Christmas Ideas For Fringe Fans ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Christmas Ideas For Fringe Fans

      Email Post       12/23/2010 04:18:00 PM      

If you are still doing your Christmas shopping, and need some last minute Fringe stocking stuffers, here is a list of Fringe and Fringe-related gifts ideas.

Sadly, there isn't any actual official Fringe merchandise available for sale, but number one on everyone's Christmas list should be the Fringe DVDs and Blu-rays

Music lovers will also want the Fringe Soundtrack, featuring music from the award winning composer Michael Giacchino, plus Chris Tilton and Chad Seiter.

The album is also available as MP3s from Amazon, or for your iPod on iTunes.

You will also see something called the Fringe Mixes, which is seven remixed versions of the Fringe title theme song, but you would really have to like the theme song to buy that.

If you have a comic book store near you, you can pick up some Fringe comics. There have been two six-issue series - Fringe #1 - 6, and the latest, Tales From The Fringe #1 - 6. The first series is also available in a combined paperback book.

You can preview all of the Fringe comics here.

If you are a fan of a particular Fringe character, you may want to check out some of their other works. Here are some suggested DVDs featuring our favorite Fringe actors:
And of course, what movie watching experience would be complete with out some Red Vines


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