome

cortexifan said...

I know it's going to be good. Keep watching Fringies. And I know some have issues with over there episodes. There is one coming up soon but please watch. We need to be united and show FOX we want more. Fringe rules and Fringe fans rock.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Fringe, getting the recognition it deserves!

Cazza said...

Here here Cortexifan and anon! Hoping the Saturn awards in june will win a couple of fringe awards and more fringe recognition.

Lupin said...

Just wondering how much consideration Fox take to overseas viewing when making their schedule decisions. Does anyone know? I for one would miss it like crazy.

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