Whoa! Chuck, Supernatural and Fringe Prove to have More Fall TV Buzz... ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Whoa! Chuck, Supernatural and Fringe Prove to have More Fall TV Buzz...

      Email Post       9/20/2011 09:01:00 PM      

Whoa! Chuck, Supernatural and Fringe Prove to have More Fall TV Buzz than Glee, The Playboy Club, Charlie’s Angels

Posted by: Jessica Rae

You’ll be surprised at what Chuck season 5 (Zachary Levi, Yvonne Strahovski, Adam Baldwin, Joshua Gomez) , Supernatural season 7 (Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalacki) and Fringe season 4 (Joshua Jackson, Anna Torv) have in common. According to Banyan Branch, a leading full-service social media agency, these are the top three TV shows receiving buzz online, especially when it comes to social media. Do TV fans matter more than ever? Damn right they do. And the results will surprise even the most loyal of TV watchers.

Fall TV 2011 Surprises:

•The top three shows currently receiving buzz online are Chuck, Supernatural and Fringe
•Newcomers and returning favorites such as Glee, The Playboy Club and Charlie’s Angels have generated almost *no* online excitement
•Even more surprising, online chatter for Glee, a show that has received an extraordinary of media attention during its first two seasons, has been fairly negative and conversation has pointed to the failure of the show’s promotion during the NFL games this past weekend.
Additional takeaways:

•Banyan Branch’s research indicates that the top three shows are using a variety of media outlets and their own Twitter properties for promotion, with popular sites like E!, Entertainment Weekly and People sharing exclusive content, season trailers and sneak peeks with Twitter followers.
•Supernatural is exploring GetGlue, a service similar to FourSquare, but instead of checking into physical locations, you check in to TV shows you’re watching, books you’re reading or music you’re listening to. (GetGlue seems very popular with people on Twitter.)
•Social viewing parties are emerging. Unofficial viewing parties are held via Twitter simply by fans using a pre-designated hashtag to have conversations with each other (Editor’s note: Such as #TVD but more specific like #TVDS3 for The Vampire Diaries season 3 conversations.)
•A shift is occurring in how fans communicate with shows as they start to get access to some of their favorite characters on their favorite television shows—this communication is a privilege they’re coveting! For TV shows, it’s a great way to identify influencers and build relationships, opening the door for turning a loyal fan into a brand advocate. As shows compete to stay on the air, regular engagement with fans on Twitter is an essential way to keep the buzz going. (Editor’s Note: I am more excited when I get to tweet with a TV show star than when I’m conducting an official interview with one on the phone. This is because on Twitter they aren’t scheduled to talk with me.)


cortexifan said...

That is awesome and I can't wait for Friday. So stoked for Fringe, I can't sit still, checking all the sites for tidbits and pictures and spoilers and stuff.
Fringe Rocks!

Sarah said...

Hell yes, Fringe! It is one of those shows with a slew very passionate and dedicated fans. Screw the inaccurate Nielsens.

fringeobsessed said...

Well, cortexifan, then check out my next post above! :)

Anonymous said...

this poster looks like it wouled be a good fringe movie poster if they made a fringe movie when the show ended this should be the poster i would use

Renee said...

So excited for Supernatural S7 this Friday! All the interviews and pics have helped but it's going to be a long couple of days.

anthony said...

yessss! I love it so much, I love getting fringe tweets!Can't wait for friday!!!

Anonymous said...

You're on the WRONG site Renee..N f@ck SPN

Anonymous said...

Hey as long as Renee watches Fringe live (which has not so great ratings for a network) and watches Supernatural when she pleases (because their ratings are great for CW and they are not in danger of cancellation) then who really cares?

Buuuuuut... Renee if you're just being an a$$h0le you can bite me... because I live VEEERRRY close to the studio where they film BOTH shows and breathe the same rarefied air as your precious Dean and Whatshisname. Your post is so petty you would obviously actually care about that!

You give Supernatural fans a bad name.

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