Fringe Promo: Fringe Reborn on Science Channel ~ Fringe Television - Fan Site for the FOX TV Series Fringe

Fringe Promo: Fringe Reborn on Science Channel

      Email Post       10/04/2012 04:57:00 PM      

Here is a new promo for Fringe Season 1, which will begin airing on the Science Channel starting November 20th.


Sarah said...

Two of my favorite things combined in the use of that ominous song. Mary Poppins and Fringe. Don't judge. ;)

DadzBoyz said...

If Science Channel is run by anyone with two brain cells to rub together, they'll pick up Fringe from Fox after Season five and commission at least another season. The amazingly loyal viewership that Fringe has now, about 1.2 mil, would likley convert over at a rate of 75-80%. That's 900,000 viewers on the low end. Probably one of the highest rated shows Science Channel would have, if not the highest.

Anonymous said...

DadzBoyz I agree 100%

Anonymous said...

Yes! Yes! Yes! Nd I also agree^^^

B. Boom said...

What is that song??

oldepunk72 said...

Chim chim Cher ee by Turin Breaks. I had no idea how dark the lyrics to this song really are. Powerful video on Youtube

CavemanTech said...

Fox isn't cancelling it. J.J. Abrams is ending the story with Season 5.

CavemanTech said...

Fox isn't cancelling it. J.J. Abrams is ending the story with Season 5.

CavemanTech said...

Fox did not cancel the series. J.J. Abrams is ending the series story with season 5.

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