- FringeOnFOX - @FRINGEonFOX
- Jeff Pinkner, Executive Producer - @jpfringe
- J.H. Wyman, Executive Producer - @jwfringe
- Josh Jackson, “Peter Bishop” - @peterbishop2
- John Noble, “Walter Bishop” - @labdad1
IMPORTANT NOTE: Last night's Tweet-peat was a ONE-TIME event! There WILL NOT be Twitter updates on future Fringe episodes.
I've got a pre-season football game on here... East Cost USA... only in the second quarter.
Sorry to hear that :(
You can still submit questions via Twitter, and watch the episode online...
Same here with the football.
Take the tweets off -- not everyone saw this episode the first time and this is the absolute most annoying thing ever.
Decided to quit watching, as the tweet boxes were aggravating and frustrating! What a shame...what a disaster!
Ok Stop the Tweeting it is covering the tv screen and you can't see the show.
Ok Stop the Tweeting it is covering the tv screen and you can't see the show.
We HATE the tweets also. Get Rid Of Them Now!!
Stop the tweets. It's so distracting I'm going to turn it off!
I ave to agree with anonymous: the tweets are extremely annoying as they take up about a third of my screen. I'm one of the people that missed this episode and apparently I will not be watching it tonight either! Thanks a pant load!
Decided to watch something else that I could actually SEE. . . . these tweets are absurd!
How do you turn the tweets off?
I can't enjoy the show with them covering half my tv screen.
This twittering on the show is absoultely ridiculous!! I am not watching the show because I care what other people think. What in the world was the network thinking when they decided to allow twittering to happen on the scene so you can't see what is happening. This keeps up and I will not be watching this show again!!!!!
I pay to see the show, not a bunch of people with nothing better to do.
For the people complaining here... It's not FringeTelevision.com that's in control of it, it's the FOX network. Complaining here isn't going to help anything.
I hope you don't do the tweets again. It is extremely annoying!!!
Extremely OBNOXIOUS! Will no longer watch as long as this nonsense is going on!
Bad idea gone terribly wrong. Get this crap off my TV.
Well if FOX has any brains they'll be monitoring this!
wow really stupid idea. tweeting in the midst of the show is ridiculous.
JenR Do you know the e-mail address that we can complain to about the tweets?
can not stand those stupid tweets on my TV. this is the very annoying. i rather read than to watch pop ups on my tv.
why dont these people tweet during the commercials, you know something that is not important.
Get this crap off my TV screen. I am trying to watch TV, not read a book. If I wanted to "tweet" I would grab my phone!
Who's "great" idea was this crap anyway???
Who thought of this? If people liked pop ups they would not have invented pop up blockers. Re-think this idea because this is very very very annoying to viewers. Pop ups on TV and blocking the show. Come on this is stupid.I guess I will not watch what use to be my favorite show.
Talk about a stupid idea!
Can't stand the tweets had to turn it off. Talked to a couple frends they also turned it off. You ruined the best show on TV. A once faithful fan.
Stop this twittering! It is beyond annoying! I love this show but I will not watch it if you are doing something this irritating!
I did like this show,,,but im turning it off if they dont lose this twitter crap
time to tweet to another network
its like having someone talking too you while your trying to watch the show,,, i hope their monitoring this !!!
I had thought that the worst indignity that TV networks assaulted their viewers with was the streamed commercials across the bottom of the screen during the program content. I thought that the "limited commercial interruption" of Fringe was a sign of returning sanity.
I was wrong.
If I ever have a program interrupted by "tweets" again, I will switch stations (as I have done tonight), and I will NEVER watch another episode of whatever show assaults its viewers with this madness.
The football game on the other channel is looking better and better. Get rid of the tweets.
will never watch this show again who wanted this
this twitter needs to go,if I want to twitter I will do it on my computer not on tv!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lose the Twitter or lose a loyal viewer!!!!!
very distracting with trying to watch show and tweeting in the middle of screen...does not belong on show...hoping this is a one time thing...really like the show but not the chatting on tv
I agree...Fox grow a brain. You are loosing your loyal customer.
its annoying, but its not that big of a deal. i don't think they'll be doing this for any new episodes
Please tell me someone from FOX is monitoring this...is it clear yet? Your audience HATES this crap.
should be called TWITS
the tweets were really annoying. for those who had never seen this episode before, u can watch this one on fox.com or on fancast.com, i think
I love FRINGE & look forward to seeing but if they do this TWITTER CRAP, I can't watch it any more. It was the most annoying episode i have ever watched.
Wow! You people are easily annoyed!
For what it's worth, I believe this is a one time event (If you don't count the GLEE Tweet-peat tomorrow...)
I can understand being annoyed - from the picture I saw of someone's screen it does take up a lot of the screen and can be detracting. Also it's in the same spot the closed captions would be....
but the level of outrage I'm seeing here is insane! Especially as it's directed at the wrong people.
WTF !!! Come on FOX....you must be joking right ???? The Twitter messages take over 30 % of my friggin TV screen and I have a 52 inch widescreen television monitor. There was actually a scene where Agent Dunham opens a door to a mysterious place and instead of her "facial expression" I get a text message saying "I miss Long Island..." ?? Who was the Twit on Drugs at Fox who thought of Twitter as a central image to bleed into our visual cortex ??? Yup this is just more proof that the end of the world is upon us and that MASSIVE DYNAMICS is behind it all. I feel like one of their test subjects to see who will become a super soldier or just super angry at FOX. If this ever occurs again I will have no choice but to end my Fringe addiction ! FOX had the opportunity to bring on board about 5 million more viewers, but instead they will all be howling with laughter when they see this Twitter garbage. What a missed opportunity.
Another one that wont be watching anymore. This is an insult to viewers and extremely distracting. We even called DirecTV to see if there was any way of blocking these TWITS. No luck. I also enjoyed the limited interruptions, but this TWIT stuff negates that. And this level of outrage is NOT insane. This is where people discuss the show. Clearly the level of distraction from the twits is the only thing you can focus on in this episode. Stayed with it through the first break hoping it would go away, it didn't so we did!
Sorry Dennis you are dead wrong....according to some seriously deranged executives at FOX (which should be re-named FIX-TV) they are going to be re-broadcasting all reruns of "FRINGE" and "GLEE" shows with - are you ready for this - friggin stupid Tweets !!!!! So when you say we are easily annoyed, its because we recognize that if we ever miss an episode we will get burned by watching it with stupid Tweets on the screen...Saying asinine things like: "Oh I remember that it was cold when we filmed this in Boston"
For what it's worth, I believe this is a one time event (If you don't count the GLEE Tweet-peat tomorrow...)
I just THOUGHT that I despised ads, but these tweets. Well they are enough to push you to watch politicians in Washington or somebody reading a DULL book to you.
Hey Fox, if we were deaf we would get closed caption. Wouldn't even try to estimate how frustrated a deaf person is right now with closed caption & tweets.
Well, bye, bye birdie, oophs I mean bye, bye Fox and bye, bye Fringe.
Lots of anon comments here... but I will go on record too... worst concept since the Seinfeld finale. At least I made it to the end with that - I only lasted fifteen minutes tonight... half of which had no tweets... plus the actors were late.
NO VALUE ADDED with the tweets. My guess? Someone in marketing gets fired next week.
Any more tweets from Fox and Fringe will suffer immediate death. This means NO FANS
INTERIOR Location: FOX TV Executive's Office - June 2009
...Vlad (young FOX TV intern): What can we do to really add pizazz to this Fringe show for its upcoming season ? We have to make sure it will pull in a younger crowd !
...Igor: (young FOX TV executive): Not sure what the producers want but we gotta give them some good ideas to pull in the young bunch, or we can trade in those Ferraris for skateboards. How about free lattes at Starbucks if they can guess Joshua Jackson's age ?
...Vlad: Nah that's lame....how about we offer free memberships to the Republican Party for the viewer who calls a telephone number at the bottom of the screen at the end of the show's premier ?
...Igor: Nah...that sucks...It's gotta be something cool and something that is new new new...and very techie...don't young people like technology ?
...Vlad: I got it !!! We get the stars of Fringe to Twitter messages at the bottom of the screen ! We can create a new revenue stream from advertising Twitter and get them to pay for advertisement while we also get paid by our main advertisers.
...Igor: That's a genius idea ! Oh...Oh...I have an even better idea...We slap those Twitter messages right IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCREEN !!
...Vlad: You are a God - that is killer stuff ! Let's have a meeting with the writers as soon as possible.
Stop dropping bird poop onto Fringe. It's like sitting next to a twittering couple at the movie theater.
I changed the channel, the tweets are NOT a good idea. If it continues, one less fan!
Ok, which bird brain thought this up? and then who approved it? Am flying off to another show now.. If Fox buys the discontinued Life series from those blockheads at NBC I will come back, otherwise am going back to books.
Whose idea was it to put these idiotic messages on the screen in the middle of this show, Fringe? This is the first time I've seen the show (attempted to see it, I mean) and I'm turning it off because it is so annoying. Completely ruined it for me. Do you really think anybody wants to read any of that junk? Get a grip.
The FOX “Tweet-peat”, twitter event was extremely distracting because it covered approximately one-third of my TV screen, resulting in me tuning off the program and a headache from the visual distraction.
In my opinion, this is a failed project because no project can be successful if stakeholders are dissatisfied. I do not feel this project’s risk factors were analyzed with all stakeholders in mind since it appears that I am not the only unsatisfied customer or the only one that believes that this type of event should not be on the TV screen while trying to view a program.
I can be empathetic to the fact that this project might be taking course because of curtain factors/arrangements; however, it might have been helpful if someone would have at least put in for a change of request to have the program’s size reduced enough so customers could view the full program and have the messages below the program.
I wonder if anyone will be reprimanded for not analyzing the risk contingencies with regard to all stakeholders.
As usual - yet another example of networks stealing other networks ideas. The G4 network on cable implemented this concept on some of their shows but at least it was displayed way down on the lower portion of the screen and most of the responses displayed were funny.
G4 viewers making goofy remarks about the action on the episodes of the reruns of original Star Trek being displayed much like what the Mystery Theater 3000 show did regarding old sci-fi shows where they had images of three pretend characters (a human and two robots) acting as comedic put-down critics - displayed on the screen as if they were sitting at a theater watching the film - and ridiculing the actors and the film. Now that was hilarious.
Fox exec JOE EARLY is an idiot for approving this the theft of this idea (assuming the MORON didn't present the idea himself to be implemented) and then thinking it would be better to stick it in our faces and mess up the viewing of the show which is why people tune in - to watch a show - not inane crap from twitting idiots.
A lot of money went into developing a show, it's plot and storyline - but let's destroy that by posting annoying and useless dribble on the screen to distract viewers from enjoying the show.
JOE EARLY FOX VP of marketing and communications. Shove this and your tweets up your As....
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