Imagine The Impossibilities: Case 0091 ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Imagine The Impossibilities: Case 0091

      Email Post       7/26/2008 02:41:00 PM      

Fringe's Imagine The Impossibilities Horn GlyphThe official FRINGE website - - added a new Horn glyph.
Clicking the glyph takes you to the website, where the content of the site has been replaced.

The first screen, is a list of coordinates (all in Iowa), and the text CASE_0091: EVIDENCE_0001 0711P 170708 NEXT

Clicking next takes you to "CASE_0091: EVIDENCE_0002 1200P 250708" which plays a video describing an incident of "The Pattern" where 11 groups of sheep in Iowa are lining up in giant circles. I checked the video frame-by-frame, and I don't see any hidden, apart from the usual mathematical formulas.


Anonymous said...

I watched the video and then navigated away from the site for a minute. When I went back, I got a black screen. The bottom left corner it reads "Case_0091 : Evidence_0001 Next 0711P 170708"
Then, on the right side, below center, are the following numbers
"43.374491, -92.115121
43.404375, -94.833592
42.069544, -94.866361
42.164144, -92.036077"

The URL is

Raithgar said...

Just tried plugging those values into Google Maps, all 4 locations land in Iowa.

tallone said...
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tallone said...

typos is up and running...rotating letter the get a short burst of music when you click on the M.

Edward said...

Hey tallone. Just checked it, and it's back under construction. Maybe you caught them testing the site. Best take a screen shot next time eh? :-)

tallone said...

ok here goes..

tallone said...

here's the link..try this..

tallone said...

it works I tries it from here

Anonymous said...

You guys know, those are 2 different websites. One is MassiveDynamic and the other is MassiveDynamics (the S is the difference).

Edward said...

Ugh! Thanks Nick.

Anonymous said...

Edward-- sent a couple emails your way regarding some observations on the glyphs on the FOX site...

Edward said...

Hey Truck. Thanks for the tips. Keep them coming.

News has been fast and furious of late, but if you click on the Glyphs catagory you'll see what we've coverd so far in regards to the official Fox/Fringe site.

tallone said...

check out the reflection on the M..looks like the reflection of the royal ontario museum..yes there are two sites...but the reflection on the M is worth some consideration.

tallone said...

I saw car wrecks right and general destruction after the farmer gets the photograph regarding the sheep...moves fast looks like a red blur stop the frame you'll see it.

tallone said...

oh man went back again..move fast..saw oil field on fire and an IBM type card on the sheep frames...someone needs to slow the images..this thiong is loaded with stuff.

tallone said...

typo"thing " sorry ..

tallone said...

I think I found the compound shown on the video that is shown on several frames.
It has to do with cell growth.
Also the Iowa town Cresco means in Latin "I grow"

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