What Would You Ask Fringe's Pinkner & Wyman? ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

What Would You Ask Fringe's Pinkner & Wyman?

      Email Post       9/20/2011 08:54:00 AM      

This Wednesday, we'll once again get the chance to chat with Fringe executive producers Jeff Pinkner & Joel "J.H." Wyman. It is a conference call interview, so we may only get to ask one or two questions (if any!), but we still want to know - What would you ask Pinkner & Wyman?

Submit your questions in the comments by noon ET tomorrow, and we'll try to include as many as we can! 


Anonymous said...

Will Olivia still have her telekinesis abilities in the new season, and if so, how important will they be for the Fringe mythology?

Derek Vee said...

Will "The Newt" be returning this season, since with the absence of "Petah", maybe he was never double crossed by Fauxlivia?

Dennis said...

If there was no Peter, there would be no need to invent shapeshifters to invade the other side...

Derek Vee said...

Dennis, if that was the case then why would there be a truce between both universes? There was still clearly some event causing interaction between both sides.

amyyl said...

Will Olivia be trained to control her powers this season just like the other Cortexiphan subjects? Will she have new powers as well?

fjg said...

What scientific reports/journal do they read to come up with such wonderful stories

Old Darth said...

More a request for reassurance - 3 seasons of character growth will not be lost forever, will it?

cortexifan said...

Will we find out what happened to her mom? Will her step dad come back? What about Mr. X?
And a request for S4 DVD: Deleted scenes please :)

Anonymous said...

Will we see more Ella and Rachel? Though it was way back in season 1 I feel like there was something going on that Rachel wanted to tell Olivia but didn't.
Was Ella also part of some drug trial?

With everything else going on maybe I'm the only one who cares about this.


Ron E. said...

Will we find out who Olivia's biological dad is/was? It's been implied he was an important figure in the military. I'd like to learn more. What happened to him? Is he still alive (if so, will we see him?)?

Also will we learn this season what Nina's backstory is and what (if any) connection there is between her and Olivia?

Dixie said...

Besides watching live and bringing in new "recruits", what can we do to keep Fringe on the air?

cortexifan said...

I'm curious about Rachel and Ella as well.
that is a good questions

Dafness said...

Joel, besides the fact that you are obviously a wonderful producer, I've heard that you were quite familiar with acting in the past. Would you like to rejoice our hearts and play a character this season?

Dafness said...

Turns out all of my favourite episodes are written by you. What are your plans considering season 4?

Unknown said...

- Since the Observers are going to play an important role this season, will we find out more about the so-called rogues, like John Mosely from The Arrival? Will the beacon cylinder reappear?

- Fans were kind of frustrated with Reciprocity because it felt that Peter went through all of that trouble for nothing. Will the shapeshifter decoder key be mentioned again? Surely we haven't seen the last of Bell, since he designed the shapeshifters, and they're apparently casung trouble despite the truce between universes?

- In The Last Sam Weiss, Peter was very confused upon leaving the hospital. I think many of us were just as confused about what was going on. Will Season 4 give the answer?

Matthew M said...

I don't trust any answer they give to anything.
I think this will be the last season of the new series. I'll watch every episode but I'm thinking unless the changes made catches the eye of lots of new viewers and keeps us old ones, it will be done sorry to say.

cortexifan said...

@Matthew M
"Faith, never a bad thing to have" (Walter to Astrid in 1.02 The Same Old Story)
"it's not over" (Olivia in 3.03 The Plateau)
:) just to name a few :)

Lafra08 said...

Are we going ever to come back to the timeline from the first 3 seasons or is this timeline gone for good? I think I will miss our first timeline............

Anonymous said...

if season 4 will be the last season for fringe do you have a ending in mind ????

Jose López said...

Are we going to actually see how Walter travelled to the prehistory in order to bury the machine? Will that be possible because of the gadget that the terrorists used in the year 2021 over here?

lafra08 said...

Is there any chance that we are going to see Olivia and Peter reunited as a couple sometime during season 4?

tvnut014 said...

I don't remember exactly which episode it was, however there was a scene in the past season where Broyles was on the phone with Olivia and he had to swerve to not get hit by another car. Was that just a spur of the moment addition, or is there something more to that miniature blip? (I'm really wishing I knew the episode number!)

Anonymous said...

I have two questions, but I'm not sure which one you'd rather ask (you pick one!):

1-Do you plan to bring Sam Weiss back for future episodes?

2-Will Season 4 explore the identity of "Mr. X"?

Anonymous said...

- Will we see more of Elizabeth Bishop?

- Is the relationship between Walter and Peter gone forever?

- Should I invest in the characters in this new season or series as it is being advertised or are you planning more resets?

- Is the machine storyline done or are you going to explain who built it and why Peter, who has no abilities, can power it?

Anonymous said...

Olivia believed Man X was supposed to kill her but in Peter's future Walternate did it. So, would Man X be Olive's potential murderer?


Emkay said...

I wanna ask how they'll resolve the bootstrap paradox of the First People Machine.

Tim Ross said...

Did Walter go to the other universe to save Peter all these years back and so starting the destruction of both universes? Because if Peter didn't exist, Walter did not have to cross over, or did you cross over, but was unable to save Peter?

Anonymous said...

Walter is so entertaining on his own. After the series, would you consider a spin-off for him? (co-starring "Astro", of course)

Anonymous said...

Will we see beautifull things this season, good enough to erase all the bad taste situations seen all along season 3.

Anonymous said...

How invested should viewers be in Season One plot threads (John Scott, ZFT, Massive Dynamic's shadiness, etc.)?

Dennis said...


The episode you are thinking of is the season 1 finale "There's More Than One of Everything". The swerve was addressed in Season 2. What actually happened was she DID get in a car accident, but what we saw in TMTOOE was her visiting the alternate universe to see William Bell. When she returned to our world, she went right back to the scene of the car crash, where she flew through the windshield.

cortexifan said...

the episode you're talking about is Reciprocity where they are heading to the last shapeshifter's house. As Dennis said Olivia did that in TIMTOOE and that was explained in Momentum Deferred.

Anonymous said...

Can you guys give a role to Rebecca Mader from LOST? She's a super-fan of FRINGE:)..And what was UP with that kiss between Broyles and Nina?? And also,will we see more of that child observer?

Anonymous said...

So, pinkner, how do you feel about seeing Joshua Jackson unappreciated and ignored by the fanbase all because YOU decided to give anna 5 people to play, made Peter stupid AND reduced Josh's screentime?

Anonymous said...

How involved is Josh Jackson in S4? Will he just be in half of the season? How reduced will his role be?

Will we meet AltNina this season?

Is the new Observer from the previews the bald child from Inner Child?

Jeremy said...

-Will we find out who was behind the "activation" of James Heath, Nick Lane, ect? Seems as though that plot thread was lost somewhere...
-Like the question about Nina and Broyles! Another one that seemed important but disappeared. I would add on to that: Who hasn't this chick slept with? haha

Zeppelin said...

It seems that at the start of next season of Fringe, the interplay between the characters and their copy of another universe, it will happen somehow. I wonder if this kind of action and drama, with characters from different universes, work together, is something usual in the development of this 4th season?

Anonymous said...

How does Lincoln Lee know Nick Lane?
Who is the man with the X-T-shirt on the blimp?
What is the beacon?
Who really made the machine?
Why should we not trust Sam Weiss?
Where is Alt-Nina?
Any chance you can make Leonard Nimoy appear in season 4?
What are the Massive Dynamic clones for?
Where is ZFT now?
Was Sanford Harris working for ZFT or another group?
Why wasn't Rachel Dunham in the Cortexiphan drug trials?

Matthew M said...

Rebecca Mader is HOT! She was outstanding in last weeks "ALPHAS" as 'Griffin', an invisible bounty hunter.

Elizabeth said...

What was the significance of the crucifix necklace that Ella gave to Olivia for luck before she went to the alt. universe to retrieve Peter? I expected it to be a way that Olivia could prove to Peter that she was HIS Olivia...BTW...You have the best show on TV and I pester everyone I know to watch!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh! Also, how did Robert Bishop die in 1944 when Walter was born in 1946? I'm not really looking for answers, just a promise that it will be addressed.

greycobalt said...

They did address the necklace, if I remember correctly. Olivia said it was her mother's, and was very special to her, so she wanted Ella to have it, clearly in case she didn't make it back. It also tipped off Rachel that something was wrong, since she knew how important it was to Olivia.

My question to them would be how far in advance they're plotting this story out (i.e. was the shenanigans of season 3 in the back of their minds while they were building up to the alt-verse in season 2)?

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