- The Official Forum of the Fringe Creative Team ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe - The Official Forum of the Fringe Creative Team

      Email Post       7/20/2008 07:05:00 PM      

We would like to welcome, the official forum of the FRINGE Creative Team. FringeDivision is sponsored by J.J. Abrams himself, so it will have inside access to writers, directors, and stars of the show. Brought to you by the same team who created The Fuselage (the official forum of the LOST creative team).

From the announcement:
Thanks to the insane awesomeness that is JJ, Burky and Bad Robot - FRINGE fans now have a place to interact with each other AND with members of the Creative Team AND (hopefully) actors from the show. That place is FRINGE DIVISION — the Official Site for the Creative Team Behind FRINGE
J.R. Orci, one of those writer/producer guys for FRINGE, has already been breaking in his Q&A forum on the threaded board, and a few more VIPs should start appearing over the next couple of weeks.


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