The Fringe Podcast Summer Rewatch Episode 16 ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

The Fringe Podcast Summer Rewatch Episode 16

      Email Post       9/10/2012 12:13:00 AM      

In this episode of The Fringe Podcast, we are joined by Allan, Michelle, and Lou as we rewatch and discuss the Fringe season 4 episodes, "Making Angels," "Welcome To Westfield," "A Better Human Being," "The End of All Things," "A Short Story About Love," and "Nothing As It Seems." We dig in to many of the themes and character developments covered in this group of episodes. We talk about the journey that Olivia and Peter go through and whether or not the writers took too long to resolve it, we talk about the new revelations we received about the origins of the observers and how that information gives us insight into season 5, and we talk about the series of Fringe as a love story. Some of us like the idea of Fringe as a love story, and some of us hope that there is more to it than that.

We had a lot of great discussion in this episode and we're very grateful for Michelle, Allan, and Lou for their participation. Send in your feedback and theories to 304-837-2278 or

Older episodes of The Fringe Podcast on The Fringe Podcast Network can be found here, or the entire episode collection of The Fringe Podcast can be found here.


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