If that's the case, was the real moment of Alternate-Reality crossover the scene below, when Olivia "almost" crashes on her way to meet Bell?
Fringe Theory: Olivia's Car Crash
By Adam Morgan Email Post 9/17/2009 10:11:00 PM Categories: Season 2, Video
After seeing the Season 2 premiere, we've got to completely re-evaluate what happened in the final minutes of the Season 1 finale. We all assumed that Olivia crossed over to the Alternate Reality while she was in the elevator, but now it appears as though she disappeared from her car while driving (thus her momentum before crossing over was conserved, explaining why she blasted through the windshield later).
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But was it a Pontiac G6 that crashed into her in S2 E1? I can't recall.
It's all so complicated! We had wondered if maybe the car accident happened afterwards. But it's also possible that maybe alternate Olivia was sharing information with real Olivia, which is why she can't remember it. I have no idea, I think I need a diagram...
It looks like Walter unhooked the seat belt while he was checking things out in the SUV, so he caused Olivia to fly out the windshield. ???
I think the window scene from above and the car crash are related.
okay, completely unrelated to the car crash, but, when the shifter changes identities, there is always an extra body. meaning, when he changed from the man in the car, to the next guy, there was only one body. but when the shifter assumed charlie, there was charlies body, as well as the nurse who was shot dead? i dont think enough time had elapsed to where the shifter could go and grab the body of the original nurse? anybody?
I think that after the nurse attacked Charlie, he never got a chance to shoot her.
After she killed him, she changed and then stashed Charlie's body and shot the nurse who was already dead to appear like he "just" killed her.
Remember, none of Charlie's bullets did anything to her before, so why would they have now? I need to go back and see if there was any water around the nurses body to confirm a swapping of the nurse to Charlie.
Is it me or does it sound like a car crashes when she swerves out of the way?
A friend and I were talking and he was thinking that when she jumped back to her universe after meeting with Bell she actually jumped back to a previous time to when she was driving the car. The soldier thought he prevented the meet with Bell because in the time line she hadn't got to his office yet but in actuality she had met Bell and jumped back.
I've been wondering about the initial swerve last season as well, but wasn't sure how much importance to put to it because of the flashing that happened in the elevator. So I remained thinking that her crossover happened in the elevator. But the purpose of showing a close call crash still bugged me, becuase why show that? Just to show that she was driving crazyily to get where she was going? It didn't seem so.
The car that hits her in 201 is a Pontiac Vibe, not a G6. And I was thinking about Walter unhooking the seatbelt too, Ill have to rewatch when I get home from work
The swerve from last season is not relavent to the crash. Olivia has went through the same timeline twice now. First the swerve (if it was the bad guy he wouldn't have stopped to miss her also). Second the second timeline where the car crashes. Imagine 2 lines that slightly overlap at ones end and the others beginning. Only she has lived them both. Since she same back into the second timeline, the first one appears blurry or a dream, she can't quite figure out what happened.
I'm with you Mike... there is no time for the real nurse's body to be where Charlie is taken over and later incinerated. Looks like the elevator in season 1 was a red herring maybe? I'll have to check Hulu to see if the "soldier's" car matches. I am sorry to see good Charlie leave the series tho. He brought some grounding and humanity to the series IMO.
Actionpaq Fiberglass,
The swerve IS relevant, because in our reality, she DID crash, and THAT is when she crossed over to William Bell's reality. The elevator scene was a red herring.
What we saw happened after the swerve in "The Is More Than One Of Everything" took place in the alternate reality. When Olivia's trip to the other side ended, that's when she returned to the scene of the crash.
But if that is where she crossed over, what exactly happened in the elevator?
I'm not sure if she crossed over during the crash/swerve but even if she did, I would not call the elevator a 'red herring'. She still went into an elevator at some hotel and got out in the World Trade Center; she at least teleported.
She shifted to Universe B when she swerved, then while in Universe B she teleported to the WTC while in the elevator, hence the reason she was unable to contact Nina while at the resturant.
@Marden @Joshua I think the difference in cars is just a continuity oversight resulting from the same scene being shot during two times in two locations. Episode 1.20 was shot in New York while episode 2.1 was shot in Vancouver. So while the cars are different, they're also both silver Pontiacs. Even Olivia's SUV changes from a dark colored Ford Escape in last season's finale to a dark colored Ford Explorer in the season's premiere.
Which may mean she crossed over into an alternate reality BEFORE the crash!
When Olivia served, our Olivia was not involved in a car accident. The audio of the accident is a glips from another multi-verse: an Olivia from a different multi-verse getting into an accident.
Our Olivia is sensitive -- she can see and hear what is going on in other multi-verses.
The transportation device is the elevator. We saw Olivia travel through various multi-verses on ther elevator ride, finally arriving at the appropriate one to meet William Bell.
1. It has been stated by the show's creators that we will only be dealing with two alternate realities.
2. The elevator ride has to be more than a just crossover vehicle to the alternate reality. When Olivia had her glimpses previously, she always saw the exact same location, but just a different version of it - two charred bodies instead of one, two different Broyles' offices, the "He Is Here" Boston, etc.
I would have to assume that the Mutsumi Hotel where Olivia was waiting to meet Bell is not located on Ground Zero, so she could not just simply crossover and end up in the WTC - she would have had to physically change locations as well. This is why I believe the elevator ride was either a teleportation device or a Wonkavator.
@ Joshua :
In the elevator she probably briefly crossed over into our reality as you can hear the sound of electrical buzzing, defibrilators and bright blue lights.
Excellent insight! That's could explain the people in the elevator - people from the hospital. The man standing right next to Olivia is wearing a white coat.
Another glitch with her SUV. In Season 1 as the car drives towards us, we can see it has white plates with red lettering (Massachusetts?). The Season 2 SUV has NY State plates.
I also agree that she was transported from the Hotel Elevator to one in the Alternate WTC (and much higher up since she was on Floor 12 when it happened and ended up at at least Floor 100 [I do not remember the number off floors in the towers but the outside view shows her near the top of the tower]).
Could it be that the Olivia here is the alternate Oliva?
s02e04 confirms this theory. But, if she did cross over in the car, how could she not notice she was entering the World Trade Center?
cars = inter-dimensional transportation and elevator = intra-dimensional transportation (from hotel to WTC)?
Yes I originally thought it was in the elevator she crossed over, but now I guess it was just her first time shift. I was re watching the moments before the final scene in season one, trying to find exactly when she crossed over. I thought maybe on the bridge, where the camera focuses on the background to the empire state building, but I didn't see the twin towers. So I would agree it was that almost car crash.
Since she is driving south on the NJ Turnpike (the only way Manhattan would be to her left) I wonder where she was coming from when going to the meeting. If driving from Boston, she is nowhere near where she should be. Coming from an airport would still be heading in the wrong direction and in the wrong location. This is not the first time they messed up with NYC geography - They had the mother and child at Grand Central Station when returning from the Circus yet that is no where near where they should have been (since the Circus would be at Penn station or a location via train ride coming into Penn Station from NJ or Long Island). From Penn Station you would ride the subway to GSC to get to a Subway line there NOT be entering GSC from the street (Penn Station is 8 blocks south and 5 blocks west of GSC so you would not walk that distance).
I haven't tried watching that series. My friends told me it's good so I'll probably watch it and see if I can answer that theory you made.
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