A series of Fringe events leads the team to the home of a woman grieving over the death of her husband, while Peter and Olivia make an effort to repair the emotional rift between them.
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A series of Fringe events leads the team to the home of a woman grieving over the death of her husband, while Peter and Olivia make an effort to repair the emotional rift between them.
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In the episode "6B", the character Peter Bisop twice uses the phrase "between Olivia and I...". This grammar is grossly incorrect. Please have and English major review the scripts.
I liked the episode till the end. If she had led him to the living room to dance it would have been perfect. Jumping into bed now is just too fast and feels OOC for Olivia.
"Please have and English major review the scripts."
Hey anonymous #1, have you considered the fact that these scripts are written for the characters? In my opinion, a character like Peter would not necessarily speak in an absolutely perfect manner, grammatically speaking, nor would most of us in real life. He is a flawed character, as we all are, and so, in essence, may be his grammar.
"olivia and I" is perfectly correct english
I agree with mama-t, Olivia does seem OOC. Dancing would have been better for the episode.
This episode may contain two potencially importants concepts:
1) The notion of "emotional entanglement" between a couple could lead to a disrruption between the two universes;
2)Peternative (Perter Bishop IS from the other universe) goes upstairs to "fucklove" Ourlive FINALLY;
Imagine that, Peternative has already a baby with Falselive (as seen in 313) the incoming impregnation of Ourlive (in 314)lead to another baby incoming, this time a "half-blood" who is half from our universe and half from the alternative universe(half-universe-blood prince???). This could seriously mess up with Peternative's mind and also with Fringe´s script writers ability to keep track of the storyline...
At the end, this potential universal disruption cheat storm, originate by the EMOTIONS that could emerge of this "threesome with childrens" in the multiverse between Peternative, the two Olive versions and the two babys the migth and sharp shooter Peternative could hitted, have to be balanced later on...
Crazy suggestion:
Peternative goes back to the alternative universe with his son with Ourlive to live with Falselive and send his son with Falselive to Ourlive to raise by herself alone(like Walter did in the past)...
Something about the balance of energy between the two universes...
ha ha ha...
Damm, but this is VERY depressive...
This is gonna sound really OUT THERE but I have a new theory about Peter Bishop.
I think it's VERY IMPORTANT that September shot Peter TWICE with his gun. The first time was in 1.04 'The Arrival,' and the second time was in 3.10,'Firefly.'
I think September knocked him out and SWITCHED the Peter Bishops! I think Liv brought back Peternate from Iraq, but I think it's possible September replaced him with a new Peter(just slightly different)let's call him "Yellow Peter" after the Arrival. So the Peter our Liv spent the most time with was a milder, more caring Peter. Then September shot him again in 'Firefly.' Both times I believe to knock Peter out. I think September returned Peternate after 'Firefly.' This would explain the mood differences in Peter after 'Firefly' when he became easily mechanized and DARK.
Now WHY would the Observers or namely September switch Peter? I'm not sure but I think one of them has to be sacrificed, and September decided Peternate should be sacrificed with the machine(or later)and will save "Yellow Peter" for our Liv. Just a theory.
Also, I believe our Liv made a baby with DARK Peter(Peternate)although she fell in love with "Yellow Peter."
And Mrs. Merchant said some pretty spooky foreshadowing stuff in 6B:"I'm not your wife. Your wife is gone. And so is my Derek." Ouch!
I'm sacred Peter will marry Faux(yuck) and then something happens to her.(That part wouldn't bother me.) And the other part above? Does our Liv find out about the Peter switch?
Fringeobsessed, I love Fringe but I don't think I could possibly continue watching if things get that wierd. I can handle two sides entangled but three?!? I don't know that I would be able to follow all the craziness that would ensue.
Peter went to MIT (so did I). It would have been completely out of character for him to have correct grammar.
If this is a foreshadowing episode, I would like to believe that the Merchants just told us which Olivia Peter will pick.
I can just see it now,
"Peter, the girls miss you."
"I am not your Peter. And you are not my Olivia. You need to let me go."
Connection between the two worlds fizzles and then abruptly ends. Our world returns to normal.
Peter to our Olivia, "Where were we?"
To the anon who said they couldn't keep watching if things get that weird:I hear ya.:) But hold onto your hat because there are "craziness" spoilers out there that I'm not totally incorrect!
Take a deep breath, and tell yourself you can do it.
To anon with the great scenario above of how the Merchant's foreshadowing will play out.
I. LOVE. IT! :)
But I was thinking about this today after I finished my review-as driven as Faux was to do anything to save her world, Peter will be to save our Olivia from harm. I think things will get really complicated. Hope I'm wrong!
ok i have a question, how long exactly were fauxolivia and our olivia switched?
Broyles says in 'Entrada' that FauxLivia was on our side for 8 weeks.
I was just wondering if anyone has watched the 6B Spectroscopy clip on Fox's page for Fringe? I was going through all the goodies and right at the end of the clip, Walter's right eye kind of goes bright. What do you think this could mean? Could he be from the other side and not even realize it? He and Belly did lots of experiments between shifting things between the worlds. What do you think this means? It kind of reminds me of the shapeshifters and how they are machines, especially after Newton shot the one in the eye and it showed. What do you guys think?
Brittaney, I don't see the clip you are referring too... do you have a link?
What was the song that was playing when she led him up the stairs?
Pale Blue Eyes by the Velvet Underground
Hi . I do not understand how could there be 2 Peter! Can somebody explain how could Peter be alive, since he died about 15 years ago?? I AM REALLY INTERESTED IN THAT THEORY, CAUSE I LOVE HAPPY ENDING, AND THIS WOULD BE THE ONLY OPTION FOR BOTH Olivia TO HAVE PETER.
I am sad to think that the only way the rift between the Universes can be healed -- and for Peter to save Olivia's life (and everyone else's) -- will be for him to leave our Olivia by getting into the machine, powering it up, and then being absorbed (and killed) by whatever reaction the machine creates. Then there is balance returned to the universes: no one has Peter; Walter's sin in breaching the dimensions is redeemed; and the natural order is restored, since both Peters would have died if Walter chose not to cross over. Perhaps the Observer, September, dove into Reiden Lake to save Peter and Walter from drowning, because ultimately it would have to take Peter to rectify Walter's transgression:
"I'm not your problem -- Peter Bishop is -- the machine is uniquely tuned to him." (Sam Weiss to Nina, Reciprocity)
"One life to save thousands, perhaps millions". (Walter to Elizabeth in Subj. 13)
"You two have to let go of each other -- you're tearing the universes apart". (Peter to Alice in 6B)
"He was willing to let his son die -- and when the times comes, he'll do it again." (Older Observer to September, The Firefly)
Question: How did Walter save Peter? all he did was kidnap Peter from Walternate. Was Peter in his dying bed when he was kidnapped?
Also who was the dude at the bowling alley? well I guess besides the writer of all those different versions of the "first people". How did Nina figure him out?
In the episode "Peter", Walternate is working on a cure for Peter's disease (our Peter had already died), but he gets distracted and doesn't notice that one of the cure works. But Walter, who is watching Walternate through his magic window, sees that the cure would have worked, so he develops it over here and steals Peter so he can give him the cure. The plan was then to return Peter, but then things got complicated...
thanks, now it kinda make sense.
So I take it both Peter had the same disease and he would have died had he back there with his real dad Walternate. I wonder whether Walternate knew that. Gotta find that episode to watch it again. Way too convoluted for me.
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