The TV Overmind website is hosting its very First Annual TV Overmind Rewards, which runs from December 30th to January 1st.
You will be happy to know that Fringe already won the "Smartest Show" category yesterday taking 67% of the vote! Leonard Nimoy won the "Best Guest Star-Drama" award.
Visiting this website and voting for the categories which include Fringe and its characters would be a great way to show your support for the series.
Please vote today for Fringe for "Best Show on Fox." That poll closes today at 2:35PM EST. Fringe is currently leading that category with 65% of the vote! Also, vote today for Anna Torv in the category "Best Actress in a Drama." She's currently winning that category with 65% of the vote! That poll closes at 6:45PM EST today.
Please vote today for Fringe for "Best Show on Fox." That poll closes today at 2:35PM EST. Fringe is currently leading that category with 65% of the vote! Also, vote today for Anna Torv in the category "Best Actress in a Drama." She's currently winning that category with 65% of the vote! That poll closes at 6:45PM EST today.
Later today there will be a category "Best Network Show," and I suspect Fringe may be a nominee in that. Also later today, "Best Actor in a Drama," and John Noble is up against some stiff competition in that category. He could win if enough people vote for him later today.
Amongst tomorrow's polls:"Best Show of 2010," and Fringe stands a very good chance of winning that with your help!
Please vote via the link below and support Fringe and its actors!
Thanks to Anonymous for the tip.
<3 Fakey
A very fringe year everybody!
Only a few hours left and Fringe is behind by a slim margin in both Best Actor in a Drama (John Noble) or Best Show on Network TV!
Also, Happy New Year!
Just wanted to say that msn.com had a little article about some weapon wielding Sci-Fi women and Anna Torv was one of them. Here's the web address: http://tv.msn.com/paralleluniverse/sci-fi-action-heroines/photo-gallery/feature/?GT1=28130&photoidx=19
Hi Guys, i think we should try and vote for FRINGE as it is nominated for a People's Choice Award. http://www.peopleschoice.com/pca/vote/votenow.jsp
Buddy, the People's Choice Awards are going to be broadcast on January 5th. The polls are closed already, sorry.
LOve Fringe love fringe love fringe well you get the idea...
Long live Fringe. It's the best thing since StarGate Atlantis. Great television's hard to find.
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