Fringe Retro Title Sequence Returns ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Fringe Retro Title Sequence Returns

      Email Post       2/25/2011 11:34:00 PM      

The Fringe episode "Subject 13" is a flashback that takes place in 1985. To match the style of the era, location titles and the Fringe title sequence was given a new look. The same title sequence was also seen in the the Fringe episode "Peter".

The Tron-style graphics are complimented by retro "fringe science" subjects. While these subjects may have seemed "fringe" at the time of Back To The Future and Weird Science, every one (with maybe the exception of cold fusion) is now considered mainstream science.

One thing that seems to be missing from this old school sequence is the "Observers Are Here" quote.

Screenshots of every single frame from the title sequence are available at


Eli Elliott said... and
for more on the current developments of Cold Fusion and it's near one step away from mainstream status.

Karl Withakay said...

My Deconstruction of Subject 13 is now online

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