About: Fringe Episodes is dedicated to a "watercooler" discussion of each episode of Fringe after it airs. Episode posts will be made available at the start of each new episode, on Tuesdays at 9:00 Eastern. This will allow you to leave comments during the episode. However, this also means there will be discussions about the episode before people in other time zones have had a chance to see it. So if you are not in the Eastern time zone, you may want to wait until you have seen the episode before joining the conversation.
Spoiler-Free: Fringe Episodes is spoiler-free section of Fringe Television. What constitutes a spoiler? Loosely defined, anything about future episodes that has not been broadcast on Fox. Speculation about what might happen in the future is obviously fine, but please don't post anything you know for sure will be happening. Here are a few Spoiler-Free guidelines:
- Contents of the US promo that airs immediately after an episode ARE NOT spoilers. (i.e. Next week on Fringe...)
- Contents of subsequent promos ARE spoilers.
- Personal speculations on what might happen (based solely on past episodes) ARE OBVIOUSLY NOT spoilers.
- Information from any outside sources that mention not-yet-aired actors/directors/plotlines/episode titles/etc ARE spoilers.
- Information from any outside sources mention already-aired actors/directors/plotlines/episode titles/etc ARE NOT spoilers.
- Contents of Comic Books, Viral Websites, and other official "canon" content ARE PROBABLY NOT spoilers.
Tone: Like the sidebar says, this blog is a friendly place to discuss Fringe. That doesn't mean we can't disagree and have a "spirited debate", but what it does mean is we do so like adults. io9 has a great post on "How to Be an Opinionated Commenter and Not Get Banned", which basically boils down to: Don't insult other commenters, and don't be a troll. If you see commenters behaving badly, please try to ignore them (i.e. don't feed the trolls), and send us an email.
Etiquette: When responding to a specific comment, it is useful to address your response to the comment's author by name (i.e. @Name: ... ), and quote what you are responding to. Providing links to what you are talking about is always helpful, but please avoid spam. Last but not least, please be welcoming and helpful when someone new joins the conversation.
Formatting: Blogger supports very limited formatting in the comments section, using the following standard HTML codes:
<b>bold</b> = bold
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<a href="http://www.fringepedia.net">Fringe Wiki</a> = Fringe Wiki
Thank you for visiting Fringe Episodes. We look forward to discussing FRINGE with you!
We love your show and please dont put off the air like other shows. Go for another couple series.
From Dave and Chase Procter
This show is amazing, and I am gleefully addicted. I am, however, very sad that the next episodes are not on until April. Why is that???
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