Fringe: Scoop on Olivia's Doomed Fate, Peter's Exit Plan, David Robert Jones' Endgame and More ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Fringe: Scoop on Olivia's Doomed Fate, Peter's Exit Plan, David Robert Jones' Endgame and More

      Email Post       1/20/2012 04:00:00 PM      

January 20, 2012 07:06 AM PST
Fringe: Scoop on Olivia's Doomed Fate, Peter's Exit Plan, David Robert Jones' Endgame and More
by Matt Webb Mitovich

Last week’s episode of Fox’s Fringe – as an ersatz fall finale is want to do — left viewers with many questions. For one, what’s up with the Observer’s very dire premonition about Olivia? What is big bad David Robert Jones’ endgame? And is Peter’s plan still to get out of Dodge? Though everyone was traditionally cryptic, here is what TVLine was able to glean from series bosses J.K. Wyman and Jeff Pinkner and star lead Joshua Jackson.

The Observer warning Olivia that she must die — is that tied to an existing plot point, or is it kicking off a new storyline?
Not to use the word “recontextualize” as we often do [Laughs], but it will make you look at things that you’ve seen in a little bit of a different way.
We have been already laying tracks this season for stuff that will become more and more clear as the season goes on.

Does Olivia’s doomed fate have to do with her recent migraines?
It may… perhaps. You knew we were go to say perhaps.

Will Olivia share this grim forecast with her team?
It… becomes evident. It comes up.

Is this, like, just a way to balance things out and give Anna Torv her own job security “scare,” after telling Joshua Jackson last spring that Peter was going to cease to exist?
Oh, all of our actors are pretty comfortable with their job security. We love all of our children equally.

Speaking of Olivia: When will we pick up the Nina Sharpe thread? When last seen, she had some goons inject her “daughter figure” with a drug….
Very soon. We try very hard to plan things and then attend to them, and not just ignore them for weeks and weeks and weeks.

What is David Robert Jones’ “uberplan”? When will it become evident?
Soon enough. We’re well into it now.
For the people who have been watching closely, there are already some hints as to what his plans are.

Read Matt's entire TVLine article here.


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