The Glyphs code in the Fringe episode Immortality spelled out ROMAD. According to Urban Dictionary, ROMAD is an acronym for Radio Operator Maintainer And Driver, and a slang term describing a group that were tricked into a job no one else wanted to do.
For more information on the Fringe Glyphs, check out Fringepedia's Glyph / Symbols page, which has all the previous glyphs and codes.
Also a military acronym for: Recon, Observe, Mark, and Destroy
More so - ROMAD above is old-school, but still correct.
FAC - Forward Air Controller (GFAC on the ground, AFAC in the air) is/was teamed with an enlisted guy that handled the radios and the driving as they chased the Army guys around the CAS (Close Air Support) battlefield... making sure the Fighters and the Bombers did not blow-up the friendlies by accident.
.......I think Cerulean is just about right with this one.
Its Walternate's mistress
it's definitely Recon-Observe-Mark-and-Destroy
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