CityTV Commercial for Fringe: "Os"
By Dennis Email Post 3/05/2011 10:49:00 AM Categories: Commercial, Fringe, Spoiler, Video
Here is the latest CityTV commercial for the Fringe episode "Os".
What to you think Peter is going to tell Olivia?
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Hmmm... I wonder what the "full disclosure" will be about...
Maybe him killing the shapeshifters?
I think he will tell her about killing the shapeshifters and maybe more of his relationship with Bolivia.
I just hope we get a "morning after you know what" moment. We saw it with Bolivia and I want to see it with Olivia. Chris
PLEASE let's allow these two some privacy, so FRINGE does not begin merging with the other mindless, soft-core porn soaps on mainstream TV -- we KNOW what went on.......
I think he'll tell her about the shapeshifters. The promo pictures show Peter and Olivia in a room with the blueprints, the drawing of Peter in the machine and shapeshifter disks. It looks like he's showing her his secret lab.
Just because Fringe also focusses on the relationships between the characters does not make it a 'soft-core porn soap' - if you don't like the relationships and the emotional aspect of the show, then I suggest you watch a science documentary instead - the characters and their relationships are integral to the plot of Fringe.
Agreed Peter will come clean about the shapeshifters.
Has to be the shapeshifters. There's no other secret there. What could he say about Fauxlivia that Olivia would need to know?
I'm guessing now that they crossed that line Peter very much does NOT want our Liv to equate him with John Scott, who loved her and lied to her. So he's gonna come clean about killing the shapeshifters and any and all of his machine-related secrecy. She'll probably be very mad and crawl back into her 'trust issues' cave.
That, or she'll join him in the killing-spree... Better keep him close than losing him if he can destroy the universe, don't you think?
So that's what the big obstacle between Peter and Olivia will be that the Pinkner mentioned and it wouldn't be the baby news. Perhaps Olivia doesn't know what to think and finds it hard to move forward when Peter comes clean about the shapeshifters. Interesting to hear why Peter killed them can't wait.
Peter looked sick, his eyes were all red
"She'll probably be very mad and crawl back into her 'trust issues' cave."
That wouldn't surprise me. She's so lofty and pure and she always has that "holier than thou" air. I expect her to be sorely disappointed in Peter, who is just a human being with flaws. Will she ever find someone, who fits her high standards or will she have to conform with a lowly and unworthy man like Peter or whoever comes next?
Ah dont be so harsh on our Olivia she has been tortured, experimented on, cheated on (I know with a woman who is a copy if her but still) I just think her self esteem has been battered rather than holier than thou she wants to trust Peter and last episode showed it
Her holier than thou attitude has been a constant throughout the series, not a recent thing. Peter never cheated on her. Cheating implies he willingly had sex with another woman. He was as much of a victim here, as Olivia was. Of course, her suffering was greater, but that doesn't mean, that Peter doesn't have his own problems and his own traumas. And yet, knowing that, it didn't prevent Olivia from using him as a scapegoat for her frustrations and insecurities.
So now that it seems, that Peter is going to confess about his activities as shapeshifter killer, if she rubs her superior virtues on his face again, they'll be as believable as a couple as Broyles and Gene.
I hope Peter tells her about killing the shapeshifters, so I can somehow reconcile with that episode which still bothers me a lot because it feels totally out of place and forced, just feels like it was put there without having anything to do with the overall progression of the story. So if we get an explanation now, that's great ... better late than never!
And I can't believe somebody here refers to Olivia as having a holier than thou attitude! I really hope if Peter tells her the truth she will, at least, be mad and distrustful ... I mean, he interfered with an investigation, he killed them in secret, you know, this is not like not confessing somebody that you've stolen their toothpaste. Any person in their right mind would distrust somebody who has done what Peter did, but of course, they will be fine later. It just wouldn't be realistic to tell Olivia and have her acting as if nothing would have ever happened. Even Walter got scared of his own sun when he found out!
But here's the thing, he is telling her about it. He won't keep it secret. He's not waiting, till she discovers it on her own. Very much unlike her, when she kept the secret about his true identity.
So, if after telling her the truth and, hopefully, the reasons why he did it, she thinks he's unworthy of her trust, I'll just give up on her. There can't be a relationship without trust and, thus, that would be the end of them as a couple.
I beg to differ. Firstly regarding Olivia not telling Peter about his true identity - she wanted to but she didn't because Walter asked her not to and frankly it was Walter's place to tell Olivia. Furthermore, Walter actually told Olivia that he was going to tell Peter and then went back on it.
Secondly, the impression that I have got from the writers is that this will only come between them TEMPORARILY. It would be perfectly understandable and in fact realistic for Olivia to feel betrayed by Peter at first, even though he is coming clean. Let's be honest, most people would feel betrayed initially - that's REALISTIC. However, I think the implication is that she will deal with it and come round after a while - I just don't think it would be at all realistic for her to go 'ok, sure, you killed the shapeshifters and interfered with our investigation and LIED to us but now you're telling me so better late than never, huh?' Of COURSE she's going to be upset. And if that makes you give up on her, well then so be it. Olivia never was and never will be a fairytale princess and that's what makes (most of) us love her. She's REAL.
*I meant Walter's place to tell Peter*
And I beg to differ about Walter's secret. She discovered Peter's true origin on her own, so right then, it became her secret, too. She also decided to keep the secret, because she decided "some Pandora's boxes are better left unopened" and that was before Walter told her, he would tell Peter the truth.
I agree, that she'll feel betrayed, hurt and will distrust him in her usual holier than thou fashion. The opposite would be a nice surprise I don't expect. Beyond that, I disagree with you. Those feelings are a deal breaker for any relationship. Realistically, they'd be done right there and then as a couple. I hope the writers realize this and break them up forever if her reaction is as bad as I expect.
I can't believe that people are saying Olivia has a "holier than thou" attitude. Yes, Olivia reacts badly when she finds she's been lied to (like most do), but you have to remember everything she's been through. Her dad abused her as a child, she got trapped in another universe while a copy of her took her place and her boyfriend didn't even notice. And she has been tested on as a child. She has trust issues. We all know that.
Thank-you MKC - I couldn't have put it better myself. Olivia has every reason in the world to have trust issues and I think Peter gets that.
@Matthew the Curmudgeon: My my, you certainly are well named. Perhaps some of us prefer not to label ourselves quite so obviously as you have. After all, 'Just a Silly Girl' doesn't really have a good ring to it, does it now? And really, how limiting - you imply that we can be nothing else, when indeed whilst we certainly can be silly girls when we wish to be, we can also make highly intellectual observations as well, if we should feel so inclined. You, on the other hand, have sadly limited yourself to always being a curmudgeon.
People, lets not resort to personal attacks, pretty please? :)
However, it would be nice if all the Anonymouses would sign a name or something at the end of their posts so other people could respond to them.
Or..... instead of posting as Anonymous, you can "comment as" using the "name/url" option, and just put a name...
~ Dennis
"Her dad abused her as a child, she got trapped in another universe while a copy of her took her place and her boyfriend didn't even notice. And she has been tested on as a child. She has trust issues. We all know that."
I know, but she's not the only person in the world with problems. Peter has as many trust issues as her or more. He was kidnapped by doppelgangers, brainwashed to believe his kidnappers were his real parents, experimented on by his kidnapper, he trusted his girlfriend with his innermost fears, only to find out it was a doppelganger, his real girlfriend kept making him the butt of her frustrations and last, but not least, his face is depicted in a drawing, that shows him destroying universes.
And somehow people expect him to be perfectly in control and always mindful of deserving Olivia. Please! If she doesn't understand, where he's coming from, she'd better go look for someone more deserving of her pure affections. Someone preferably not human, after all, humans are flawed.
Ok I was one of the anon's will sign my initials in the future but can you blame me when the anon comments about hollier than thou Olivia and is personally attacking the comments when it is a matter if each others opinion who can blame me :-). All interesting points we need to realize the writers have to create tension between the main characters that's what makes it interesting. Signed caz
Funny how Olivia has "TRUST" issues when SHE was the one who didn't tell Peter about his origins.
"you have to remember everything she's been through. Her dad abused her as a child, she got trapped in another universe while a copy of her took her place and her boyfriend didn't even notice."
So what? Does that mean that Peter isn't supposed to have HIS own issues? You know, this Olivia sympathy is REALLY beginning to get on my last nerve. OLIVIA ISN'T THE ONLY ONE GOING THROUGH SHIT RIGHT NOW SO STOP ACTING LIKE SHE IS THE ONLY ONE WHO MATTERS!
BTW, Olivia shouldn't talk since SHE didn't tell Peter about his origins and at least PETER had the guts to tell her flat out his secret. I mean really, I don't believe that Olivia has an holier than thou attitude, its her FANS who have it. They act like just because Olivia has gone through these things that nobody else's feelings matter at all. They actually believe that we are supposed to just IGNORE all the things that Peter and Walter have gone through.
Olivia fans have a superiority complex and its one of the reasons why I am thisclose to not watching.
BTW, don't talk about Olivia having trust issues when PETER has been duped by Walter, Olivia, Fauxlivia and Walternate. This guy was duped by PEOPLE WHO LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME. Now, don't talk about poor Olivia having trust issues when
1. Peter was duped by his Walter ( Wasn't his REAL father)
2. Peter was duped by Olivia (Peter had the idea that Olivia was detached due to the "kiss" but it was his origins
3. Peter thought he was going to the AU to meet his real family but it was all about the machine and Walternate using him.
4. Peter was duped by a "fake" Fauxlivia (Ha! The same way he was duped for 25 years by "fake" Walter)
Be fair there ! Olivia has every right to be upset and don't trust Peter , he was lying to her and to every one else , plus he was implicating innocent man in to his lies which is Brendon , so what ever she will react for his 'full what ever ! " I will take it ! .. am not buying at the first place how on earth she can jump in the bed with him ! he didn't prove any thing that assure that he is loving her her .. not alt her .
and i can add ... if she didn't jump in bed with him .... is he going to say for her about his secrets ? ....
he is a con man always he was since s1
yes me real1 .
I think I know who you are ! am not surprised , so to post respectfully will be nice , but ....
any way , you are welcome !
Gosh, do I have t boycott another fringe site because this is getting out of hand.
Now everyone put that great fringe passion shown in the above comments and vote on Hulu vs supernatural we are 1 percent behind and it closes today!
I know, I've been voting but nothing changes.
Me too and I am in Australia voting constantly throughout the night and still no change wonder how they work thepercentages?
I agree Cazza and coretxifan. I've been voting like crazy and I can't get it to tie up with SN. What's up with that?
I will keep trying and do a happy dance if it ties :-)
In all honesty, I would just like to see some understanding between the two. No disconnect. No trust violations. No break-ups. Peter is coming clean. (And according to the writers there are deeper reasons for his shapeshifter obsession/killing spree) I hope that while Olivia will not be FINE with it that she takes the moment to understand where this - let's be honest - emotionally tortured man is coming from and wants to be there for him and help him through. Cause, I think he's gonna need it.
I agree jlw. I think that both Olivia and Peter have problems - they both have equally valid reasons to have trust issues and I think that's why they fell for each other in the first place - there is a brokenness to both of them that the other sees and resonates with. I have to admit that whichever way this ep turns out, I trust the writers who haven't let us down so far (IMO) and look forward to seeing where they take it;-)
That's what I'd like to see jlw, otherwise that relationship is doomed. Mind you, maybe it is and that's the writer's plan, but if it's not, if they want to tell a great love story, they can't have Olivia behave like a victim here, because she's not. I'd like an approach similar to Walter's, who was worried for and supportive of Peter.
So who won the poll? I kept voting, but it was always 1% up or down every once in a while.
Supernatural won by 1 percent at least we tried til the end. Goes to show there is a strong need for sci fi shows and people are pretty much half half. so now the fight for more seasons of brilliant Fringe!
@Cazza - amen to that!!
Keep spreading the word. Fringe needs to stay. Does anyone know anyone with a nielson box? Invade their homes and :) force them to watch Fringe :). T-4 days. Can't wait. Fringe rules!
SZ - I also have enjoyed the story the writers have given us! While frustrating at points ;) it has been so much fun to watch!
Trent - I recently read on Wyman's twitter that (and I am paraphrasing here) Peter and Olivia are a great love. And that the viewers have to keep the faith. So with that knowledge, I am expecting and really hoping for a Walter like response to helping Peter on this one.
How many more days???????
He's going to tell her he loves her (plus other little asides like his participation in doomsday, death, destruction, being the anti-Christ, etc.)
No, this isn't the thing that gets in the way for a while. THAT thing has been making the rounds via promo pix and hints for some time now.
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