For those of you who do not know Ari, he has been extremely generous over the several years, showering us with beautiful promos, and most recently, the "Past+Present+Future" video series.
He is also very engaged with us Fringe fans via Twitter, letting us know when promos are availalbe. He also started on May 26 the "Fringe Song Of The Day" program via Twitter, taking requests and posting them and his own choices, and even a few from Jasika Nicole, daily via Twitter with the song links, which has made this long hiatus much more comfortable and fun.
Ari has given so much to us we decided to give something back.
So here you go, Ari, a birthday vid from us at Fringe Television!
The video was designed by our own Aimee Long and inspired by me.
Thanks, Ari, for all you do. Have a great birthday tomorrow!
Happy Birthday Ari!! We really do appreciate everything that you do for us. It means the world to us that you're so accessible, and we love chatting with you. Thanks for everything and I hope you have a lovely birthday. :D
Happy Birthday Ari!
Thanks for everything you bring us, keep it coming.
This is so cool. Happy birthday Ari! :D
Wow! That was great! Happy Birthday Ari!
oh this is awesome! Happy B-Day Ari!
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