Following the encore airing of the Fringe episode Pilot, hosted by Anna Torv and Joshua Jackson, a 4-minute preview clip of the second Fringe Episode was shown.
You can find this sneak-peek clip over at along with Episode 102 promotional photos, plus plot summaries and photos for Fringe Episode 103 and Fringe Episode 104.
Fringe Episode 102 Preview
By Dennis Email Post 9/15/2008 10:51:00 AM Categories: Fringe, J.J. Abrams, Spoiler
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Went to watch this the 2nd week it was on as the first week did not record the closed caption... this one was not closed captioned either. What's up? Why is this not closed captioned. It really needs to be closed captioned as do all of the shows.
Weird. I watched the Sunday replay with CC on.
I just checked my recording, and it had CC as well. It might be a problem with your local affiliate...
Saw ep 102 Sat night at the NY TV Festival. Another roller coaster ride!!!! Starts out wild & gross, & gets really gross later. I won't spoil it, but it was awesome! Some really funny lines between Peter & Walter. John Noble is just perfect as Walter.
For excerpts from interviews w/ some of the cast members, including pics, & then a short guest post by me, go here:
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