exclusive: Here is part 1 of a new Fringe teaser series "April 20th Is The Nineteenth". April 20th is the air date of the Fringe episode "Letters of Transit", which is the 19th episode this season (#419).
Native on native killing can not stand, not on my watch.
There are a lot of hidden elements in this video, so "observe it closely"!
Head over to to see select screenshots of the video.
This reminds me of the way that Babylon 5 played with satirising media spin and propaganda. Interest definitely piqued!
holy sh*t..... we are going to the future.... in the observer's time!
SWEET!!! It's revolution time!!! You go August and September!
Looks like their is a clue / key to the symbols. The English words and symbols seem to match up.
When I'm near a desktop computer I'll take a closer look. If anyone can get frame by frame screen grabs of the promo that would help.
Ok note to self read the article more closely.
I'm looking at the screen grabs now.
Click here for a quick start to a language key
There are more symbols in Ministry Of Science logo. I'll see if I can find a better screenshot of that...
Nice work Zort70, you just beat me to it. I also noticed there is one frame of the ministry of science logo where there's what seems to be a link but it may be just an error in editing. It reads "1/4" and below that "www.youtu". It appears to the right of the screen on the side at 0.18 in one of the earlier frames
My guess is there will be 4 trailers that give us an entire youtube link to some private video.
Sorry I meant the within the first second, not at 0.18. I took a screencap
Also if you invert the color of the video so you sort of work out the characters a bit clearer:
(Edited to fix correct links)
@LizN - how do you invert the color of the video. The ones you did are so much clearer!
@aydee, I just used vlc player, there's an option to apply filters on the video. Though it's clearer, it doesn't give us much. They really know how to tease us lol
Nice catch with the "1/4 www.youtu"
And jdm12989, I believe you are correct about them giving us several upcoming clips with the rest of that Youtube address.
Nice work you two! :)
@jdm12989 you were right. The newest teaser has the next bit
P.S I'd inverted the colours again in this frame. It's a clip of a briefcase with what looks like the Fringe division logo on top being opened to reveal a weapon?
Is that a new kind of observer brown jacket? He does not look friendly, Remember they are from our Future maybe looking for possible answers to a problem they have?
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