Which is a nice way of saying Fringe is not new tonight. Instead, tonight's episode is an encore presentation of Episode 102, The Same Old Story. If the new TV season has left you with room for Fringe, and tonight is your first time watching and you like what you see, you can catch up on the entire season of Fringe by
watching it online. The next new episode of Fringe doesn't air until November 11, 2008, so there's plenty of time. Fringe is one of only two new hit shows this season, and it has been picked up for a full season.

As for tonight's episode, it has been
disassembled and
reassembled. Which just goes to show, there's more to Fringe than meets the eye.
Is Fringe new to you?
this is weak. i wished i was warned. ill prolly stop watching. i was a watchdog, on a FOXhunt, now i guess i've just been out-FOXed!!!
Fringe is a ripoff!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ugh...this is way too long.
I wish they had re-run a better episode, this was one of the weaker ones. Stick around, they get better.
uh wtf? this is wierd!
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