Frea, Jan, Lou, & Maximus get together after each Fringe episode in this temporarily constructed shared reality known as a podcast to discuss the Fourth Season of Fringe.
'Nothing As It Seems'
Lincoln Gets Left Behind
Lincoln Gets Left Behind
1) Intros
2) Episode Easter Eggs
3) Quick Thoughts
4) RoundTable
5) Ep Rating - out of 10 Genes
Intro Music: Intro - 'Lunatic Fringe' - Tom Cochrane - Symphony Sessions
Exit Music: 'Nothing Left To Lose' - Alan Parsons Project - The Turn of A Friendly Card
Leave us feedback here or on Twitter:
Frea - @Frea_O
Jan - @happydayz3
Lou - @olddarth
Maximus - @mxpw999
On the run all the time? A commuter? Listen to our portable versionvia iTunes - Alternate Reality Version.
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