Fringe Posts Largest Gain In DVR This Season ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Fringe Posts Largest Gain In DVR This Season

      Email Post       11/16/2011 02:59:00 PM      

Some recent ratings posts have pointed out the season low 1.1 "Live + Same Day" rating for last week's episode "And Those We Left Behind".

Based on that, some people have speculated a gloomy future for Fringe. However, they were missing some important information when forming their opinions.

The silver lining is that Fringe fans are still watching, and while the L+SD ratings are lower this week, the "Live + 3-Day DVR" ratings jump was the highest of any network show this season.

The Fox Research twitter feed notes that Fringe's ratings jumped 64% to a 1.8 when DVR numbers are factored in:
Last wk’s posted the largest % gain from L+SD to L+3 this season on any broadcast net, up +64% to a 1.8 L+3 rtg (vs. 1.1 L+SD)

According to ratings gurus TV By The Numbers, the L+3 rating is what most closely matches the C+3 rating used by advertisers.

Another thing to take into consideration (although it is not an excuse), is that other Friday night shows took a hit as well. NBC's Grimm was also down 0.2 in ratings this week, and CBS's Blue Bloods was down 0.4 in ratings.

So keep watching Fringe live, and if you just can't watch on Friday night, please DVR it and watch it as soon as possible.

For other tips to help Fringe, read BirdAndBear's post on "Overcoming Nielsen Invisibility", and our other Support Fringe posts.


GB said...

One Night In October achieved a 67% pick up on the +7 DVR rating - 1.2 SD Live 2.0 +7 day DVR.

JuliDG said...

This is great :)

Sarah said...

I always watch live and lament I'm not a Nielsen. But even if I do rewatch on the DVR (this past week I rewatched the ep on DVR about 4 times because I think it's my fave of the season so far) I hate that that's what get factored in, right? Non-Nielsens still get counted in DVR numbers or no? Because I, and so many others watch live it's a shame we might not get to see our lovely show go on because of the inaccuracy and outdated system we rely on.

Dennis said...


"One Night In October" gains were for 7 days of DVR, this was only for 3 so far. I suspect the 7 day numbers for "And Those We Left Behind" will be even better.


I believe that ALL DVRs are counted in the L+3 numbers, even if you are not a Neilsen household. But remember, if you skip the commercials with your DVR, that gets counted too.

HDfoto said...

what if i turn every tv in the house to fringe? 5 in all does that count for 5 viewers or is it just household? I will do anything!

LC_07 said...

Very good news!

Anonymous said...

This is great news!

There's also a site called RewardTV that you can join for free. It's owned by Nielsen, so it might help. What it does is, 3-4 hours it's after EST airing, you can log on & take a quiz/survey about the episode & its commercials. It's usually around 20 questions. Nielsen then reports it to the sponsors. Even if it ends up not helping, it couldn't hurt, right?

Zepp said...

I see that these indices of the DVR, which has systematically Fringe achieved, demonstrate, implicitly and explicitly, that if the show was displayed on another day, not a Friday, these same indices would be much better. I assume that Fox can not complain of these low numbers, because it was exactly, who placed Fringe, a Friday. Even with that, Fringe, rises with good meaning, with these numbers from the DVR, and this is very good.

fringeobsessed said...

Thanks for posting this, Dennis.
I feel much better. :)

Anonymous said...

This is great news!

There is also a site called RewardTV that's free to join. It's owned by Nielsen, so it might help. How it works is, 3-4 hours after its East Coast airing, you can take a quiz/survey on the episode & its commercials. Nielsen then reports that to the shows' sponsors. Even if it doesn't help, it can't hurt, right? (You have to be over 13-years old & live in the US, though.)

Anonymous said...

This season is being sold for 2 or 3 dollars an episode on like 4 different websites. The studio, Warner Bros, makes most of that money, and they are the ones that need to. FOX makes all of their money from live OTA, but they don't put anything in the show except their expense of airing the show, at the profit margin they prefer to make. Bad Robot makes the profit they make upfront. It is not really profit, just the expense of paying the writers and producers an industry standard wage, plus office expenses at their Santa Monica compound. Warner Bros pays the biggest tab. Canadian production and post-production, LA production and post-production, including SFX. If Warner Bros is making a profit, it doesn't matter what FOX does. FOX can't cancel the show, they can only say that they aren't going to air it. If Warner likes the profit they are making, they can air Fringe on their network or keep it alive on the net, or DVD. If they have a magic formula for syndication profit, we may get 6 seasons, even if FOX walks away after 4. FOX is not the key, Warner Bros is. I guess if we buy Fringe online, or DVD, that is the best way to keep Fringe alive. That is the way the industry really works, not sending licorice to the producers and network bosses. Buy Fringe online. Cash (now) in their hands means Fringe (now and later) on your boob tube.
- Mike Emerson

Old Darth said...

Impressive. Most impressive. Fringe showrunner Joel Wyman tweeted about this too and was naturally quite happy about the numbers.

JP said...

I work in the TV biz and here are some answers to questions/comments.
- You need to be a Nielsen HH in order for any of your viewing to be counted, including DVR playback. So DVR playback in a non-Nielsen HH doesn't count.
- If you are a Nielsen HH and you view the show on 5 different TV's, all are counted separately, increasing the ratings. As long as each TV set is wired by Nieslen.
- Taking part in Reward TV is a great suggestion. Many Advertisers look at the information to see if viewers are "engaged" and "paying attention to the commercials." So if viewers answer the questions correctly about the commercials, Fringe would get a high score and those adverstisers would be very interested in that data. It would be another strong point to keep the show on the air.
-- Keep telling everyone you know to watch the show. They may be a Nielsen HH and have't told anyone about it.

Anonymous said...

@JP: Thanks for confirming that about Reward TV. Since I don't have a Nielsen box, I'll just continue to use Reward TV to let them know I'm watching live & paying attention to the commercials.

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