If you've not already bought one or are near a Best Buy that hasn't yet sold out, you'll want to know that Best Buy is offering an exclusive package for FRINGE's Season Three Box Set.
At first glance a 3-D cover providing an added dimension to the shot seen on the regular box, a slight tilt reveals a lenticular surprise as Walter becomes Walternate, Olivia becomes AltLivia, and Peter becomes, well, another Peter (Shouldn't they have had him disappear?). The background behind them subtly changes to a red universe as well.
They'll be available while supplies last and are available for both the DVD and Blu-Ray Sets. The shops I visited yesterday seemed to have about 2 3-D boxes for every regular one, so the odds are in your favor but they'll probably disappear soon.
They are also available through the best buy website. :)
Nice. :)
Thanks for sharing, Count S.!
What does the inside cover look like in the regular edition?? Is it also the alternates? in season one it was a different picture and season 2 it was a red overlay. what about season 3?
Just ordered mine online, picking it up in the store tonight after work. Drool :)
Picked mine up. Looks really cool. The discs itself are awesome as well.
:( only drawback :( no deleted scenes :(
Cortexifan (LOVE THE NAME, BTW) can you tell me anything about the packaging regarding my above question? Is there a booklet (oh how it aggravated me when LOST stopped doing those!) like the past years and does the inside slip cover feature the same exact image as the front, or is it of the alternates, similar to the lenticular cover?
thank you.
There is a booklet, not as elaborated as the other two or maybe I should call it more a pamphlet. The inside cover is the same as on the outside with our side's characters but it has a blimp on it. There are more buildings on the outside one.
Hope that answers your question.
16 more days :)
"a slight tilt reveals a lenticular surprise as Walter becomes Walternate, Olivia becomes AltLivia, and Peter becomes, well, another Peter (Shouldn't they have had him disappear?)."
Two Peter's? Hmmm. Could this be a clue and not a mistake? If Season 4 becomes an alternate timeline as many suspect, it could be that when Peter returns he will be Walter's real son who did not die in the alternate timeline. The (alternate) Peter we've come to know and love could still be around, outside of all timelines with the Observers. They both could even be the one and same Peter, like Olivia harboring John Scott way back in S01 or Olivia seeing Peter when trapped on the other side. This would greatly complicate all of the principal character relationships as well as the whole mythology. My fingers are moving as fast as they can but aren't getting much farther. Need a Lincoln or a Walter to flesh out this one. Any help?
I will be a nervous wreck by 09/23. Can't wait! Buckle up and have your oxygen tanks ready!
Peter comes back as walters son, re-starts a romance with OUR olivia. Bolivia (fauxlivia)finally sees how much Lincoln Lee (their side) really loves her, and they become a couple. Our Lincoln Lee who is going to have a much bigger role falls in love with astrid. Walter and Gene (the cow) get married (he's a scientist, he'd def. do it!)
fringe will last 6 or 7 seasons i think.
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