I prefer the Firefly/Fringe Opening, but things like that keep a fan going, every other day something new, that's how one can live through the break till 21st.
OMG Inception was an epic film... Fringe is an epic show... PERFECT MATCH!!!! Love them both! They would make an amazing fanfiction crossover... Methinks I have an idea...
If you are searching for a friendly place to discuss the Fox TV show Fringe, or just a resource for keeping up with the latest news, clues and views on the series, you have come to the right place.
Oh My God. The Fringe/Inception mashup was frakin EPIC!
I prefer the Firefly/Fringe Opening, but things like that keep a fan going, every other day something new, that's how one can live through the break till 21st.
Thanks that was cool. Makes me want to watch both right now!!
That was great! I put it on my blog, hope you don't mind :)
If I'd never seen Fringe before, this clip would definitely entice me. This is better than the overloaded FOX promo.
OMG Inception was an epic film... Fringe is an epic show... PERFECT MATCH!!!! Love them both! They would make an amazing fanfiction crossover... Methinks I have an idea...
I saw this on youtube. It was amazing!!! there's a Salt one that's pretty cool too:)
Very Impressive!!
george from MexicO "y que me quedo callado"(no talking, mouth wide open) Amazing!
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