FBI Podcasts
Well Fringe fans we made it through the holiday season and we are into the final week of waiting for Fringe to return.
Hurrah! The Friday Fringe Famine is almost over!!!!! Virtual high fives all around!
If you are in need of a memory tickler why not give our FBI - Fringe Benefits Inc podcast episode reviews a listen in preparation for the next Fringe episode!
Each week Frea, Jan, Maximus, and myself - Lou get together in a temporarily constructed shared reality known as a podcast to discuss episodes of Fringe.
You can find all our podcasts for Season 3 and 4 at:
1) At BlipTV show page in one central location for your listening convenience.
The wait for 4.08 is almost complete.
The Fringe concept is my intellectual property. I'm happy that the dual universe allows actors to show their versatility. Yes, I do wish we had airships on this side, and ELECTRIC CARS, too. (I got them to use old/foreign cars with 'electric' sound for the movie Gattaca, another of my dream-ups.
I'm a bit disappointed that my pheromone has not shown up on Fringe, yet. I know, I've put pheromones in what, a dozen flicks in the past, but the cure for crime (cured two drug addict/criminals last month), the cure for perversion, and the cure for runaways and non-alcoholic addiction are cool just as they are. See http://tinyurl.com/4ys8aks
Each week Frea, Jan, Maximus, and myself - Lou get together in a temporarily constructed shared reality known as a podcast to discuss episodes of Fringe.
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