Sep 1, 2011 05:00 PM ET
by Damian Holbrook
Fringe: Where is Peter Bishop?
Right here, folks! In this exclusive first-look at Fringe's Season 4 promo poster, fans finally get proof that the producers won't be playing games with our hearts by keeping Josh Jackson's recently evaporated character out in the ether for too long. In fact, as you can see from this Escher-meets-action ad, our boy is clearly back and seems poised for action alongside Liv, Walter and a lot of expectations when the show returns on Sept. 23 at 9/8c on Fox.
"This season we have earned [the right] for Peter to be more self-actualized," says executive producer Jeff Pinkner. "He's a huge component and key to the really big stuff we're [doing]."
Phew! So now that we know that, who has a theory about the fallen cubes imagery? And how excited are you for "Fringe Fridays" to fire up in three weeks?
Did he just say peter is gonna be more self actualized? it only took them 3 seasons, but i suppose, if its worth the wait, Trent can you read this! lol
This picture reminds me of the pilot episode when Olivia had shared consciousness with John. Remember her little dream world where everything was kinda distorted...just like this picture.
Hmmm....Definitely *new dimensions*. I'm very intrigued and super excited! Can't wait for Friday 23rd!
- Trent can you read this! lol
I can. Sometimes I wonder if I'm living in bizarro land or what.
I love the fact that Peter and Olivia look uber cool, while Walter is in his cardie. Can't wait for Season 4 to start!
I don't like it..Come on guys...WHY SO MUCH PHOTOSHOP??What happened to the cool posters of season 1?
Looks like they are in movement, walking forward confidently out of the disasters of the colliding worlds, ready to face whatever comes next.
It looks a bit like how I picture Ry'leh in The Call of Cthulhu by HP Lovecraft. Oh, and I think it should be considered that yellow is the official color for this "brave new world" created by Peter's actions in the machine.
All lies, these writers will do nothing with peter. Its obvious since Josh STILL HAS YET TO FILM HIS SCENES. Seth will get all the character development, all the fan love and people will ignore Josh and peter.
45, josh has filmed 1 scene for definate (I know thats not enough, but its something) I do agree that lincoln will probably get more character development in the first few episodes than peter ever did, as far as fan love is concerned, i speak for myself but i dont like lincoln at all. Nothing against the actor, but he looks like a teenager and acts like one, not seen enough of the our side lincoln to know whether i like him or not, but i am definately NOT a fan of over there lincoln.
"omfg they are stretching this out, grr, there better be a lot of self actualization."
There won't be any. That's something they said at the beginning of S3, but nothing happened. There can't be any self-actualization for a character that is not in the show.
As of now, I wouldn't bet on seeing Peter back on the show till the second half of S4. Maybe he will never come back. Joshua will probably film a few audio and visual effects, because I'm sure they would never pass the opportunity to make him play a ghost or a spirit, but Peter? Forget him, just like the writers did. They already have a substitute, as you can read in the press release in the spoilers section.
@Trent, forgetting peter for the moment (no pun intended) from the press release it sounds like lincoln lee is going to get more character development than nina, astrid and broyles in one episode. all i can say is WTF, i no pinkner/wyman have "fell in love" with lincoln lee, but can you develop the characters YOU ALREADY HAVE!
and in reply to ur comments about peter, unfortunately it does sound more and more like peters existence wont be resolved till the end of the 9 episode opening arc that john noble mentioned. They wouldn't have put him with walter and olivia in all the posters and stuff if he wasnt gonna be in it properly again (at some point)
They showed more love for both the actor and Over There Lincoln in a few episodes in S3 and in interviews, than they ever showed Joshua Jackson and Peter Bishop for 3 seasons. I can assure you they will do their best efforts to make Our Lincoln one of the best characters ever. Forget about Peter, not only they don't want to write for him, as they've proven again and again, they have the perfect excuse now not to do it. If you hate getting frustrated, Lincoln is where it's at.
The promotional stuff with Peter, I agree that it's misleading, but the purpose of it is to attract viewers. If they make clear that Peter won't be in the show till much later, some viewers might decide to stop watching.
@Trent, the producers MUST understand they are walking over thin ice here, even for the peter haters this must be worrying. A full reboot (every new spoiler that is released, has me more and more convinced that this reboot is permeanent) and lincoln lee is replacing peter, and we dont know what the fuck (excuse language) is going on! and now they are not putting peter back in for five episodes?
The fans saved this show, and they give us this? Thats why i say the producers MUST know they have to deliver and give a coherent explanation for peters absence and surely a chunk of screen time for peter. This is a very optimistic hope but maybe peter will be in every single episode after he exists again?
@Anonymous who posted the "spoiler" you left the part out where he said he wasn't entirely positive.
Why is everyone judging something they know nothing about? This is getting quite ridiculous. Can you at least wait until episode 1 has aired before you rattle off about this or that?
If you don't like where this is going then stop watching and go do something else.
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I don't see why people are surprised that Peter will be self-actualized this season. It make perfect sense to me. Say all you want about how can Peter be self-actualized if he doesn't exist, but we all know that Peter does in fact exist, its a question of when and how he comes back. That said, Season 1 was an introduction of the characters and their relationships. Season 2 was Walter's season of self-actualization where he realized the consequences of what he did and became a much stronger and more compassionate person compared to what he used to be. Season 3 was Olivia's season of self-actualization where she learned who she was apart from circumstances and nurture vs. nature. In fact, I would go so far as to say that it was also Fauxlivia's season of self-actualization where she started out as an arrogant, overconfident Fringe agent. Both Liv's got closer to who they truly are this season. So it makes perfect sense to me that season 4 will be Peter's season of self-actualization. Perhaps, we should just give them a chance to tell their story, before we jump all over them and assume we know more. Because I have to say, we DON'T know what story they are telling. It's not fair to the writers, the characters, or the story for us to act like we know what's gonna happen this season and who may or may not get snubbed. If at the end of season 4, we find out that Peter has once again not be given character development, then by all means, have at it, but please not before we've seen how it ends.
Everybody is taking this a bit out of proportion, IMO the reason why this episode is lincoln lee centric is because its a neccessity! the producers are trying to break down the mythology of the show for new viewers and the only way they can do that is through a new set of eyes (lincolns)
But WHY Lincoln Lee? Why not the characters that they hardly USE like Astrid, Broyles or Nina for crying loud not some newcomer who gets his own storyline in the very first episode?
They are not using the other characters because Nina's story will not be just in 1 episode nor Broyles nor Astro ... so yes it's nice 2 see Lee and maybe nick ..... I love Fringe's story line and i will watch it till we will get S6 to see all the mystery of it .
What I find interesting is how it references the show's credit sequence...
Interesting poster!! There's probably a clue to what happens in S4 in this, just like previous seasons. And think how great it would be to watch Walter when two universes are collapsing around him!!
Like the title sequence, we're presented with a plethora of broken pieces striving towards wholeness, which is exactly what Peter, Olivia, and Walter are.
So in the upcoming season the cast will be miniaturized and tasked with escaping a crude prototype model of the Disney concert hall?
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