[J.J. Abrams] on Fringe's slam-bang setup: "When we did the pilot for Lost, we had the monster appear at the end of the first act because we wanted to say to the audience, 'We're jumping the shark now. We're not going to wait. We're doing crazy shit from the beginning.' On Fringe, we very consciously made what is in many ways a preposterous, front-end scientific story choice in order to say to the audience, 'This is what you're going to be getting on the show.' It may be more extreme in some episodes, less so in others."io9 - Fringe Will Jump The Shark Early And Often, Says J.J. Abrams:
It's not X-Files, it's ER
Abrams said in his own mind, he's comparing Fringe more to ER than to X-Files. "You have these ongoing relationships, these ongoing storylines, and yet week-to-week when the door first opens, you're faced with the insane urgent situation of the week," said Abrams. Looking at shows like his own Felicity or Dawson's Creek, there's nothing to interrupt the relationship drama, so the characters just deal with their issues non-stop. On ER, "if these characters were not doctors, if they were just hanging out, you would go through their emotional stories in a few episodes," but because they have fires to put out, the stories get stretched out more.
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