Two more stories from attendees of the Fringe panel at Comic-Con, and in both, new details about the
Fringe Comic Book prequel.
There will be a Fringe comic book about the history of William Bell and Walter Bishop. -- BuddyTV
For those unaware, Fringe will have a comic produced in tandem with the series. Abrams explained, “[The comic will allow us to] tell some stories about characters and create this peripheral world.” Roberto Orci echoed this sentiment, explaining, “I think it’s something we haven’t done before.” Abrams agreed saying, “There are certain things you can’t do in TV that you can do in a comic book.” -- Wizard Universe
The Fringe Comic Book is being published by
DC Comics/Wildstorm Universe. The first issue--of a current slate of six--goes on sale August 27, 2008.
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