Well the FBI Podcast has a treat for you!
An interview... Wait! Dare I invoke that overused term? Why not! Because in this case it is absolutely true!!!!!
An EXCLUSIVE interview with actor Alexis Raich who played Emily Mallum in the Season 4 Episode - Forced Perspective.
Chuck fans take note, Alexis also played Suzy O'Keefe in the Season Two episode - Chuck Vs The Best Friend. In a flashback scene she put down a grade school Morgan Grimes.
Alexis talks to the FBI Podcast about her experience on both sets. Who is the biggest goofball on the Fringe set? How far did Alexi go to ensure she nailed the Fringe audition? Bring a tissue because you are going to need it. (But not in the way you think. ;) ) Who was Alexis most intimidated by on the set? And how did the cast and crew of Fringe treat her?It's all here for your listening enjoyment.
Join Karen, Max, and myself as we share the awesome chat we had with Alexis.
Alexis Raich Links:
Donations to Alexis's Charity of Choice can be made to the: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Here is the link to Alexis's YouTube channel where you see the Fringe Pictures Clip
Alexis's IMDB Page
Alexis's FaceBook Page
Alexis's Twitter Page
Intro Music: 'Lunatic Fringe' - Tom Cochrane
Donations to Alexis's Charity of Choice can be made to the: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Here is the link to Alexis's YouTube channel where you see the Fringe Pictures Clip
Alexis's IMDB Page
Alexis's FaceBook Page
Alexis's Twitter Page
Intro Music: 'Lunatic Fringe' - Tom Cochrane
Exit Video Montage: Emily Learns Her 'Purpose'
Leave us feedback here or on Twitter:
Frea - @Frea_O
Jan - @happydayz3
Lou - @olddarth
Maximus - @mxpw999
Karen - @aleveria
On the run all the time? A commuter? Listen to our portable versionvia iTunes - Alternate Reality Version.
I loved listening to this. Alexis is so cool. I'm a huge Fringe fan. I DVR the shows, and this one I kept saved out of all of them (I usually delete them after watching). It was a really special episode, and Alexis was a huge part of that.
As per usual, lots of Anna torv love and she ignores everyone else.
Thanks Kathryn - it was a fun time for all.
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