As in previous editions I want to talk about the use of the Observer language both seen and unseen in this episode, and elsewhere around the internet.
First to discuss is September's Notebook, not the one we have seen in the show, but the forthcoming book by Tara Bennett and Paul Terry.
The front cover of which has some observer writing and this translates to "a cautionary tale"

These first three signs from the episode are from inside the train station and are fairly standard signs, but note the spelling on the first and second signs.

You may be able to spot that on the first line of the sign the word "AREA" is spelled "AEA" and right at the end of the sign after the word "FINES" the observer version also randomly says "BYO" before the period / full stop character.

It might not have made the cut as there are many inconsistencies on it or we may simply see it in a future episode.
I have translated each line and made some notes on each line.
Monorail Sta
tion Mall
Saion Shops ervices
Station News Bo
Inpired Diing
Station is split and Mall instead of Center
Monorail is spelled correctly this time
Monorail not spelled correctly, but different
misspelling than the sign above.
Station Shops & Services
(I assumed the s belonged to shops as it was not
uppercase for the start of Services)
O2 Bar not translated
Station News & Books
Inspired Dining
This sign and the previous one just show the lengths the Fringe production team will go to in order to make an observer invaded 2036 feel like a believable place.

wrt wrymrywhcv r?dd

This picture of John Noble holding the latest hash tag was used to help promote the @Fringenuity twitter event for this week.
If you look where the arrow (added by me) is pointed you can see a new character for #, and this is my interpretation of what it looks like.

I haven't created a new language key for just the hash tag symbol so the information on the In Absentia Observer Talk post is still the most up to date.
Thanks for reading.
Excellent, that his work, Zort70, and, as I will read, I notice how much he is thorough and highly interesting. I see it all as if it were a kind of translation, or attempt to read a kind of alien language, which somehow is. These symbols, this means writing "Aramaic", means "cuneiform", or even "Hieroglyphic" that invests in you translate, also transport me to another "world", which is undoubtedly the world "synthetic" of Observers. Very good, great!
Ah! Only one question, Zort70. The Latin would not be one of the bases of language, to make the translation of all this?
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