Anna Torv: Can I Give You A Ticket? ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Anna Torv: Can I Give You A Ticket?

      Email Post       11/22/2011 10:09:00 AM      

Here is a funny new video from featuring Fringe's Anna Torv.  

[Source: SpoilerTV]


cortexifan said...

That was awesome. Within a matter of minutes she displayed I don't know how many different facial expressions. Girl, you rock!

rpvee/Brian said...

haha since she did an American accent and even had the pony tale going, all I could see was Olivia acting really weird. :D

Jokes aside, that was really well done!!

Old Darth said...

Hilarious and a great acting showcase for Anna.


Matthew M said...


Zepp said...

Another situation, another type of script, but the high quality interpretation of Anna Torv, remains the same.

Anonymous said...

Anna torv is just showing off now just to make people love her and hate josh. That's what this overrated chick is doing.

Anonymous said...

I had to LMFAO at the comment above me...Are you SERIOUS? LOL anyway Anna is funny,that was cute.

LC_07 said...

Anna was funny, the video was cute, but what was the point of this video? As a comedy video or whatever it's suppose to be it wasn't a very good script.

But I'm glad she's on the media, because the more people are captivated by her, the more viewers the show might get. And that's good news for everybody (even the hateful anynomous)

btw, I love Josh too, Peter is my favorite character, but Anna is an amazing actress, that can not be denied!

Anonymous said...

The more people will be captivated by her? WHAT ABOUT EVERYONE ELSE? HUH! THEY DON'T MATTER?!!!!!!!!!!!1

Anna Torv is making people NOT care about anybody else!

Dennis said...

Anonymous Peter Fan...

Love is not a finite object, like a pie, that gets divided up and handed out in limited quantities. It isn’t the case that if a Fringe fan gives X-amount of love to Olivia, there will be X-amount less for Peter.

Anonymous said...

for those who didn't "get" it, it's supposed to be a play on girls who flirt to get out of tickets, and even sometimes start to cry. It's cute and a different twist than you usually see on these jokes (guy trying to flirt with guy or girl cops to get out of the ticket). Didn't LOL but was funny enough

Christoph said...

The "Anonymous" person who has to hide behind Anonymous to make critical comments so people cant identify them is just the reason people are not watching the show...people like you are the reason shows get cancelled and if you keep going you'll win with Fringe as well...Would you have preferred Josh flirt with the man in the car? Get over it and realise it was a funny video and its good publicity for the show

45 said...

I don't care, Anna Torv has been EVERYWHERE and it annoys me. where is Josh huh? Why isn't HE doing anything? He should be the one doing stuff not anna torv since she has done enough. Not to mention with people constantly bragging away about how talented Anna is all because she plays all these characters (WHICH IS THE POINT OF BEING AN ACTOR MORONS) while looking down on Josh and what he brings to the table. Josh deserves better than Fringe. THEY GIVE HIM NOTHING TO DO.

Zepp said...

For me all the main actors in the cast of Fringe are excellent, without distinction. I like and admire them all. If I see John Noble, or, Jasika Nicole, or Blair Brown, Lance Reddick, Seth Gabel, or Joshua Jackson, or, as now, Anna Torv, staging a video humor, or doing any anything that has a prominence in the media, everything is very good for people who really likes Fringe. Any actor Fringe, highlighted, appearing to represent is the same, to show, somehow, the show Fringe, which we love so much.

Anonymous said...

Ok forgive me for stating the obvious here, but Anna Torv is the official star of the show. The opening credits say "Starring Anna Torv", Josh Jackson is second. Josh and John are co-stars (amazing ones), the rest are supporting actors. The series OPENED on Olivia, she is the main character. I love Josh and his performance is great, but the point is that Anna is the main star.

That being said, what Josh does as an actor in his free time is up to him and his agent. If he wanted to do more stuff like this, he probably would. Did you see Lance Reddick on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia?! It was HILARIOUS and he did a great job! See? Actors have free will!

Josh is a great actor, and so is Anna,so PLEASE just stop the HATE!!!


cortexifan said...

You took the words right out of my mouth.

Alex Rodrigues said...


Once again, Anna did great in this video and she looked wonderful like she always does!!!

Congratulations Anna Torv for this video and for everything you have done in and for FRINGE.

Greetings from Brazil.

Hardcore FRINGE fan,


45 said...

ACJ, yeah yeah; Anna is the star of the show, who cares about anybody else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because she is the lead, people hate josh and Peter and bash him all the time!!!!! Josh's talent is always being wasted because of that Australian twat.

Anonymous said...

for me is josh the star of the show the season 4 is josh peter season

anna is great

The opening credits say "Starring Anna Torv because Josh Jackson is second because it starts with an A is normal while Anna Torv is the first it begins with the letter A

LC_07 said...

45, I have to ask, WHO hates Josh? I've never seen anyone "hating" him. It's true, people do praise about Anna a lot, but she deserves it, like all the rest of them.
And teh writers have already stated: S4 is all about Peter, so you will be getting yourself a lto of Josh. (this is just like S3 was about Olivia, and S2 was about Walter).

Like ACJ said, in his free time he can do whatever he wants, and he is doing a lot of things. And the creators of the show gave something much bigger to Josh: the chance to right the "Behind the Fringe" graphc novel. That shows how much confidence they have in him, and how much they value his talent. And he's said to be enjoying doing this, a lot. So just because you are not SEEING him as much as you'd like, it doesn't mean HE isn't doing things he wants to do, or that are good to his career, or that people hate him because he's not on the media as much as you would want.

LC_07 said...

ACJ, I did see Lance REddick on It's sunny ih Philadelphia, and I loved him! It was a great appereance!

Konstantin said...

Hey guys, I'm kinda new here, so tell me--is there an official or unofficial agreement to collectively ignore & shun anyone who posts like a hysterical 12-year-old fangirl & refers to one of the stars of the show as an "Australian twat"? Is there a moderator here to sweep pathetic rubbish like that off the board? Just curious...

Z said...

@Konstantin: Ah, I see that you are not familiar with 45 and her juvenile remarks yet. Alas, all of us are far too familiar with her and her various transparent guises. What you must understand is that many, if not all, of us have tried reasoning with her at some point but with no success. She does not respond to logic or reason and is simply a bitter, sad person. It would be fabulous if she was banned, but no doubt she would soon return in another form. Alas.

45 said...

Season 4 is will NEVER be about Peter, in fact, Peter will be the only character who has not been developed after 4 years. None of you know how frustrating it is seeing Anna get all this love, awards while nobody ever says ANYTHING about Josh or peter.

LC_07 said...


Kit said...

Cant. Help. But. Bait. The. Troll....


You're pacceywitterfan on the fringe forums aren't you? Your hysterical rantings are too familiar not to be him/her.

Yes we love Josh, and John and Seth and EVERYONE on the show. Josh is a great actor, but so are all of them. That is what makes fringe so great. Do you think Josh really appreciates your crazed ramblings or that you called his friend and co-star a twat? No, I bet he doesn't.

Take a chill pill, Josh will get plenty of air time in the coming episodes and you know what? Even if he doesn't this isn't going to be the last thing he performs in. JUST CHILL.

khidak1 said...

I can only imagine how much funnier Anna Torv would be as a guest host on Saturday Night Live.

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