TV Guide: Oh, Yuck! 9 Gross Television Scenes
E!: Spookiest Shows on TV
How are you celebrating Halloween? How about Fringe-Style, with a Fringe Pumpkin or Fringe Costume?
If you need some ideas, how about a six-fingered hand pumpkin, or try other Fringe symbols. Or you could dress your pumpkin up like Mr. Papaya!
As far as a Fringe costume, The Observer is an easy choice - you'll just need a suit and a hat (shave your head and eyebrows for a more authentic look!), or dress up like Gene, everyone's favorite Fringe cow.
Send us your pictures, and we'll post them in a Fringe Halloween Gallery.
I was hoping to dress up as Dr. Walter Bishop for Halloween; alas, no mask out for his character yet.
Maybe you could find a Denethor mask ;)
I thought I would go out as William Bell but I don't know what he looks like.
Wow! Thanks for the list! I will prepare for the next Halloween according to it. I want to be....well I haven't decided yet but this post definitely inspires me to stand out!
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