Every episode of Fringe contains a hidden "next episode clue" that foreshadows something in the following episode. In the last Fringe episode "Enemy Of My Enemy", the Robert Jones stakeout happens right near the "Mallum Insurance" building.
In the Fringe episode "Forced Perspective", the name of the mysterious girl who can predict the future is Emily Mallum.
OLIVIA DUNHAM: Do you mind if I ask who else lives here with you, Mister...[Transcript for "Forced Perspective" from Fringepedia.net]
JIM MALLUM: Mallum. Jim mallum. It's just my wife Diane and our son.
Thank you! I just don't have the observation skills and memory to spot all these.
Do you know what the NEC from Wallflower for Back to Where You've Never Been is?
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