Here are some reviews for the Fringe episode "Entrada"
- Entertainment Weekly: 'Fringe' recap: 'Entrada' and exits, lives saved and lost
- SpinOff Online: Recap | Fringe: Entrada
- LA Times: 'Fringe' recap: Coming Home
- Time: Fringe Watch: Meeting in the Ladies' Room
- TV Squad: 'Fringe' Season 3, Episode 8 Recap (VIDEO)
- TV Fanatic: Fringe Review: She's Home...
- Screen Crave: Fringe: Season 3 Episode 8: Entrada – TV Review
- Fear Net: 'Entrada' - 'Fringe' Episode 3.8
- Digital Spy: Recap - 'Fringe': 'Entrada'
Wasn't that the same clock in the episode The Plateau? The clock in that epidose was turning to 4 as well, I belive...
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